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Best Cryptos for Good ROI in the Beginning of 2024

2024 年初实现良好投资回报率的最佳加密货币

发布: 2023/12/27 15:49 阅读: 826



As the crypto market approaches the end of the year, there’s growing speculation about a potential ‘Santa Claus rally.’ This term, drawing from historical surges in Bitcoin’s value during the festive seasons of 2013 and 2017, suggests a possible uptick in the market. Factors like the Bitcoin Spot ETF approval and the upcoming Bitcoin halving event are bolstering market confidence. Amidst this backdrop, cryptocurrencies like Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), Polygon (MATIC), Sei (SEI), Chainlink (LINK), and ScapesMania are being eyed for potentially good returns on investment in early 2024.

随着加密货币市场临近年底,人们越来越多地猜测潜在的“圣诞老人反弹”。这个术语源于 2013 年和 2017 年节日期间比特币价值的历史飙升,表明市场可能会上涨。比特币现货 ETF 获批以及即将到来的比特币减半事件等因素正在提振市场信心。在此背景下,Solana (SOL)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Polygon (MATIC)、Sei (SEI)、Chainlink (LINK) 和 ScapesMania 等加密货币有望在 2024 年初获得良好的投资回报。

Finding a cryptocurrency with a solid ROI is not that easy, but our article attempts to sort the wheat from the chaff. Our assessment of the market through the prism of the industry’s past performance provides us with some invaluable insights. Not all coins will give astronomical ROIs, but at least some of them are likely to do well over the next few weeks, months, and years.


ScapesMania: A Rising Star in the Crypto World


ScapesMania is a one-of-a-kind gaming ecosystem, where crypto-savvy audiences join forces with the vibrant community of casual players, paving the way to substantial growth. The ScapesMania community is buzzing with enthusiasm, which is reflected in more than $2,110,000 raised from crowd/retail contributions to date.

ScapesMania 是一个独一无二的游戏生态系统,精通加密货币的受众与充满活力的休闲玩家社区联手,为大幅增长铺平了道路。 ScapesMania 社区充满了热情,迄今为止从众筹/零售捐款中筹集了超过 2,110,000 美元。

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>>> 参加官方网站折扣预售

Empowering Holders


ScapesMania ensures participants get precisely what they desire: gamers enjoy their favorite pastime, while crypto enthusiasts can leverage the ecosystem’s performance and shape its future through DAO, all without engaging in gameplay.

ScapesMania 确保参与者准确获得他们想要的东西:游戏玩家享受他们最喜欢的消遣,而加密货币爱好者可以利用生态系统的性能并通过 DAO 塑造其未来,所有这些都无需参与游戏。

Furthermore, acquiring ScapesMania tokens unlocks extra perks. By joining the presale, you can access bonuses totaling up to 127%. You can also earn referral rewards by introducing ScapesMania to your friends. Plus, holders can participate in token buyback & burn events as well as staking.

此外,获取 ScapesMania 代币还可解锁额外福利。通过参加预售,您可以获得总计高达 127% 的奖金。您还可以通过向您的朋友介绍 ScapesMania 来获得推荐奖励。此外,持有者还可以参与代币回购和销毁活动以及质押。

Verified Excellence


ScapesMania’s smart contract has successfully undergone scrutiny from leading security-ranking companies, providing peace of mind for holders. 


Behind ScapesMania is an award-winning team that secured a prestigious grant from a prominent player in the blockchain industry. The team upholds transparent and publicly accessible social media accounts, engaging with a flourishing community of over 60K followers.

ScapesMania 背后是一支屡获殊荣的团队,该团队获得了区块链行业知名人士的著名资助。该团队维护透明且可公开访问的社交媒体帐户,与拥有超过 6 万粉丝的蓬勃发展社区进行互动。

ScapeMania’s Prospects

ScapeMania 的前景

ScapesMania tokens are currently a steal, priced at just $0.004568 per coin during the presale. As the last sales stage price is set at $0.01, early adopters could potentially be looking at a 2.2x return after the ScapesMania presale concludes.

