首页 > 资讯新闻 > 为那些错过柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 增长的人们推出的新加密货币,目前价格仅为 0.01 美元

New Cryptocurrency Launched for Those Who Missed the Growth of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE), Currently Priced at Just $0.01

为那些错过柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 增长的人们推出的新加密货币,目前价格仅为 0.01 美元

发布: 2024/02/10 06:11 阅读: 595



A new cryptocurrency called Pandoshi (PAMBO) has just launched, offering investors an opportunity similar to getting in early on Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) before their meteoric price rises. Pandoshi is currently in the final phase of its presale, with tokens priced at just $0.01, presenting a compelling entry point for those who missed out on DOGE and SHIB.

一种名为 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的新加密货币刚刚推出,为投资者提供了类似于在狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 价格飞涨之前尽早买入的机会。 Pandoshi 目前正处于预售的最后阶段,代币价格仅为 0.01 美元,为那些错过 DOGE 和 SHIB 的人提供了一个引人注目的切入点。

Pandoshi: The Next Dogecoin or Shiba Inu?

Pandoshi brands itself as a manifestation of the original ideals behind blockchain technology and decentralized finance. Its mission is to build an ecosystem of interconnected decentralized products, including its own blockchain infrastructure, decentralized exchange, non-custodial wallet, and more. 

Pandoshi:下一个狗狗币或柴犬?Pandoshi 将自己打造成区块链技术和去中心化金融背后原始理想的体现。它的使命是建立一个相互连接的去中心化产品的生态系统,包括自己的区块链基础设施、去中心化交易所、非托管钱包等。

The project exhibits deflationary tokenomics, with a buy-and-burn mechanism built into its DEX that will remove PAMBO tokens from circulation over time. Additionally, 30% of the total supply has been allocated to provide liquidity on centralized and decentralized exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Uniswap.

该项目展示了通货紧缩的代币经济学,其 DEX 中内置了购买和销毁机制,随着时间的推移,PAMBO 代币将不再流通。此外,总供应量的 30% 已分配给 Binance、Coinbase 和 Uniswap 等集中式和去中心化交易所提供流动性。

At its core, Pandoshi intends to champion privacy, decentralization, and financial freedom. While Dogecoin and Shiba Inu captured interest due to their lighthearted meme-culture origins, Pandoshi stakes its legitimacy on a severe devotion to DeFi principles. This contrast presents an intriguing alternative for investors seeking exposure to this high-growth sector.

Pandoshi 的核心目标是倡导隐私、去中心化和财务自由。虽然狗狗币和柴犬因其轻松的模因文化起源而引起人们的兴趣,但 Pandoshi 将其合法性押注于对 DeFi 原则的严格奉献。这种对比为寻求投资这一高增长行业的投资者提供了一个有趣的选择。

The PAMBO token sale has raised over $1.5 million out of a $3.5 million goal sold so far in the fifth stage of its presale. This is the final phase before PAMBO gets listed on exchanges. With the token price set at $0.01, the project is offering a ground floor opportunity before anticipated price appreciation later this year.

PAMBO 代币销售已筹集超过 150 万美元,而预售第五阶段迄今为止已售出 350 万美元的目标。这是 PAMBO 在交易所上市之前的最后阶段。该项目的代币价格定为 0.01 美元,在预计今年晚些时候价格上涨之前提供了底层机会。

Pandoshi Ecosystem Offers Utility to PAMBO Holders

Beyond speculative price potential, Pandoshi aims to provide real-world utility and fundamental value for PAMBO token holders within its emerging ecosystem:

Pandoshi 生态系统为 PAMBO 持有者提供实用性 除了投机价格潜力之外,Pandoshi 的目标是在其新兴生态系统中为 PAMBO 代币持有者提供现实世界的实用性和基本价值:

  • PandaChain: A layer 2 proof-of-stake blockchain optimized for fast, affordable transactions and compatibility with Ethereum-based DeFi applications. PandaChain enables enhanced use cases for PAMBO.
  • Pandoshi Wallet: A non-custodial crypto wallet already released for Android, with an iOS version coming soon. The wallet will support PAMBO and other cryptocurrencies.
  • PandoshiSwap: A decentralized exchange featuring trading pairs that include PAMBO. The DEX incorporates a buy-and-burn mechanism to make PAMBO deflationary over time.
  • Cardoshi: A lineup of crypto debit cards that allow holders to spend PAMBO and other cryptocurrencies for everyday purchases without KYC verification.

PAMBO Listing on Major Exchanges on Horizon

An essential objective on Pandoshi’s roadmap for 2024 is to achieve listings for PAMBO on leading centralized exchanges. This includes listings on Binance and Coinbase. Getting listed on these high-profile platforms will introduce PAMBO to the wider crypto community, significantly improving trading liquidity.

PandaChain:第 2 层权益证明区块链,针对快速、经济的交易以及与基于以太坊的 DeFi 应用程序的兼容性进行了优化。 PandaChain 增强了 PAMBO 的用例。Pandoshi 钱包:一款已针对 Android 发布的非托管加密钱包,iOS 版本即将推出。该钱包将支持 PAMBO 和其他加密货币。 PandoshiSwap:一个去中心化交易所,以包含 PAMBO 的交易对为特色。 DEX 采用了购买并销毁机制,使 PAMBO 随着时间的推移而通货紧缩。Cardoshi:一系列加密借记卡,允许持有者在没有 KYC 验证的情况下使用 PAMBO 和其他加密货币进行日常购买。PAMBO 在 Horizo​​n 上的主要交易所上市一个基本目标Pandoshi 2024 年的路线图是实现 PAMBO 在领先的中心化交易所上市。这包括币安和 Coinbase 上的列表。在这些备受瞩目的平台上上市将把 PAMBO 引入更广泛的加密货币社区,从而显着提高交易流动性。

Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have clearly demonstrated the profit potential of getting in early on crypto tokens before exchange listings and ecosystem development catalyze a price surge. Pandoshi now presents a similar opportunity, armed with more robust utility plans.

柴犬和狗狗币已经清楚地展示了在交易所上市和生态系统开发促进价格飙升之前尽早进入加密代币的利润潜力。 Pandoshi 现在提供了类似的机会,配备了更强大的公用事业计划。

Missed the Boat on Dogecoin and Shiba Inu? Pandoshi Presale Offers Second Chance

For investors regretting not buying into Dogecoin and Shiba Inu during their early days, Pandoshi offers a second chance to get in on the ground floor of a highly ambitious new crypto ecosystem. As a deflationary token at the core of products designed for real-world utility, PAMBO may be gearing up for its surge later, upon exchange listings.

错过了狗狗币和柴犬的船? Pandoshi 预售提供了第二次机会对于那些后悔没有在早期购买狗狗币和柴犬的投资者来说,Pandoshi 提供了进入雄心勃勃的新加密生态系统底层的第二次机会。作为为现实世界公用事业设计的产品核心的通货紧缩代币,PAMBO 可能会在交易所上市后为其飙升做好准备。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

点击此处参加 Pandoshi 预售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

请访问以下链接,了解有关 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:网站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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