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The 7 Best Cryptos To Buy As the Market Turns Bullish

市场看涨时最值得购买的 7 种加密货币

发布: 2024/01/03 21:04 阅读: 975

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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市场转向看涨时最值得购买的 7 种加密货币的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

As the crypto market gears up for the festive season, a bullish trend is emerging, spotlighting seven cryptocurrencies: Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), Chainlink (LINK), Osmosis (OSMO), VeChain (VET), and the rising star, ScapesMania.

随着加密货币市场为节日做好准备,看涨趋势正在出现,重点关注七种加密货币:Solana (SOL)、Cardano (ADA)、Ripple (XRP)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Chainlink (LINK)、Osmosis (OSMO) 、VeChain (VET) 和后起之秀 ScapesMania。

In 2023, the market witnessed a notable shift towards crypto derivatives trading, overshadowing traditional spot trading. This trend, fueled by a resurgence in interest in DeFi, is expected to continue into 2024. The upcoming Bitcoin halving in April 2024 is also a key event, historically associated with price increases for Bitcoin. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence with blockchain technology is gaining traction, potentially influencing cryptocurrency values.

2023 年,市场出现了向加密货币衍生品交易的显着转变,令传统现货交易黯然失色。在人们对 DeFi 兴趣复苏的推动下,这一趋势预计将持续到 2024 年。即将到来的 2024 年 4 月比特币减半也是一个关键事件,历史上与比特币价格上涨有关。此外,人工智能与区块链技术的集成正在获得关注,可能会影响加密货币的价值。

Overall, the crypto market is seeing a notable recovery, highlighting a bullish trend. In anticipation of this positive shift, let’s explore the seven best cryptocurrencies to buy.


7 Best Cryptos To Buy As the Market Turns Bullish:

市场看涨时最值得购买的 7 种加密货币:

  • ScapesMania: A promising newcomer with strong security and growth potential.
  • ScapesMania:一个有前途的新来者,具有强大的安全性和增长潜力。

  • Solana (SOL): Dominant with potential for significant market growth.
  • Solana (SOL):占据主导地位,具有显着的市场增长潜力。

  • Cardano (ADA): Resilient, showing potential for a major rally.
  • 卡尔达诺(ADA):有弹性,显示出大幅反弹的潜力。

  • Ripple (XRP): Poised for a potential major breakout.
  • Ripple(XRP):准备好潜在的重大突破。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Evolving beyond a meme coin, with growth prospects.
  • 狗狗币(DOGE):超越模因币,具有增长前景。

  • Chainlink (LINK): Set for substantial gains with institutional interest.
  • Chainlink (LINK):有望获得机构利益的大幅收益。

  • Osmosis (OSMO): Showing impressive gains and ecosystem growth.
  • 渗透(OSMO):显示出令人印象深刻的收益和生态系统的增长。

  • VeChain (VET): Bullish trend with significant rally potential.
  • 唯链(VET):看涨趋势,具有巨大的上涨潜力。

ScapesMania: The Rising Star in Cryptocurrency


ScapesMania emerged as a one-of-a-kind gaming ecosystem that caters to two distinct audiences. It offers casual gamers an immersive experience while empowering crypto enthusiasts to enjoy the rewards of the project’s performance and actively shape its future.

ScapesMania 是一个独一无二的游戏生态系统,可以满足两种不同的受众群体的需求。它为休闲游戏玩家提供身临其境的体验,同时使加密货币爱好者能够享受项目性能的回报并积极塑造其未来。

ScapesMania’s presale offers crypto enthusiasts a chance to reap the early bird advantage by acquiring tokens at a whopping 50% discount. Once the presale finishes, the listing price is set at $0.1 per coin, hinting at the possibility of lucrative returns for early adopters. 

