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Best Cryptos To Buy Ahead of September’s Crypto Bull Run


发布: 2024/08/28 04:04 阅读: 391




Best Cryptocurrencies to Acquire Ahead of the Potential September Bull Run


Speculations of impending interest rate cuts in the United States in September have sparked optimism for an impending Crypto Bull Run. The market reflects this, with 7 of the top 10 meme coins on CoinMarketCap posting gains at the start of the week, mirroring the significant gains witnessed by meme coins during the bullish conditions of Q1.

对美国 9 月份即将降息的猜测引发了人们对即将到来的加密货币牛市的乐观情绪。市场反映了这一点,CoinMarketCap 上排名前 10 的 meme 代币中有 7 个在本周初录得上涨,反映了 meme 代币在第一季度看涨情况下的显着上涨。

The meme coin market's market cap currently stands at a substantial $45.5 billion, double its size at the beginning of the year. This surge indicates the increased capital flowing into the sector, presenting ample opportunities for investors to profit from well-chosen projects.

Meme 币市场的市值目前高达 455 亿美元,是年初的两倍。这一激增表明流入该行业的资本有所增加,为投资者提供了充足的机会从精心挑选的项目中获利。

Recent trends reveal a surge in investments in newer projects within the meme coin market. This reflects an evolution in the preferences of meme coin investors in 2024. We have identified 6 tokens that we believe will shine during the upcoming bull run due to their ability to meet the expectations of 2024 meme coin investors:

最近的趋势显示,模因币市场中新项目的投资激增。这反映了 2024 年 meme 币投资者偏好的演变。我们已经确定了 6 种代币,我们相信它们将在即将到来的牛市中大放异彩,因为它们能够满足 2024 年 meme 币投资者的期望:

  • Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)
  • Crypto All-Stars ($STARS)
  • Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)
  • The Meme Games ($MGMES)
  • Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT)

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)加密全明星 ($STARS)Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)The Meme Games ($MGMES)Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT)ARKENSTONE ($ARKN)

Factors Driving Investor Attraction:


Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

被解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

  • Rapid presale growth, with over $10.8 million raised
  • Distinctive Layer 2 chain, offering enhanced scalability and functionality
  • Comprehensive ecosystem with potential for dApp development and token hosting

Crypto All-Stars ($STARS)

预售快速增长,筹集了超过 1080 万美元独特的 Layer 2 链,提供增强的可扩展性和功能具有 dApp 开发和代币托管潜力的综合生态系统加密全明星 ($STARS)

  • Innovative staking mechanism, enabling users to stake top meme coins under one platform
  • Confident project team broadcasting ambitious goals
  • Centerpiece Meme Vault allows for earning rewards from multiple meme coins

Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)

创新的质押机制,使用户能够在一个平台下质押顶级 Meme 币自信的项目团队广播雄心勃勃的目标Centerpiece Meme Vault 允许从多个 Meme 币中赚取奖励Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)

  • Share-to-earn promotion, providing gains even before listings begin
  • Multi-chain compatibility, offering access to multiple blockchain ecosystems

The Meme Games ($MGMES)

分享赚取促销,甚至在上市开始之前就提供收益多链兼容性,提供对多个区块链生态系统的访问The Meme Games ($MGMES)

  • Olympic-themed meme coin with a presale bonus for correct race predictions
  • Emphasis on community, including a Token Governance Roundup for project decisions

Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT)

奥运会主题模因硬币,为正确的比赛预测提供预售奖金强调社区,包括用于项目决策的代币治理综述Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT)

  • Immersive Shiba Gulch ecosystem, fostering a sense of community
  • Play-to-earn game, earning opportunities, and charitable initiatives
  • High APY% staking system


沉浸式 Shiba Gulch 生态系统,培养社区意识玩赚钱游戏、赚钱机会和慈善活动高 APY% 质押系统 ARKENSTONE ($ARKN)

  • Real-world utility, offering a cost-effective platform (GemLaunch Suite) for crypto inventors to launch their tokens
  • Versatile token applications, including gas fees, staking rewards, and discounts


现实世界的实用程序,为加密货币发明者提供一个经济高效的平台(GemLaunch Suite)来推出他们的代币多功能代币应用程序,包括汽油费、质押奖励和折扣结论

With the potential for a September bull run, meme coins are well-positioned for significant gains. The 6 tokens highlighted in this article possess unique features that align with the evolving preferences of 2024 meme coin investors. These projects offer a combination of utility and growth potential, making them worthy investments in anticipation of the upcoming market surge.

由于九月牛市的潜力,迷因币处于有利地位,有望大幅上涨。本文重点介绍的 6 种代币拥有独特的功能,符合 2024 年 meme 币投资者不断变化的偏好。这些项目兼具实用性和增长潜力,使其在即将到来的市场激增的预期中值得投资。


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