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What is the Difference Between Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Coin


发布: 2023/12/01 18:02 阅读: 410

原文作者:Coin Gabbar News



Currently Meme Coins Are More Popular Than Ever

目前 Meme 币比以往任何时候都更受欢迎

For most cryptos, including meme coins, the winter of 2022 proved to be a somewhat difficult year. Despite this, the popularity of some contenders in the meme coin sector remained unaffected. This was especially seen for both the top dog-themed coins- DOGE and SHIB. 

对于大多数加密货币(包括 meme 币)来说,2022 年冬天被证明是有些困难的一年。尽管如此,模因币领域一些竞争者的受欢迎程度并未受到影响。这对于顶级的狗主题币 DOGE 和 SHIB 来说尤其明显。

Both SHIB and DOGE share similar faces and have been inspired by one of the most famous Internet memes of the 2010s— the Japanese “doge” Shiba Inu dog. Interestingly, it seems the huge popularity of these two meme coins has somewhat resulted in an influx of new meme currencies that keep popping up in the meme coin world.

SHIB 和 DOGE 都有相似的面孔,并且受到 2010 年代最著名的网络迷因之一——日本“doge”柴犬的启发。有趣的是,这两种模因币的巨大受欢迎似乎在某种程度上导致了新的模因货币的涌入,这些货币不断在模因币世界中涌现。

Today, Meme coins are more popular than ever and have led many people into a dilemma over which to choose amongst the two title holders in the meme coin sector. In this article, we will explore the significant distinctions between Shiba Inu and Dogecoin. 

如今,Meme 币比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,并使许多人陷入了在 Meme 币领域的两个冠军持有者中进行选择的两难境地。在本文中,我们将探讨柴犬和狗狗币之间的显着区别。



Considered the first and original memecoin, Doge was created as a joke in the crypto world. The story goes on that when its two creators- software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer felt Bitcoin to be too complicated for any average user they launched Doge as a response in 2013 to make fun of it. However, despite that, it seemed to have struck a chord with crypto users and much to the founders’ surprise, it took no time for the currency to attain viral status.

Doge 被认为是第一个也是最初的 memecoin,它是作为加密世界中的一个笑话而创建的。故事还说,当它的两位创造者——软件工程师比利·马库斯和杰克逊·帕尔默觉得比特币对于任何普通用户来说都太复杂时,他们在 2013 年推出了 Doge 作为回应,以取笑它。然而,尽管如此,它似乎引起了加密货币用户的共鸣,而且令创始人惊讶的是,这种货币很快就获得了病毒式传播。

It is no secret that the CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk has had a hand in it going viral with occasional tweets and endorsements. Much like Bitcoin, Dogecoin is based on a public, distributed ledger called the blockchain.

众所周知,特斯拉汽车公司首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)曾参与其中,偶尔发布的推文和认可也引起了人们的关注。与比特币非常相似,狗狗币基于称为区块链的公共分布式账本。

What makes the memecoin unique is that it uses inflation and is community-based. Also, unlike Bitcoin, Doge is infinitely circulating.

模因币的独特之处在于它利用通货膨胀并且以社区为基础。此外,与比特币不同的是,Doge 是无限流通的。

Key Features of Dogecoin


  • With a Japanese Shiba Inu dog as its logo, Dogecoin is known for its humour in the crypto world.


  • Due to its one-minute transaction processing per block, it is suitable for daily use.


  • It has low transaction fees and high supply, making it popular for micro transactions.


  • Dogecoin is known to have a very supportive community that has helped the coin’s charitable side shine through despite its satirical origins. 


Shiba Inu 


Introduced in 2020, Shiba Inu was created as a parody of Dogecoin, referring to itself as ‘the Dogecoin killer.’

Shiba Inu 于 2020 年推出,是对狗狗币的模仿,自称为“狗狗币杀手”。

However, despite its late debut, it took very little time for the coin to gain immediate popularity and become viral. In mid-2021, Shiba Inu had for a brief period even managed to overshadow Dogecoin.  Unlike Dogecoin, which employs blockchain technology, Shiba Inu’s anonymous creator or group ‘Ryoshi’, chose to use an Ethereum blockchain, as an Ethereum-based alternative to Dogecoin. 

