首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE是否处于吸筹阶段? LINK 接近 20 美元;交易者关注这个人工智能驱动的加密货币交易所以获得 100 倍的收益

Is DOGE in Accumulation Phase? LINK Nears $20; Traders Watch This AI-Powered Crypto Exchange For 100x Gain

DOGE是否处于吸筹阶段? LINK 接近 20 美元;交易者关注这个人工智能驱动的加密货币交易所以获得 100 倍的收益

发布: 2024/08/28 03:06 阅读: 873

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


DOGE是否处于吸筹阶段? LINK 接近 20 美元;交易者关注这个人工智能驱动的加密货币交易所以获得 100 倍的收益

A buying spree unfolds in the crypto scene as Fed Chair Jerome Powell hints at an interest rate cut in September. Investors have been showing keen interest in Dogecoin (DOGE), the top memecoin, likened to an accumulation phase. Also, Chainlink (LINK) nears $20 amid the latest jump.

随着美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔暗示 9 月份降息,加密货币领域掀起了一场购买热潮。投资者一直对顶级模因币狗狗币(DOGE)表现出浓厚的兴趣,将其比作积累阶段。此外,Chainlink (LINK) 在最近的上涨中接近 20 美元。

At the same time, attention is quickly shifting to this up-and-coming cryptocurrency, Intel Markets (INTL). It is set to reshape the $36 billion global crypto trading market, placing it on a bullish and adoption path. Set to explode, it is a new DeFi project to watch out for.

与此同时,人们的注意力正在迅速转移到这种新兴的加密货币——英特尔市场(INTL)。它将重塑 360 亿美元的全球加密货币交易市场,使其走上看涨和采用的道路。这是一个即将爆发的新 DeFi 项目,值得关注。

Intel Markets (INTL): Primed for a 100x Jump Post-Launch

英特尔市场 (INTL):发布后将实现 100 倍的跃升

Intel Markets (INTL), a new AI-powered crypto exchange, stands out for its novelty and significant growth prospects. It generated quite a buzz after hitting the $150,000 presale milestone, despite going live a few days ago. The growing interest further hints at investor confidence and its unique offering.

英特尔市场(INTL)是一家新型人工智能驱动的加密货币交易所,因其新颖性和显着的增长前景而脱颖而出。尽管几天前才上线,但在达到 15 万美元预售里程碑后,它引起了不小的轰动。日益增长的兴趣进一步暗示了投资者的信心及其独特的产品。

Hailed as a trailblazer, it integrates AI into crypto trading, aiming to disrupt the 36 billion global crypto trading market. This cutting-edge technology will ensure profitable trades, leveling the playing field and giving users a shot at becoming the top 1% of traders. Set to usher in an era of democratized finance, it is a new DeFi project to watch out for.

被誉为开拓者,它将人工智能融入加密货币交易,旨在颠覆全球360亿的加密货币交易市场。这项尖端技术将确保交易有利可图,创造公平的竞争环境,让用户有机会成为前 1% 的交易者。这是一个值得关注的新 DeFi 项目,即将迎来民主化金融时代。

As the presale recently kicked off, currently in the first stage, a token costs only $0.009. Its upside potential represents another layer of its appeal, tipped for a 100x upswing after its debut and listing. Offering a bigger opportunity at huge gains than either Dogecoin or Chainlink, it is a promising wave not to miss out on.

随着预售最近开始,目前处于第一阶段,代币价格仅为 0.009 美元。它的上涨潜力代表了其吸引力的另一层,预计在首次亮相和上市后将上涨 100 倍。与狗狗币或 Chainlink 相比,它提供了更大的获得巨额收益的机会,这是一波不容错过的充满希望的浪潮。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Crossed $0.1 Amid Huge Accumulation

狗狗币 (DOGE) 在大量积累中突破 0.1 美元

Dogecoin (DOGE) is the first meme-inspired and fun-themed cryptocurrency. The Dogecoin launch date was on December 6, 2013 and over a decade later, it has become a top altcoin. Despite its lack of technicality, it introduced the memecoin narrative—one of the biggest today.

狗狗币(DOGE)是第一个受模因启发且以有趣为主题的加密货币。狗狗币于 2013 年 12 月 6 日推出,十多年后,它已成为顶级山寨币。尽管缺乏技术性,它还是引入了模因币的叙述——这是当今最大的叙述之一。

The above explains its memetic appeal and why investors are betting big. The Dogecoin price recently crossed $0.1 amid huge accumulation, signifying rising interest and confidence in its potential. Further, it is set to be at the forefront of the next meme craze—just around the corner.

以上解释了它的模因吸引力以及投资者大举押注的原因。狗狗币价格最近在大量积累中突破了 0.1 美元,这表明对其潜力的兴趣和信心不断上升。此外,它还将成为下一次模因热潮的前沿——指日可待。

In the crypto scene, a Dogecoin price prediction stirring excitement hints at a jump past $0.5 before the year's end. This will push it closer to its all-time high (ATH) of $0.73, which analysts are confident will be flipped at the peak of this bull run.

在加密领域,狗狗币的价格预测令人兴奋,暗示其在年底前将突破 0.5 美元。这将推动其接近 0.73 美元的历史高点 (ATH),分析师相信这一水平将在本次牛市的顶峰被翻转。

Chainlink (LINK): Anticipated Jump Past $20 Before End of Q3

Chainlink (LINK):预计在第三季度结束前突破 20 美元

Chainlink (LINK) is an abstraction layer that enables smart contracts that are universally connected. It employs a decentralized oracle network, which allows blockchains to interact with external data feeds, providing critical off-chain information.

Chainlink (LINK) 是一个抽象层,支持普遍连接的智能合约。它采用去中心化的预言机网络,允许区块链与外部数据源交互,提供关键的链下信息。

The Chainlink price reflects the overall market rally as it trades above $10. This jump is part of a broader market upswing as well as rising demand for LINK's DeFi solutions. Despite trading significantly below its ATH of $52, analysts and holders remain optimistic about a complete bounceback.

Chainlink 价格反映了整体市场的上涨,其交易价格超过 10 美元。这种跳跃是更广泛的市场上涨以及对 LINK DeFi 解决方案需求不断增长的一部分。尽管交易价格远低于 52 美元的 ATH,但分析师和持有者仍对全面反弹持乐观态度。

In the near term, a rally past $20 is anticipated before the end of Q3. This Chainlink price prediction has become a subject of much interest, especially among holders. With the altcoin on track for further gains, it is undoubtedly one of the best coins to invest in.

短期内,预​​计第三季度末之前将上涨至 20 美元以上。 Chainlink 的价格预测已成为人们特别感兴趣的话题,尤其是持有者。随着山寨币有望进一步上涨,它无疑是最值得投资的代币之一。



The growing interest in Dogecoin highlights its memetic appeal and growth prospects. Meanwhile, Chainlink approaches $20 following its recent jump, while Intel Markets becomes the latest investor favorite. This emerging altcoin is primed to witness a 100x upswing after its debut, placing it on the list of new DeFi projects to bet on.

人们对狗狗币日益增长的兴趣凸显了其模因吸引力和增长前景。与此同时,Chainlink 在近期上涨后逼近 20 美元,而英特尔市场 (Intel Markets) 成为最新投资者的最爱。这种新兴的山寨币在首次亮相后有望实现 100 倍的上涨,使其跻身新的 DeFi 项目之列。

For the latest updates and information, visit the official Intel Markets website.



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