首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE 社区开启了“狗狗币还是比特币”的激烈辩论,这是一个令人惊讶的转折

DOGE Community Opens Hot “Dogecoin or Bitcoin” Debate, Here's Surprising Twist

DOGE 社区开启了“狗狗币还是比特币”的激烈辩论,这是一个令人惊讶的转折

发布: 2024/06/28 01:09 阅读: 594



DOGE 社区开启了“狗狗币还是比特币”的激烈辩论,这是一个令人惊讶的转折

Cover image via U.Today

封面图片来自 U.Today

X user @cb_doge, who refers to himself as "DogeDesigner" and describes himself as a UX/UI and graphic designer at Dogecoin & MyDoge wallet, has once again published a poll to gather opinions from followers on whether "Dogecoin > Bitcoin" or not.

自称“DogeDesigner”的X用户@cb_doge,自称是Dogecoin & MyDoge钱包的UX/UI和图形设计师,他再次发布了一项民意调查,收集关注者对是否“Dogecoin > Bitcoin”的意见。

This statement generated a flurry of comments, with opinions divided. Some supported DogeDesigner's viewpoint, while others favored Bitcoin.


Approximately ten days earlier, @cb_doge posted a similar tweet, which caught the attention of Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus, known as "Shibetoshi Nakamoto" on the X platform. Markus expressed his perspective on the matter, tweeting, "i would rather have 1 bitcoin than 1 dogecoin tbh."

大约十天前,@cb_doge 发布了一条类似的推文,引起了狗狗币联合创始人 Billy Markus(在 X 平台上被称为“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)的注意。马库斯在推特上表达了他对此事的看法,“我宁愿拥有 1 个比特币,也不愿拥有 1 个狗狗币。”

Dogecoin > Bitcoin — DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) June 27, 2024

狗狗币 > 比特币 — DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) 2024 年 6 月 27 日

In November of last year, the Dogecoin founder disclosed his net worth in response to an article claiming he had approximately $5 million. Markus clarified that his "net worth" was considerably less than $1 million and that if he did possess the mentioned sum in his bank account, he would feel considerably more comfortable financially.

去年 11 月,这位狗狗币创始人在回应一篇声称拥有约 500 万美元的文章时披露了自己的净资产。马库斯澄清说,他的“净资产”远低于 100 万美元,如果他的银行账户里确实有上述金额,他在财务上会感觉舒服得多。

According to subsequent tweets, Markus does not hold a significant amount of either Bitcoin or Dogecoin. His Bitcoin holdings amount to only 0.006 BTC.

根据随后的推文,马库斯并未持有大量比特币或狗狗币。他的比特币持有量仅为 0.006 BTC。


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