然而,尽管它首次亮相较晚,但它很快就迅速流行起来并迅速走红。 2021 年中期,柴犬甚至一度超越了狗狗币。与采用区块链技术的狗狗币不同,柴犬的匿名创建者或团体“Ryoshi”选择使用以太坊区块链,作为狗狗币的基于以太坊的替代品。

Shiba Inu is one of the top ERC-20 tokens that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform’s reduction design causes a portion of each transaction to be burned, resulting in a decrease of available supply. 

Shiba Inu 是在以太坊区块链上运行的顶级 ERC-20 代币之一。该平台的缩减设计会导致每笔交易的一部分被烧毁,从而导致可用供应量减少。

Key features of Shiba Inu 


  • Shiba Inu is a community-based project that is decentralized and transparent.

    Shiba Inu 是一个基于社区的项目,去中心化且透明。

  • Each transaction in the platform burns a portion of the token’s supply, deflating its supply.


  • The meme currency uses Ethereum’s smart contracts to add new applications to its ecosystem.

    Meme 货币使用以太坊的智能合约为其生态系统添加新的应用程序。

  • Shiba Inu just so happens to be one small component of a bigger ecosystem that also includes- Shibarium, ShibSwap, Shiboshis, and the Shib Metaverse. 

    Shiba Inu 恰好是一个更大生态系统的一小部分,该生态系统还包括 Shibarium、ShibSwap、Shiboshis 和 Shib Metaverse。

Key Differences between Dogecoin and Shiba Inu


Though Dogecoin inspired the development of Shiba Inu, and funnily enough both share the same dog breed face of a Shiba dog, there are however still certain aspects that differentiate both the memecoins from each other. 


1. Development

1. 发展

In 2013, Dogecoin was created using Bitcoin Technology and just like the latter currency deployed a ‘proof-of-work’ (PoW) mining method. Shiba Inu Coin on the other hand was created in 2020 using the Ethereum Network and deployed ‘proof-of-stake’ (PoS) technology. 

2013 年,狗狗币是使用比特币技术创建的,就像后者货币一样,采用了“工作量证明”(PoW)挖矿方法。另一方面,柴犬币是在 2020 年使用以太坊网络创建的,并部署了“股权证明”(PoS)技术。

Unlike Dogecoin which has its blockchain, Shiba Inu employs the Ethereum blockchain network. 


2. Market capitalization


As of September 2023, Dogecoin’s market cap was USD 9,507,711,042, compared to USD 4,714,605,984 for Shiba Inu Coins. Also, Shiba Inu’s current worth was USD 0.000008, while, Dogecoin was at USD 0.68. 

截至 2023 年 9 月,狗狗币的市值为 9,507,711,042 美元,而柴犬币的市值为 4,714,605,984 美元。此外,柴犬目前的价格为 0.000008 美元,而狗狗币的价格为 0.68 美元。

3. Coin Supply

3. 代币供应

Though Dogecoin has a limitless supply, it only allows its users to issue 5 billion coins annually.

尽管狗狗币的供应量是无限的,但它每年只允许用户发行 50 亿枚。

On the contrary, Shiba Inu permits up to 1 quadrillion, which going by crypto standards is still a sizable amount. 

相反,Shiba Inu 允许最多 1 千万亿,按照加密标准,这仍然是一个相当大的数量。

Risks & Concerns


  • The risks and concerns involving both Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are very similar since they are both meme coins.


  • The first thing to note is that unlike some other coins in the market that allow users to borrow, lend, or earn interest on their assets, these meme coins lack in that aspect. 


  • Secondly, for both currencies, top holders hold a significant amount of the supply.


  • In Doge, nearly 50% of all the tokens are held by the top 20 addresses, while for Shib the figure is closer to 75%.

    在 Doge 中,近 50% 的代币由前 20 个地址持有,而在 Shib 中,这一数字接近 75%。



As both Dogecoin and Shiba Inu were built on hype, investing in them does carry some risks. Users should be aware before deciding to use any of them. Despite everything, there is no question that both coins hold important status in the crypto world.


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