ScapesMania 的预售为加密货币爱好者提供了一个机会,以 50% 的折扣购买代币,从而获得早鸟优势。预售结束后,上市价格定为每枚代币 0.1 美元,这暗示早期采用者有可能获得丰厚的回报。

Growth Potential


A closer examination of ScapesMania’s tokenomics and other features provides insight into why it could be the best altcoin to hold now. The ecosystem operates within the flourishing $376 billion gaming industry which is only projected to grow, reaching $521.60 billion by 2027.

仔细研究 ScapesMania 的代币经济学和其他功能,可以深入了解为什么它可能是现在持有的最佳山寨币。该生态系统在价值 3,760 亿美元的蓬勃发展的游戏行业中运作,预计该行业只会增长,到 2027 年将达到 5,216 亿美元。

Furthermore, ScapesMania holders can benefit from a variety of incentives, including buyback, burn, and staking opportunities. Early buyers also have the chance to receive up to +107% in bonuses.

此外,ScapesMania 持有者可以从各种激励措施中受益,包括回购、销毁和质押机会。早期购买者还有机会获得高达 +107% 的奖金。

The community’s excitement is evident as the project has successfully raised over $3,076,000 to date solely from crowd/retail contributions, and this figure is growing by  $60,000-$178,000 daily.

社区的兴奋是显而易见的,因为该项目迄今为止仅通过众筹/零售捐款已成功筹集了超过 3,076,000 美元,并且该数字每天以 60,000 美元至 178,000 美元的速度增长。

The innovative core idea, impressive presale figures, $100,000 giveaway, and other positive aspects suggest that ScapesMania could continue its winning journey. So, it makes sense to get involved as soon as possible.

创新的核心理念、令人印象深刻的预售数字、100,000 美元的赠品以及其他积极方面表明 ScapesMania 可以继续其成功之旅。因此,尽快参与是有意义的。

Secure higher gains by grabbing a sizable bonus of 10% on ScapesMania! Use code OOI873 at checkout in a special textbox for an even better deal on a cryptocurrency that could make you the envy of the entire crypto community. Act fast – the offer is valid for a limited time only.

在 ScapesMania 上获得 10% 的巨额奖金,确保获得更高收益!在结账时在特殊文本框中使用代码 OOI873,以获得更好的加密货币交易,这可能会让您成为整个加密社区羡慕的对象。快速行动 – 优惠仅在有限时间内有效。

Solana (SOL): A Dominant Force in the Market

Solana (SOL):市场的主导力量

Solana (SOL) mirrors its 2021 ascent, stirring excitement with a recent two-day rally that reignites talks of reaching the $100 mark. This growth spotlights Solana’s dominance in blockchain, challenging established platforms.

Solana (SOL) 反映了 2021 年的上涨趋势,最近两天的上涨令人兴奋,重新引发了触及 100 美元大关的讨论。这种增长凸显了 Solana 在区块链领域的主导地位,对现有平台构成了挑战。

SOL/USDT’s impressive growth reflects Solana’s influence and speculative appeal to investors seeking quick profits. Despite achievements, SOL must hit milestones to rival leading platforms in market cap.

SOL/USDT 的惊人增长反映了 Solana 的影响力以及对寻求快速获利的投资者的投机吸引力。尽管取得了一些成就,SOL 仍必须达到里程碑,才能在市值方面与领先平台相媲美。

Solana’s path to a comparable market cap is challenging, requiring sustained developmental momentum amid a speculative market.

Solana 达到可比市值的道路充满挑战,需要在投机市场中保持持续的发展动力。

Cardano (ADA): A Potential Super Bull


Cardano (ADA) regains attention with analysts predicting a resurgence reminiscent of its historic 6,000% surge in June 2020. Despite recent corrections, ADA displays resilience, surging over 41% and outperforming its top 10 counterparts amid a broader market correction. This rally, marked by significant liquidations on bearish positions, underscores strong market bullishness.

