首页 > 资讯新闻 > 新的加密货币正在崛起,给 Terra Classic 和狗狗币带来了激烈的竞争

New Cryptocurrency on the Rise, Offering Stiff Competition to Terra Classic and Dogecoin

新的加密货币正在崛起,给 Terra Classic 和狗狗币带来了激烈的竞争

发布: 2023/12/16 21:05 阅读: 290



新的加密货币正在崛起,给 Terra Classic 和狗狗币带来了激烈的竞争



  • A new meme coin has become the best ICO of 2023 after raising $500,000 in its presale. 
  • 一种新的 Meme 代币在预售中筹集了 50 万美元,成为 2023 年最佳 ICO。

  • Terra Classic (LUNC) soared by 8.8% after undergoing a crucial upgrade. 
  • Terra Classic (LUNC) 在经历重大升级后飙升 8.8%。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) surged in price after rumors of xAI raising money went viral. 
  • 在 xAI 筹集资金的传言疯传后,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格飙升。

A new emerging coin is on the rise after selling 67% of tokens in the initial stages of its presale. Meanwhile, Terra Classic (LUNC) has also surged after successfully undergoing an upgrade. The most popular meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE), is also back at $0.10 after xAI rumors. 

一种新兴代币在预售初期售出了 67% 的代币后,正在崛起。与此同时,Terra Classic(LUNC)在成功升级后也大幅上涨。在 xAI 传言传出后,最受欢迎的模因币狗狗币 (DOGE) 也回到了 0.10 美元。

Let’s review the latest about top altcoins, LUNC and DOGE, and find out more about the new meme coin emerging as the best ICO of 2023!

让我们回顾一下顶级山寨币 LUNC 和 DOGE 的最新动态,并了解有关成为 2023 年最佳 ICO 的新 Meme 代币的更多信息!

$RBLZ Is the Top ICO of 2023 After Raising $500K in Its Ongoing Presale

$RBLZ 在正在进行的预售中筹集了 50 万美元,成为 2023 年顶级 ICO

Rebel Satoshi is a new meme coin with the mission of challenging the existing systems of the crypto world. Rebel Satoshi aims to create a community of rebels that can dismantle the status quo and centralized systems. 

Rebel Satoshi 是一种新的模因币,其使命是挑战加密世界的现有系统。反叛者中本聪的目标是创建一个反叛者社区,可以废除现状和集中化系统。

Rebel Satoshi intends to unite rebels under the banner of its native token, $RBLZ. By investing in $RBLZ, rebels can enjoy exclusive benefits, including staking rewards. $RBLZ investors can also contribute to the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem and strengthen the community. 

反叛者中本聪打算在其原生代币 $RBLZ 的旗帜下团结反叛者。通过投资 $RBLZ,叛逆者可以享受独家福利,包括质押奖励。 $RBLZ 投资者还可以为 Rebel Satoshi 生态系统做出贡献并加强社区。

The Rebels Round 1 stage of the $RBLZ presale was sold out in 10 days. Rebel Satoshi has raised $500,000 in the ongoing presale so far by selling 67% of the $RBLZ tokens

$RBLZ 预售的 Rebels 第一轮预售在 10 天内就被抢购一空。迄今为止,Rebel Satoshi 在正在进行的预售中已通过出售 67% 的 $RBLZ 代币筹集了 500,000 美元。

Currently, $RBLZ is in the Warriors Round 2 stage of the presale and is priced at $0.018. $RBLZ is expected to trade at $0.025 when Rebel Satoshi officially launches. The price of $0.025 will bring a 150% return on investment to early investors. 

目前,$RBLZ 正处于勇士第二轮预售阶段,售价为 0.018 美元。当 Rebel Satoshi 正式推出时,$RBLZ 的交易价格预计为 0.025 美元。 0.025美元的价格将为早期投资者带来150%的投资回报率。

Anyone who has missed out on the $RBLZ presale so far can join now with their favorite cryptocurrency. Rebel Satoshi is now allowing users to join the $RBLZ presale with Bitcoin and 50 other top crypto coins.

迄今为止错过 $RBLZ 预售的任何人现在都可以使用他们最喜欢的加密货币加入。 Rebel Satoshi 现在允许用户使用比特币和其他 50 种顶级加密货币参加 $RBLZ 预售。



LUNC Soars After Successfully Upgrading to v2.3.2


On December 8, 2023, Terra Classic successfully underwent the v2.3.2 upgrade. A week ago, the Terra Luna Community passed the proposal about the upgrade.

