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3 Best Cryptocurrencies That Could Outperform Bitcoin in the Upcoming Bull Run

在即将到来的牛市中可能超越比特币的 3 种最佳加密货币

发布: 2024/02/18 14:30 阅读: 341

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


在即将到来的牛市中可能超越比特币的 3 种最佳加密货币

In recent weeks, the Bitcoin price has surged dramatically again. One explanation for this is the advent of Bitcoin ETFs, which permit huge companies and organizations to make regulated Bitcoin investments. The value of bitcoin is also growing quicker than that of most different altcoins. What cryptocurrencies could outperform Bitcoin within the imminent bull market? Let’s take a look at the 3 best cryptocurrencies article in more detail.

最近几周,比特币价格再次大幅上涨。对此的一种解释是比特币 ETF 的出现,它允许大型公司和组织进行受监管的比特币投资。比特币的价值增长速度也快于大多数其他山寨币。在即将到来的牛市中,哪些加密货币可以超越比特币?让我们更详细地看一下 3 种最佳加密货币文章。

How have the Bitcoin rate and the values of other cryptocurrencies changed in recent weeks?

The Bitcoin price has grown dramatically following the progress and approval of Bitcoin ETFs. In the early days, people saw losses, because the Bitcoin price went from $45,000 to around $40,000. However, Bitcoin prices were climbing over the last two weeks, and now it has passed the $51,000 level.

1 最近几周比特币汇率和其他加密货币的价值有何变化?2 哪 3 种最好的加密货币在牛市中可以跑赢比特币?2.1 1. Solana (SOL)2.2 2. Dogecoin (DOGE)2.3 3. Kaspa (KAS) )3 使用 Bitget 以最便宜的费用购买加密货币 最近几周,比特币汇率和其他加密货币的价值有何变化?随着比特币 ETF 的进展和批准,比特币价格大幅上涨。早期,人们看到了损失,因为比特币价格从 45,000 美元跌至 40,000 美元左右。然而,比特币价格在过去两周不断攀升,目前已突破 51,000 美元的水平。

The prices of altcoins have also soared. They were able to grow faster than Bitcoin, particularly following the ETF approvals. However, in recent weeks, only a few cryptocurrencies have surged as dramatically as Bitcoin. In general, Bitcoin’s recent rises have outpaced those of most other cryptocurrencies. 

山寨币的价格也飙升。它们的增长速度比比特币更快,尤其是在 ETF 获得批准之后。然而,最近几周,只有少数加密货币像比特币一样大幅飙升。总的来说,比特币最近的涨幅超过了大多数其他加密货币。

Which 3 best cryptocurrencies can outperform Bitcoin in the bull market?

Over the next two years, we might witness tremendous returns in the cryptocurrency industry. The following are the 3 best cryptocurrencies that could outperform Bitcoin in the future months.

哪三种最好的加密货币在牛市中可以超越比特币?未来两年,我们可能会见证加密货币行业的巨大回报。以下是未来几个月可能超越比特币的 3 种最佳加密货币。

1. Solana (SOL)

Solana is now regarded as the cryptocurrency of the hour. The courses are in the fourth quarter of 2023, as well as the early weeks of 2024, and have erupted and increased more than Bitcoin. In the next months, Solana will have the most growth potential of any cryptocurrency. The Solana ecosystem has grown rapidly as a result of the Solana blockchain’s great scalability.

1. Solana (SOL) Solana 现在被认为是当下的加密货币。这些课程在 2023 年第四季度以及 2024 年初几周爆发并增长超过了比特币。在接下来的几个月里,Solana 将成为所有加密货币中最具增长潜力的。由于 Solana 区块链的出色可扩展性,Solana 生态系统迅速发展。

2. Dogecoin (DOGE)

The Dogecoin, on the other hand, has sustained catastrophic losses in recent weeks and months. In comparison to the price of Bitcoin, the DOGE price has fallen dramatically in the last year. However, this might indicate that the dogecoin is now undervalued. DOGE, as a meme coin, has the potential to skyrocket during a crypto-bull market. Dogecoin has the potential to outperform Bitcoin as more new investors enter the market.

2. 狗狗币 (DOGE) 另一方面,狗狗币在最近几周和几个月里遭受了灾难性的损失。与比特币的价格相比,DOGE 的价格在去年大幅下跌。然而,这可能表明狗狗币现在被低估了。 DOGE 作为一种模因币,有可能在加密货币牛市期间飙升。随着更多新投资者进入市场,狗狗币有可能超越比特币。

3. Kaspa (KAS)

Kaspa is one of the most promising cryptocurrencies. Kaspa, like Bitcoin, employs the Proof-of-Work consensus process via the revolutionary GHOSTDAG protocol. Prices have climbed dramatically in recent weeks, and more attention in the bull market may cause the price to grow much higher than Bitcoin prices in the months ahead. 

3. Kaspa (KAS) Kaspa 是最有前途的加密货币之一。 Kaspa 与比特币一样,通过革命性的 GHOSTDAG 协议采用工作量证明共识流程。最近几周价格大幅攀升,牛市中的更多关注可能会导致未来几个月价格涨幅远高于比特币价格。

Buy Cryptos with Bitget with the CHEAPEST Fees

Bitget stands out as a reliable crypto exchange. It provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced traders to navigate and make transactions at the lowest fees on the market. To get started with Bitget, you need to create an account, complete the necessary KYC procedures, and then you can begin trading a variety of altcoins available on the platform.

使用 Bitget 以最便宜的费用购买加密货币 Bitget 是一家可靠的加密货币交易所。它提供了一个用户友好的界面,使初学者和经验丰富的交易者都可以轻松导航并以市场上最低的费用进行交易。要开始使用 Bitget,您需要创建一个帐户,完成必要的 KYC 程序,然后您就可以开始交易平台上提供的各种山寨币。


—> 点击此处购买加密货币

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