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A Detailed Guide For Buying Dogecoin on eToro & Its Prospects

在 eToro 上购买狗狗币的详细指南及其前景

发布: 2023/11/21 06:55 阅读: 789



Many crypto investors might find themselves tempted to buy dogecoin. After all, it is the original meme coin that is quite popular among the community. Well, those who are willing to get may get confused after seeing many platforms offering it. Here’s a simple guide that’ll let interested investors buy dogecoin on eToro. 

许多加密货币投资者可能会发现自己很想购买狗狗币。毕竟,它是社区中颇受欢迎的原创模因币。那么,那些愿意购买的人可能会在看到许多平台提供它后感到困惑。这是一个简单的指南,可以让感兴趣的投资者在 eToro 上购买狗狗币。

Buy Dogecoin on  eToro With These Well-Defined Steps

通过这些明确定义的步骤在 eToro 上购买狗狗币

Step 1: Account Creation

第 1 步:创建帐户

First things first, the new user needs to create an account on eToro. One can simply search for eToro on the search engine, open the website, and put in the details. The platform asks for a copy of the user ID to verify the identity as it’s mandatory. 

首先,新用户需要在 eToro 上创建一个帐户。人们只需在搜索引擎上搜索 eToro,打开网站,然后输入详细信息即可。该平台要求提供用户 ID 的副本以验证身份,因为这是强制性的。

Step 2: Load the Cash 

第 2 步:充值现金

After the successful verification and account creation, it’s time to put money in it. On that front, eToro gives its users plenty of options. The users can opt for multiple payment methods including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets, etc. With so many options, they get to choose the method best suited to them. 

成功验证并创建帐户后,就可以存入资金了。在这方面,eToro 为用户提供了多种选择。用户可以选择多种支付方式,包括信用卡/借记卡、银行转账、电子钱包等。有这么多的选择,他们可以选择最适合自己的方式。

Step 3: Find Dogecoin


On the top center of the page, type “Dogecoin” and click on the “Trade” button.


Step 4: Place the Order


The next panel asks the number of Dogecoin and the type of order. There are two types of orders: market and limit. Choosing the “market order” means one is buying the asset at the current price. On the other hand, choosing a limit order means one is setting a specific price to buy Dogecoin.


Step 5: Review and Confirm Order

第 5 步:查看并确认订单

Before proceeding with the order, review all the details thoroughly. Once satisfied with the details, hit the “confirm trade” to complete the transaction. 


Step 6: Check Portfolio


The portfolio section gives a detailed view of all the invested instruments. Besides that, it also shows the profits and losses they have made. Users can set notifications for the price movement of the assets. 


Buy Dogecoin Using an Alternative Method


Besides doing the regular way, users can buy Dogecoin with the “Discover” option too. This particular method is useful for those who want to check the stats before investing. 


Step 1: Find Discover

第 1 步:查找发现

On the eToro trading platform, click on “Discover” on the left-hand side pane. 

在 eToro 交易平台上,点击左侧窗格中的“发现”。

Step 2: Hit Crypto 

第 2 步:点击加密货币

Click on “Crypto” from the breadcrumbs on the top center.  


Step 3: Find Doge


Dogecoin appears in the “Daily Movers” section. Notably, this section only displays the most-traded coins in the market. In case the desired asset doesn’t feature here, they can click on “View All” on the right-hand side.  

狗狗币出现在“Daily Movers”部分。值得注意的是,该部分仅显示市场上交易最多的代币。如果此处没有所需的资产,他们可以单击右侧的“查看全部”。

Step 4: Check Analytics 

第 4 步:检查分析

Once the “Doge” appears, users can click on it and check the entire analytics page. Here, they get full information on market dominance and trading volume. 


Step 5: Hit Invest


After checking all the details, click on the “Invest” button on the right-hand side to proceed with the purchase. 


Factors Making Dogecoin A Viable Investment Option


Abundance– With a total supply of 5 Trillion and a circulating supply of 100 Billion, Dogecoin’s abundance is quite prominent. It is available in a massive number to support a large number of investors. 


Progressive Price– The price of Dogecoin has been on an uptrend for some time. In 2021, it was $0.01 and today, it is $0.05. 

渐进价格——狗狗币的价格一段时间以来一直处于上升趋势。 2021 年,它是 0.01 美元,而今天,它是 0.05 美元。

Cheap Investment– Compared to the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum, Dogecoin is a cheaper option. On the other hand, its prospects are solid as per several market experts. 


Community-Backed– The Dogecoin Foundation ensures consistent support to its thriving community. It also maintains visibility through donations, sponsor events, and giveaways.


Some investors may be interested in exploring Dogecoin even more. It is evident because the asset became quite popular in a very short span. So, let’s dig into some more factors that explain the dominance of this particular crypto.


The History


In 2013, two techies, Markus and Palmer introduced Dogecoin as a mere joke. Dogecoin is a form or a version of a defunct coin Luckycoin. The developers had to alter the source code of Luckycoin to create Dogecoin. Soon after the launch, the asset started gaining traction among the crypto community. By the end of 2014, it had run multiple fundraisers successfully. 

2013 年,两位技术人员 Markus 和 Palmer 仅仅只是开玩笑地介绍了狗狗币。狗狗币是已失效硬币幸运币的一种形式或版本。开发人员必须更改幸运币的源代码才能创建狗狗币。推出后不久,该资产开始在加密社区中获得关注。截至2014年底,已成功举办多场募捐活动。

In 2015, the original creators of Dogecoin, Markus, and Palmer left the team. A team of four part-time developers took over and steered the project to its apex. Dogecoin stole the limelight globally in 2021 with a massive following on social media. 

2015年,狗狗币的原创者Markus和Palmer离开了团队。由四名兼职开发人员组成的团队接手并带领该项目达到顶峰。 2021 年,狗狗币在全球范围内抢尽风头,在社交媒体上拥有大量追随者。

Its fans included the likes of Elon Musk who openly supported its growth prospects. The price and market capitalization of the asset saw a meteoric rise. It became a sensation for financial media houses, crypto circles, and social media.

它的粉丝包括埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)等人,他们公开支持其增长前景。该资产的价格和市值迅速上涨。它引起了财经媒体、加密货币圈和社交媒体的轰动。

The Mechanism


Like any other crypto, Dogecoin also works on a decentralized ledger or blockchain. Its miners go through the validation process to create coins using the Proof-of-Work consensus. However, it manages to be more energy-efficient than Bitcoin, the first crypto created with this same protocol. Furthermore, the execution time of its transactions is lesser than many other leading digital assets. 


Dogecoin might become a profiting or draining asset for crypto traders depending on various factors. Thus, it is important to perform a full-scale analysis before putting money into any crypto. 




This article is only for information purposes and does not promote any type of investment, it is strictly suggested to do your research before investing or to consult with investment professionals.



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