首页 > 资讯新闻 > 在马斯克发表有趣的 SpaceX 推文后,DOGE 社区向埃隆·马斯克询问关于月球上狗狗币的问题

DOGE Community Asks Elon Musk About Dogecoin on Moon After His Intriguing SpaceX Tweet

在马斯克发表有趣的 SpaceX 推文后,DOGE 社区向埃隆·马斯克询问关于月球上狗狗币的问题

发布: 2024/02/10 20:31 阅读: 733



在马斯克发表有趣的 SpaceX 推文后,DOGE 社区向埃隆·马斯克询问关于月球上狗狗币的问题

Centibillionaire Elon Musk, boss of X and Tesla, among other innovative companies, has taken to the X app to make a major announcement about SpaceX.

X 和 Tesla 等创新公司的老板、亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 已通过 X 应用程序发布了有关 SpaceX 的重大公告。

The tweet intrigued the community and some began asking Musk about details. However, crypto lovers also asked Musk about his plans to take Dogecoin into space.


Intriguing SpaceX announcement from Musk, DOGE question arises

马斯克发布了有趣的 SpaceX 公告,引发了 DOGE 问题

Musk tweeted that in 2024, spacemen will fly “the furthest they have ever been from Earth” over the past 50 years in the Dragon spaceship created by SpaceX. He also specified that Starship will be able to reach the Moon in less than five years.

马斯克在推特上表示,到 2024 年,太空人将乘坐 SpaceX 制造的龙飞船飞“过去 50 年来距离地球最远的距离”。他还指出,星舰将能够在不到五年的时间内到达月球。

Starship should be able to make it to the moon in less than 5 years

星舰应该能够在不到 5 年内到达月球

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 9, 2024

— 埃隆·马斯克 (@elonmusk) 2024 年 2 月 9 日

Major cryptocurrency-themed account Crypto Rand asked when Musk is going to take Dogecoin into space, reminding the centibillionaire about his previous statements in which he said he would do that.

以加密货币为主题的主要账户 Crypto Rand 询问马斯克何时将把狗狗币带入太空,提醒这位百亿富翁他之前曾说过他会这么做。

Wen $DOGE going into orbit sir?

先生,$DOGE 进入轨道了吗?

— Crypto Rand (@crypto_rand) February 9, 2024

— 加密兰德 (@crypto_rand) 2024 年 2 月 9 日

SpaceX received DOGE payment for DOGE-1 Mission

SpaceX 收到 DOGE-1 任务的 DOGE 付款

As reported by U.Today earlier, Elon Musk’s SpaceX accepted a payment in the memorable meme coin DOGE from Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC).

据《今日美国》早些时候报道,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 接受了几何能源公司 (GEC) 的令人难忘的模因币 DOGE 付款。

The company’s Chief Executive Samuel Reid announced that the transaction was made in order to rebook the DOGE-1 Mission after it was initially announced three years ago in 2021. Back then, the project was delayed.

该公司首席执行官塞缪尔·里德(Samuel Reid)宣布,此次交易是为了重新预订三年前的2021年DOGE-1任务。当时,该项目被推迟。

Initially, the plan was to launch the mission on SpaceX Falcon 9 as a payload in 2022, however, the satellite was not ready to launch on time. Now, the GEC boss remains full of optimism that the DOGE-1 Mission will be launched into space after all.

最初计划于 2022 年在 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号上作为有效载荷发射该任务,然而,该卫星尚未准备好按时发射。现在,GEC老板仍然对DOGE-1任务最终将被发射到太空充满乐观。

Almost 214 million Dogecoin on move

近 2.14 亿狗狗币在流通

According to the Whale Alert cryptocurrency tracker, over the past 24 hours, two massive DOGE transactions have been made by anonymous whales. A staggering 150,000,000 DOGE was deposited to Robinhood; this was either a potential sale or a whale who holds his DOGE on this investment platform, since it offers customers cryptocurrency wallets. This impressive transaction was worth $12,220,969.

根据 Whale Alert 加密货币追踪器的数据,在过去 24 小时内,匿名鲸鱼进行了两笔大规模 DOGE 交易。 Robinhood 存入了惊人的 150,000,000 DOGE;这要么是潜在的销售,要么是在这个投资平台上持有 DOGE 的鲸鱼,因为它为客户提供加密货币钱包。这笔令人印象深刻的交易价值 12,220,969 美元。

A total of 63,736,363 DOGE was withdrawn from Bittrex and transferred to an unknown digital wallet. The fiat equivalent of this sum is $5,205,119.

总共 63,736,363 DOGE 从 Bittrex 被提取并转移到未知的数字钱包。这笔金额的法定等值金额为 5,205,119 美元。

🚨 150,000,000 #DOGE (12,220,969 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/1cH2URmApQ

🚨 150,000,000 #DOGE(12,220,969 美元)从未知钱包转移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/1cH2URmApQ

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) February 9, 2024

— 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 2 月 9 日

Over the past 24 hours, DOGE has attempted to break out from the $0.0804 level and made a 2.11% rise. However, this growth was eventually nullified, and at the time of this writing, Dogecoin is changing hands at $0.0804.

在过去的24小时内,DOGE试图突破0.0804美元的水平,并上涨了2.11%。然而,这种增长最终被抵消,在撰写本文时,狗狗币以 0.0804 美元的价格易手。


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