2023年12月8日,Terra Classic成功进行了v2.3.2升级。一周前,Terra Luna 社区通过了有关升级的提案。

All the validators voted in favor of the Terra Luna Classic upgrade. The v2.3.2 upgrade will help resolve the sequence mismatch issue for Terra Classic validators. 

所有验证者都投票支持 Terra Luna Classic 升级。 v2.3.2 升级将有助于解决 Terra Classic 验证器的序列不匹配问题。

After the news, LUNC, the Terra Classic token, improved in value. On December 8, LUNC was trading at $0.0001974. After gaining 8.8% in price, LUNC had reached $0.0002149 by December 10. Whether the rally will continue for LUNC or not has to be seen. 

消息传出后,Terra Classic 代币 LUNC 的价值有所提高。 12 月 8 日,LUNC 的交易价格为 0.0001974 美元。 LUNC 价格上涨 8.8% 后,截至 12 月 10 日已达到 0.0002149 美元。LUNC 的涨势是否会持续还有待观察。

However, if the bullish trend does continue for Terra Classic, LUNC can trade at $0.000354 by the end of 2024. The predictions make Terra Classic the best crypto to invest in.

然而,如果 Terra Classic 的看涨趋势确实持续,到 2024 年底,LUNC 的交易价格可以为 0.000354 美元。这些预测使 Terra Classic 成为最佳投资加密货币。

 But if the market turns bearish, LUNC will be trading at $0.000296 by the end of 2024. So, make sure to consider all factors before placing your bets on Terra Classic.

但如果市场转为看跌,到 2024 年底,LUNC 的交易价格将为 0.000296 美元。因此,在押注 Terra Classic 之前,请务必考虑所有因素。

DOGE Is Back at $0.10 Amid Rumors of xAI Raising Money

在 xAI 融资传闻中,DOGE 重返 0.10 美元

On December 6, 2023, CoinDesk reported that Elon Musk-backed xAI has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion in equity offering.

2023 年 12 月 6 日,CoinDesk 报道称,埃隆·马斯克支持的 xAI 已向 SEC 提交申请,拟通过股票发行筹集至多 10 亿美元。

The report further added that the company had already sold $134.7 million of the offerings. But later that day, Elon Musk said on Twitter (now X) that xAI is not raising money at the moment. 

该报告进一步补充说,该公司已售出 1.347 亿美元的产品。但当天晚些时候,埃隆·马斯克在 Twitter(现为 X)上表示,xAI 目前并未筹集资金。

Since Elon Musk has always spoken in favor of Dogecoin, positive news related to him affects the price of DOGE. Although the rumor was cleared by Elon Musk, the price of Dogecoin continued to rise. On December 6, DOGE was trading at $0.09377. After the news, Dogecoin gained 9.4%, reaching $0.1026 by December 10.

由于埃隆·马斯克一直对狗狗币表示支持,因此与他相关的积极消息会影响狗狗币的价格。尽管谣言被埃隆·马斯克澄清,但狗狗币的价格却持续上涨。 12 月 6 日,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.09377 美元。消息传出后,狗狗币上涨 9.4%,到 12 月 10 日达到 0.1026 美元。

Dogecoin enthusiasts are happy now that DOGE is back at $0.10. Dogecoin price prediction suggests that DOGE can trade at $0.1794 by the end of 2024 if bullish trends continue. However, if the market turns bearish, Dogecoin will be trading at $0.1514 per DOGE by the end of 2024. 

狗狗币爱好者现在很高兴 DOGE 又回到了 0.10 美元。狗狗币价格预测表明,如果看涨趋势持续下去,到 2024 年底,狗狗币的交易价格可能为 0.1794 美元。然而,如果市场转为看跌,到 2024 年底,狗狗币的交易价格将为每 DOGE 0.1514 美元。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red

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免责声明:此赞助内容未经 CaptainAltcoin 认可,CaptainAltcoin 对其准确性或质量不承担任何责任。我们建议读者在与任何特色公司互动之前先进行自己的研究。所提供的信息不是财务或法律建议。 CaptainAltcoin 或任何第三方均不建议购买或出售任何金融产品。投资加密资产具有高风险;考虑潜在的损失。 CaptainAltcoin 对因使用或依赖此内容而造成的任何损害或损失不承担任何责任。

The post New Cryptocurrency on the Rise, Offering Stiff Competition to Terra Classic and Dogecoin appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

新加密货币崛起,为 Terra Classic 和狗狗币带来激烈竞争一文首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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