ScapesMania 代币目前很便宜,预售期间每枚代币售价仅为 0.004568 美元。由于最后一个销售阶段的价格定为 0.01 美元,早期采用者可能会在 ScapesMania 预售结束后获得 2.2 倍的回报。

If you’re already on board with everything that ScapesMania has to offer, there’s a unique opportunity for you: a special offered code, YBL372. The limited-time offer is only valid for a limited time since the article’s publication. It’s your best chance to get a bonus of 10% after entering YBL372  in a special field at checkout, so act fast, the clock is ticking.

如果您已经了解 ScapesMania 所提供的一切,那么您有一个独特的机会:特别优惠代码 YBL372。限时优惠仅在文章发表后的有限时间内有效。在结账时在特殊字段中输入 YBL372 后,这是您获得 10% 奖金的最佳机会,所以动作要快,时间紧迫。

Solana (SOL): A Surge in User Activity and Market Presence

Solana (SOL):用户活动和市场占有率激增

Solana (SOL) has witnessed a remarkable surge in user activity, with a nearly 400% increase as the last quarter of the year approaches its end. This growth has significantly outpaced Ethereum’s modest 3% rise. The driving force behind this upswing is attributed to a series of token airdrops by protocols on the Solana network, notably the Solana-based oracle network Pyth (PYTH), which completed an airdrop of 250 million PYTH tokens. Additionally, Solana’s decentralized exchange (DEX) volumes have soared, with Jupiter DEX playing a pivotal role.

Solana (SOL) 的用户活动显着激增,随着今年最后一个季度接近尾声,增长了近 400%。这一增长大大超过了以太坊 3% 的小幅增长。这一上涨背后的推动力归功于 Solana 网络上协议的一系列代币空投,特别是基于 Solana 的预言机网络 Pyth (PYTH),它完成了 2.5 亿个 PYTH 代币的空投。此外,Solana 的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 交易量猛增,其中 Jupiter DEX 发挥了关键作用。

Looking ahead, Solana (SOL) robust network activity and DEX volume growth bode well for its future price prospects. However, the cryptocurrency market’s inherent volatility and competitive landscape pose challenges. 

展望未来,Solana (SOL) 强劲的网络活动和 DEX 交易量增长预示着其未来的价格前景。然而,加密货币市场固有的波动性和竞争格局带来了挑战。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Navigating Market Sentiments



Dogecoin (DOGE) has been experiencing a positive trend, with 63% of the last 30 days showing price increases. Currently trading above its 200-day simple moving average, Dogecoin (DOGE) displays potential for an uptrend. 

狗狗币 (DOGE) 一直呈现积极趋势,过去 30 天中有 63% 的时间显示价格上涨。目前,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的交易价格高于 200 天简单移动平均线,显示出上涨趋势的潜力。

Despite the optimistic market sentiment, Dogecoin (DOGE) price has seen a decline of nearly 50% from $0.15 in November 2022 to approximately $0.0917. This trend aligns with the broader decline in interest in meme coins and the cryptocurrency market’s overall downturn.

尽管市场情绪乐观,但狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格已下跌近 50%,从 2022 年 11 月的 0.15 美元跌至约 0.0917 美元。这一趋势与人们对模因币兴趣的广泛下降以及加密货币市场的整体低迷相一致。

Polygon (MATIC): Steady Growth Amid Market Fluctuations


Polygon (MATIC), known for its decentralized scaling solution, has recently surpassed the $0.80 mark. However, it has experienced a decline of more than 4.4% recently, aligning with the broader negative trend in the cryptocurrency market.

