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How Many Days Have Passed Since Shiba Inu Failed To Delete a Zero?


发布: 2023/11/03 21:17 阅读: 374



The current cycle is officially the longest haul since Shiba Inu failed to delete a ‘zero’ in the charts since its inception in August 2020. SHIB is trading with five ‘zeroes’ today and the price has remained stagnant for the last six months in the indices. The lackluster performance is testing the patience of investors who want it to delete all ‘zeroes’ and reach 1-Cent.

目前的周期是自 Shiba Inu 自 2020 年 8 月成立以来未能删除图表中的一个“零”以来最长的周期。SHIB 今天以五个“零”进行交易,并且价格在过去六个月中一直停滞不前。指数。低迷的表现正在考验投资者的耐心,他们希望它删除所有“零”并达到 1 美分。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: $500 in SHIB Becomes $3.8 Million in November 2023

另请阅读:Shiba Inu:2023 年 11 月,500 美元的 SHIB 变为 380 万美元

However, the opposite of what they need is turning true as the token is unable to satisfy their financial aspirations. In this article, we will highlight how many have days passed this year since SHIB failed to delete a ‘zero’.

然而,由于代币无法满足他们的财务愿望,他们所需要的却恰恰相反。在这篇文章中,我们将重点介绍自 SHIB 未能删除“零”以来,今年已经过去了多少天。

Shiba Inu: How Many Days Passed This Year Since SHIB Did Not Delete a ‘Zero’?


Shiba Inu was trading trading with four ‘zeroes’ up until May 6, 2023. It slipped to five ‘zeroes’ the next day on May 7 and briefly touched four ‘zeroes’ for a day in mid-August. Considering that SHIB fell to five ‘zeroes’ on May 7, it’s been 180 days since it failed to delete a ‘zero’ this year.

截至 2023 年 5 月 6 日,柴犬交易价格为 4 个“0”。第二天,即 5 月 7 日,该指数滑落至 5 个“0”,并在 8 月中旬的一天短暂触及 4 个“0”。考虑到5月7日SHIB跌至五个“零”,距离今年未能删除一个“零”已经过去了180天。

Also Read: Shiba Inu Might Easily Outperform Dogecoin in 2024, Explains ChatGPT

另请阅读:ChatGPT 解释说,柴犬在 2024 年可能会轻松超越狗狗币

This is the longest time that Shiba Inu has struggled to knock out a ‘zero’ in the charts. The token did not rally even after it successfully launched its most-awaited project, the Shibarium layer-2 network. The delay in releasing Shibarium is touted to be the reason why it failed to generate any hype among investors.

这是柴犬在排行榜上努力打破“零”的最长时间。即使在成功启动了最受期待的项目 Shibarium 二层网络之后,该代币也没有上涨。 Shibarium 的延迟发布被认为是它未能在投资者中引起任何炒作的原因。

The delay in deleting all its ‘zeroes’ keeps Shiba Inu further away from reaching the 1-Cent mark. Read here for a realistic price prediction on when SHIB might hit the $0.01 price target.

删除所有“零”的延迟使柴犬离达到 1 美分大关还很远。请阅读此处,了解有关 SHIB 何时可能达到 0.01 美元目标价格的实际价格预测。

Also Read: Bitcoin Forecasted to Triple in Price, Reach $150,000 in 18 Months

另请阅读:比特币价格预计将在 18 个月内增长两倍,达到 150,000 美元

At press time, Shiba Inu was trading at $0.00000777 and is down more than 2% in the 24-hours day trade. SHIB is also down close to 91% from its all-time high of $0.00008616, which it reached in October 2021.

截至发稿时,柴犬的交易价格为 0.00000777 美元,在 24 小时交易中下跌超过 2%。 SHIB 也较 2021 年 10 月达到的历史高点 0.00008616 美元下跌了近 91%。

  • shib
  • 希布

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬

Source: https://thebittimes.com/how-many-days-have-passed-since-shiba-inu-failed-to-delete-a-zero-tbt68949.html



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