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Cryptocurrency Market Rallies: Highlighting Three Altcoins Below Ten Cents


发布: 2024/02/28 06:11 阅读: 380

原文作者:BH NEWS



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您还可以在 BH NEWS 上阅读此新闻:加密货币市场反弹:突出显示低于 10 美分的三种山寨币

The latest week in the cryptocurrency market has witnessed an overall uptick in values with even leading digital currency Bitcoin experiencing a surge. Some alternative cryptocurrencies, despite strong performance metrics, maintain a trading value of less than $0.10. This scenario begs the question as to which three altcoins are currently outperforming their peers while still being priced below the dime mark.

最近一周,加密货币市场的价格整体上涨,甚至领先的数字货币比特币也出现了飙升。尽管性能指标强劲,一些替代加密货币的交易价值仍低于 0.10 美元。这种情况引出了一个问题:目前哪三种山寨币的表现优于同类货币,同时价格仍低于一毛钱大关。

Dogecoin’s Charge Towards Ten Cents


Dogecoin, the popular meme coin, has seen a boost in value coinciding with the announcement of a significant software upgrade. This leap in price has brought the coin to the cusp of the $0.10 milestone, evidenced by its Relative Strength Index (RSI) exceeding 70 in recent 24-hour chart analyses. Dogecoin’s recent 24-hour performance shows a 10.4% increase, reaching over $0.097. When compared over the past week and month, Dogecoin has climbed by 9.43% and 19.06%, respectively.

狗狗币是一种流行的模因币,随着重大软件升级的宣布,其价值也随之上涨。价格的飞跃已将代币带到了 0.10 美元里程碑的尖端,最近 24 小时图表分析中其相对强弱指数 (RSI) 超过 70 就证明了这一点。狗狗币最近 24 小时的表现显示上涨 10.4%,达到 0.097 美元以上。与过去一周和一个月相比,狗狗币分别上涨了 9.43% 和 19.06%。

Floki’s Ascent Bolstered by Funding

Floki 的崛起得益于资金的支持

Floki, another meme coin contender, has seen its ascent reinforced by a substantial funding injection of $10 million from a notable Web3 investment firm, DWF Labs. Currently trading at $0.00004603, Floki is enjoying a 22% rise in 24 hours, with a 36.52% gain over the week and a significant 65.26% increase over the past month. Alongside its price surge, Floki has also seen a sharp 500% increase in trading volume, indicating growing investor interest.

Floki 是另一个 Meme 币的竞争者,著名 Web3 投资公司 DWF Labs 注入 1000 万美元的巨额资金,进一步推动了 Floki 的崛起。目前,Floki 的交易价格为 0.00004603 美元,24 小时内上涨 22%,本周涨幅为 36.52%,过去一个月涨幅高达 65.26%。除了价格飙升之外,Floki 的交易量也急剧增加了 500%,这表明投资者的兴趣不断增长。

Gala’s Steady Progress


Gala has the potential to bolster investor confidence if it can turn the current resistance at $0.036 into support, possibly paving the way to $0.05 and even $0.10. As of now, Gala’s trading price sits at $0.03392, which is modest compared to its counterparts. Nonetheless, Gala shows a 1.01% daily increase and a more robust 22.24% rise over the last week.

如果 Gala 能够将当前 0.036 美元的阻力位转变为支撑位,则有可能增强投资者的信心,并可能为 0.05 美元甚至 0.10 美元铺平道路。截至目前,Gala 的交易价格为 0.03392 美元,与同类产品相比处于中等水平。尽管如此,Gala 的日涨幅为 1.01%,上周涨幅更为强劲,达到 22.24%。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Cryptocurrency Market Rallies: Highlighting Three Altcoins Below Ten Cents

该帖子首次出现在 BH 新闻上:加密货币市场反弹:突出显示三种山寨币价格低于 10 美分


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