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Cryptocurrencies Trends to Be Aware of in 2024

2024 年需要注意的加密货币趋势

发布: 2023/12/15 19:41 阅读: 859



2024 年需要注意的加密货币趋势

 2023 has been another fascinating year in the cryptocurrency world, but many people are already looking forward to 2024 and wondering what changes the new year will bring. What are some of the early indicators of emerging crypto trends we need to be aware of as this year comes to a close? 

2023 年是加密货币世界又一个迷人的一年,但许多人已经开始期待 2024 年,想知道新的一年会带来什么变化。今年即将结束时,我们需要注意哪些新兴加密货币趋势的早期指标?

Crypto Gaming Set to Continue Growing


 The gaming possibilities offered by the blockchain have made this an area that a huge number of eyes are keenly focused on. We’ve seen the quality of blockchain games increase in recent times and this should continue, with more games of a higher quality firmly establishing this sector as a viable alternative for gamers.


The role of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in games should continue evolving too. These tokens were initially used for objects like characters or weapons, in games like the wildly popular Axie Infinity, while they also got used to represent land in the likes of Decentraland. This has caused a revolution in the gaming world but there’s more to come, as NFTs can unlock online identities, let us access exclusive features, and even let us enter different games in the same ecosystem. 

不可替代代币(NFT)在游戏中的作用也应该继续发展。这些代币最初在广受欢迎的 Axie Infinity 等游戏中用于角色或武器等物体,同时它们也被用来在 Decentraland 等游戏中代表土地。这引发了游戏世界的一场革命,但未来还会有更多革命,因为 NFT 可以解锁在线身份,让我们访问独家功能,甚至让我们在同一生态系统中进入不同的游戏。

We’ve also seen the way in which crypto gambling games are growing rapidly in popularity, as a fast, secure, and convenient way of playing with real cash.  The selection of Bitcoin pokies at Joe Fortune gives us a taste of this market, as we can see games such as Dragon’s Scroll and 8 Lucky Charms included in a large group of varied titles on different themes. In fact, BTC is just one of the tokens accepted, with ETH, USDT, and BSV among the other options. 

我们还看到加密赌博游戏作为一种快速、安全且方便的使用真实现金的方式而迅速流行。 Joe Fortune 精选的比特币老虎机让我们体验到了这个市场,因为我们可以看到诸如 Dragon's Scroll 和 8 Lucky Charms 之类的游戏包含在大量不同主题的游戏中。事实上,BTC 只是接受的代币之一,还有 ETH、USDT 和 BSV 等其他选择。

New Tokens That Might Make a Big Impact


One of the big questions we all want to know the answer to is which new tokens are going to cause a splash and help some smart investors make a fortune if they get in early enough while the price is low. The new Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) token is one that’s causing a lot of people to raise their eyebrows and wonder where it’s going to shake up the whole scene. This coin is going to have some important elements to bear in mind, such as the fact it’s designed to be easy for anyone to mine using virtually any device.

我们都想知道答案的一个大问题是,哪些新代币会引起轰动,并帮助一些聪明的投资者在价格较低的情况下尽早入场,从而发财。新的比特币 Spark(BTCS)代币让很多人感到惊讶,想知道它将在哪里撼动整个场景。这种硬币需要牢记一些重要的元素,例如它的设计目的是让任何人都可以使用几乎任何设备轻松开采。

What about the new meme coins that will be following in the footsteps of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu? ApeMax is one name that’s captured the imagination of a lot of investors. Still in the pre-sale phase and with a price that increases every 24 hours, this token is being called the first Boost-to-Earn crypto as it brings in a new way of staking where investors can choose their favorite projects. Staking coins is said to be completely safe and could even add some fun to the process.

追随狗狗币和柴犬脚步的新模因币又如何呢? ApeMax 这个名字激发了很多投资者的想象力。该代币仍处于预售阶段,价格每 24 小时上涨一次,被称为第一个 Boost-to-Earn 加密货币,因为它带来了一种新的质押方式,投资者可以选择自己喜欢的项目。据说质押代币是完全安全的,甚至可以为这个过程增添一些乐趣。

Shiba Memu comes with the intriguing description of being a self-marketing AI token. While this might sound strange at first, a deeper look at the mechanism reveals that the idea is that the token works constantly to find new marketing strategies and outlets to try and help it grow. With over $US 4 million raised to date in the pre-sale phase, it’s one to keep an eye on and could give us an indication of how this market continues to diversify in unexpected ways, while the $Garbage coin is another example of the changing market.

Shiba Memu 带有一个有趣的描述:它是一种自我营销的人工智能代币。虽然这乍一听可能很奇怪,但更深入地研究该机制就会发现,其想法是代币不断寻找新的营销策略和渠道,以尝试帮助其成长。迄今为止,预售阶段已筹集超过 400 万美元,这是一个值得关注的项目,它可以让我们了解这个市场如何以意想不到的方式继续多元化,而 $Garbage 硬币是另一个例子不断变化的市场。

Proof-of-Stake to Become More Important?


The battle between proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work looks set to continue into 2024 and beyond but where is it going to lead us? This explanation of the two different methods on the Blockchain Council website lets us see the key differences such as energy consumption and security.  

权益证明 (PoS) 和工作量证明之间的斗争似乎将持续到 2024 年及以后,但它将把我们引向何方?区块链委员会网站上对两种不同方法的解释让我们看到了能源消耗和安全性等关键差异。

Which of these approaches is going to lead the way in the next year? Will one of them disappear or will they continue to live together side-by-side in harmony? Ethereum made the move to PoS in 2022, with the idea that it would be far less energy-intensive and also help the network deal with scaling issues. This is why a lot of eyes are on their progress and whether moving to PoS turns out to be the ideal solution.

这些方法中哪一种将在明年发挥主导作用?他们中的一个会消失还是会继续和睦相处?以太坊于 2022 年转向 PoS,其想法是这样可以大大降低能源密集度,并帮助网络处理扩展问题。这就是为什么很多人都关注他们的进展以及转向 PoS 是否是理想的解决方案。

The new projects in this industry are split between both these approaches, so at the moment there’s no clear view on which one is going to win. However, some analysts believe the inherent benefits of the PoS model should help it become more popular. Validators are chosen for the network on a random basis, from the group of token-holders who meet the minimum requirement. While PoS is more energy-efficient there are still some question marks over the security it offers and whether it gives too much influence on people with large holdings.

该行业的新项目分为这两种方法,因此目前尚不清楚哪一种方法会获胜。然而,一些分析师认为,PoS 模式的固有优势应该有助于它变得更受欢迎。网络验证者是从满足最低要求的代币持有者群体中随机选择的。虽然 PoS 更节能,但它提供的安全性以及它是否对持有大量股份的人产生太大影响仍然存在一些疑问。

All of these are areas to keep a close eye on in 2024 if you’re interested in seeing how the crypto market is going to evolve further.

如果您有兴趣了解加密货币市场将如何进一步发展,所有这些都是 2024 年需要密切关注的领域。




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