以去中心化扩容解决方案而闻名的 Polygon (MATIC) 最近突破了 0.80 美元大关。然而,最近它的跌幅超过 4.4%,与加密货币市场更广泛的负面趋势一致。

Polygon’s price has shown resilience by surpassing the $0.8 resistance level. Experts project Polygon (MATIC) price to be around $0.9004, with a potential range between $0.8232 and $0.9261 by the end of December. 

Polygon 的价格突破了 0.8 美元的阻力位,显示出弹性。专家预计 Polygon (MATIC) 价格约为 0.9004 美元,到 12 月底潜在区间为 0.8232 美元至 0.9261 美元。

Polygon (MATIC) price trajectory during the upcoming Christmas period will be influenced by market dynamics, advancements, and utility cases. 

即将到来的圣诞节期间,Polygon (MATIC) 的价格轨迹将受到市场动态、进展和实用案例的影响。

Sei (SEI): A Remarkable Surge in the Altcoin Market

Sei (SEI):山寨币市场的显着增长

Sei (SEI) has recently made a significant impact in the altcoin market with a remarkable 50% surge. This surge has allowed Sei (SEI) to outperform many of the top cryptocurrencies in the market, marking a notable achievement in its market presence.

Sei (SEI) 最近在山寨币市场产生了重大影响,涨幅高达 50%。这种飙升使 Sei (SEI) 的表现超越了市场上许多顶级加密货币,标志着其市场占有率取得了显着的成就。

The 50% surge in Sei (SEI) value is a clear indicator of its strong market performance. This rapid increase in value highlights the growing interest and confidence in Sei (SEI) among investors and traders. While the recent surge in Sei (SEI) price is promising, it’s important to approach its future with a balanced perspective. 

Sei (SEI) 价值飙升 50% 清楚地表明了其强劲的市场表现。价值的快速增长凸显了投资者和交易者对 Sei (SEI) 日益增长的兴趣和信心。虽然近期 Sei (SEI) 价格的飙升令人鼓舞,但以平衡的视角看待其未来也很重要。

Chainlink (LINK):整合现实世界资产和传统金融

Chainlink (LINK) is set to undergo significant upgrades, as indicated in a recent announcement. These upgrades aim to enhance Chainlink (LINK) functionality and interoperability across different blockchain networks.

正如最近的公告所示,Chainlink (LINK) 将进行重大升级。这些升级旨在增强 Chainlink (LINK) 功能和跨不同区块链网络的互操作性。

Currently, Chainlink (LINK) is down 73% from its May 2021 all-time high of $52.70. Despite this, it remains one of the better-performing altcoins, with potential for a significant move in the bull market.

目前,Chainlink (LINK) 较 2021 年 5 月的历史高点 52.70 美元下跌了 73%。尽管如此,它仍然是表现较好的山寨币之一,有可能在牛市中出现重大走势。

Chainlink (LINK) future price prospects seem promising, especially with the upcoming upgrades and expansion into traditional finance (TradFi). 

Chainlink (LINK) 未来的价格前景似乎很有希望,特别是随着即将升级和扩展到传统金融 (TradFi)。



As we approach 2024, the crypto market is buzzing with anticipation of a potential ‘Santa Claus rally,’ reminiscent of Bitcoin’s historical surges. This optimism is fueled by factors like the Bitcoin Spot ETF approval and the upcoming Bitcoin halving event, creating a fertile ground for cryptocurrencies like ScapesMania. 

随着 2024 年的临近,加密货币市场充满了对潜在“圣诞老人集会”的预期,这让人想起比特币的历史飙升。比特币现货 ETF 的批准和即将到来的比特币减半事件等因素加剧了这种乐观情绪,为 ScapesMania 等加密货币创造了肥沃的土壤。

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免责声明:TheNewsCrypto 不认可本页面上的任何内容。本新闻稿所描述的内容不代表任何投资建议。 TheNewsCrypto 建议我们的读者根据自己的研究做出决定。 TheNewsCrypto 不对与本新闻稿中所述内容、产品或服务相关的任何损害或损失负责。


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