卡尔达诺 (ADA) 重新受到关注,分析师预测其将复苏,让人想起 2020 年 6 月历史性的 6,000% 飙升。尽管最近出现调整,但 ADA 表现出弹性,在更广泛的市场调整中飙升超过 41%,跑赢排名前 10 的同行。此次反弹以空头头寸的大量平仓为标志,凸显了市场的强劲看涨情绪。

The reappearance of a bullish weekly cross, previously triggering a prolonged upward momentum, sparks interest in ADA’s potential to replicate past surges. However, questions linger about the sustainability of this rally. Cardano’s performance is both enticing and speculative, with challenges ahead in maintaining its upward trajectory.

先前引发长期上涨势头的看涨周交叉再次出现,引发了人们对 ADA 复制过去飙升潜力的兴趣。然而,对于此次反弹的可持续性仍存在疑问。卡尔达诺的表现既诱人又具有投机性,在保持其上升轨迹方面面临着挑战。

Ripple (XRP): Eyeing a Major Breakout


Ripple (XRP) garners attention with optimistic forecasts, noting the significance of the $0.6 price level for a potential upward trend. Despite a bearish engulfing candle on the daily chart, a long wick suggests hopes for a reversal. Showing resilience and challenges, XRP surged 70% since the month’s start.

Ripple (XRP) 因乐观预测而引起关注,并指出 0.6 美元的价格水平对潜在上涨趋势的重要性。尽管日线图上有一根看跌吞没蜡烛,但长影线表明有反转的希望。 XRP 显示出韧性和挑战,自本月初以来飙升了 70%。

Analysts foresee a short to mid-term climb to $18.22, citing strong resistance at $1.08. Breaking this resistance could trigger a significant surge. However, XRP’s fate remains uncertain, dependent on market conditions for a potential bullish breakout. The Ripple (XRP) community closely watches, intrigued by its prospects and speculative nature.

分析师预计短期到中期将攀升至 18.22 美元,理由是 1.08 美元的强劲阻力。突破该阻力可能会引发大幅上涨。然而,XRP 的命运仍然不确定,取决于潜在看涨突破的市场状况。 Ripple(XRP)社区密切关注,对其前景和投机性质感兴趣。

加密货币聚焦:引领狗狗币 (DOGE)、Chainlink (LINK)、Osmosis (OSMO)、VeChain (VET) 的未来

Dogecoin (DOGE) has evolved beyond its meme coin origins, gaining corporate acceptance. Its price closely aligns with market sentiment, hinting at significant growth in the upcoming bull market.


Chainlink (LINK) is notable for its smart contract oracle network, attracting institutional interest. Analysts predict substantial gains due to its first-mover advantage and expanding capabilities, including the cross-chain interoperability protocol (CCIP).


Osmosis (OSMO) has seen remarkable gains, particularly in trading volumes on its decentralized exchange platform. A potential merger with UX Chain could strengthen its position in the Cosmos ecosystem, signalling a robust future.

Osmosis (OSMO) 取得了显着的增长,特别是在其去中心化交易平台上的交易量方面。与 UX Chain 的潜在合并可以加强其在 Cosmos 生态系统中的地位,预示着一个强劲的未来。

VeChain (VET) displays a bullish trend reminiscent of its 2018-2020 performance. Analysts anticipate a substantial rally, reflecting its growing utility and market presence.

唯链 (VET) 显示出看涨趋势,让人想起其 2018-2020 年的表现。分析师预计其将大幅上涨,反映出其实用性和市场影响力的不断增长。



The current bullish trend in the crypto market highlights key players: ScapesMania, Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), Chainlink (LINK), Osmosis (OSMO), and VeChain (VET).

当前加密货币市场的看涨趋势凸显了主要参与者:ScapesMania、Solana (SOL)、Cardano (ADA)、Ripple (XRP)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Chainlink (LINK)、Osmosis (OSMO) 和 VeChain (VET)。

ScapesMania stands out as a noteworthy contender for 2024’s top picks. Joining the community of ScapesMania holders now could present an opportune moment.

ScapesMania 是 2024 年热门游戏的有力竞争者。现在加入 ScapesMania 持有者社区可能是一个好时机。


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