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The DOGE Father Launches an Ethereum-Solana Duel: Here’s the Community Verdict!

DOGE 之父发起以太坊与 Solana 决斗:这是社区裁决!

发布: 2023/12/25 18:35 阅读: 765

原文作者:Cointribune EN


DOGE 之父发起以太坊与 Solana 决斗:这是社区裁决!

Billy Marcus, the brain behind Dogecoin, recently shook the crypto community by pitting Ethereum and Solana against each other. His unprecedented move sparked a rapid response from investors, leading to heated debates over the relative merits of these two blockchain giants.

狗狗币背后的大脑比利·马库斯 (Billy Marcus) 最近将以太坊和 Solana 相互对立,震惊了加密社区。他前所未有的举动引发了投资者的快速反应,引发了关于这两个区块链巨头相对优点的激烈争论。

The Ethereum community responds massively to the call


Billy Marcus, the father of the memecoin Dogecoin (DOGE), has just ignited the powder keg in the debate between the Ethereum (ETH) and Solana (SOL) communities. In a recent tweet, he issued them an unexpected challenge.

模因币狗狗币 (DOGE) 之父比利·马库斯 (Billy Marcus) 刚刚点燃了以太坊 (ETH) 和 Solana (SOL) 社区之间争论的火药桶。在最近的一条推文中,他向他们发出了意想不到的挑战。

In a bold move, Billy Marcus put the fate of his personal Ethereum and Solana wallets in the hands of the crowd. His explosive question, “Which is better, Solana or Ethereum?” instantly ignited the cryptosphere, triggering an avalanche of fiery reactions.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Marcus) 采取了大胆的举措,将他个人的以太坊和 Solana 钱包的命运交到了大众手中。他的爆炸性问题是“Solana 还是以太坊,哪个更好?”瞬间点燃了密码圈,引发了雪崩般的激烈反应。

And crypto fans responded with enthusiasm! In just 5 hours, Billy Marcus received the equivalent of over $10,000 in various cryptocurrencies. Unsurprisingly, his Ethereum wallet swept up the stakes with $8,200 (representing 88% of the loot), primarily in ETH, as well as ERC-20 tokens.

加密货币粉丝热情回应!在短短 5 小时内,比利·马库斯就收到了相当于 10,000 多美元的各种加密货币。不出所料,他的以太坊钱包以 8,200 美元(占战利品的 88%)一扫赌注,主要是 ETH 以及 ERC-20 代币。

The Solana wallet is not far behind, having accumulated almost $2,000 in various assets. Most notably, Billy Markus admits to being blown away by the eclectic nature of the SOL token donations, far beyond his expectations. A sign of Solana ecosystem’s exceptional inventiveness.

Solana 钱包也不甘落后,已积累了近 2,000 美元的各种资产。最值得注意的是,Billy Markus 承认对 SOL 代币捐赠的不拘一格性质感到震惊,远远超出了他的预期。 Solana 生态系统非凡创造力的标志。

A highly symbolic micro-survey


Originally designed as a joke, this impromptu micro-survey eventually took a serious turn. Driven by Solana’s meteoric rise to become the 4th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, this face-off symbolizes the stakes of the summit duel between Ethereum and its challenger.

这项即兴的微观调查最初是作为一个玩笑而设计的,但最终发生了严重的转变。在 Solana 迅速崛起成为市值第四大加密货币的推动下,这场对峙象征着以太坊与其挑战者之间的巅峰对决。

Since December 2021, Solana (SOL) has shown a stellar growth of +300% compared to ETH, fueling speculation about its chances of “killing Ethereum.” A scenario still very premature, but which well reflects the intensity of the rivalry between these two blockchains.

自 2021 年 12 月以来,Solana (SOL) 与 ETH 相比,增长了 300% 以上,引发了人们对其“杀死以太坊”可能性的猜测。这种情况还为时过早,但它很好地反映了这两个区块链之间竞争的激烈程度。

Regardless, this skirmish orchestrated by Billy Marcus perfectly symbolizes the acceleration of blockchain competition, and the growing stakes of holding the title of “Ethereum killer.” While the outcome remains uncertain, this impromptu duel has at least revealed that Ethereum still vastly dominates in terms of community and ecosystem.


Nevertheless, the excitement for Solana seems quite real. This protocol recently surpassed Bitcoin and Ethereum in transaction volumes, which attests to its growing adoption.

尽管如此,Solana 的兴奋似乎是真实存在的。该协议最近在交易量上超过了比特币和以太坊,这证明了其日益普及。

In the end, the big winner of this skirmish remains Billy Marcus, having pocketed over $10,000 in his wallets. Enough to cheer heartily at the end of the year!

最终,这场小冲突的大赢家仍然是比利·马库斯,他的钱包里装满了超过 10,000 美元。足以在年底尽情欢呼!

Of course, you too can take advantage of the opportunities that arise, particularly by adopting a savvy attitude!



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