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DOGE vs MANIA: Which Altcoin is Forecasted to Reach $0.5 First

DOGE vs MANIA:哪种山寨币预计将首先达到 0.5 美元

发布: 2024/03/09 22:00 阅读: 521

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


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As the total crypto market capitalization surpassed $2.5 trillion, the meme coin sector saw its value exceed $50 billion, surpassing the combined caps of the DeFi and NFT domains. This remarkable growth came after eight months of horizontal consolidation, with Dogecoin (DOGE) and its peers posting double-digit gains due to a growing correlation with Bitcoin (BTC). Specifically, the correlation between BTC and DOGE reached 87%, meaning that Bitcoin's move past its $69,000 peak encouraged Dogecoin to rally as well, but with even greater gains.

目录 借助 ScapesMania 狗狗币 (DOGE) 顺应创新浪潮:全面的市场分析和未来展望 结论 随着加密货币总市值超过 2.5 万亿美元,模因币行业的价值超过 500 亿美元,超过了加密货币市场的总市值。 DeFi 和 NFT 领域。这一显着的增长是在八个月的横向整合之后实现的,由于与比特币 (BTC) 的相关性不断增强,狗狗币 (DOGE) 及其同类货币出现了两位数的涨幅。具体来说,BTC 和 DOGE 之间的相关性达到 87%,这意味着比特币突破 69,000 美元的峰值也鼓励狗狗币反弹,但涨幅更大。

The fear of missing out (FOMO) was another major factor propelling meme coins forward. Analysts predict that once the meme coin mania peaks, liquidity can shift towards altcoins with stronger fundamentals.


Ride The Wave of Innovation with ScapesMania

The introduction of a new crypto project is usually met with very cautious optimism. But when its numerous past sales and token generation event (TGE) are a huge success, it all seems like the first step on a path full of growth potential. ScapesMania, the groundbreaking casual gaming project, has a lot to show for its unstoppable hype. 

与 ScapesMania 一起驾驭创新浪潮新的加密项目的推出通常会引起非常谨慎的乐观情绪。但当其过去的众多销售和代币生成活动(TGE)取得巨大成功时,这一切似乎都是充满增长潜力的道路上的第一步。 ScapesMania 是一个开创性的休闲游戏项目,其势不可挡的炒作有很多值得展示的地方。

$MANIA has stepped into PancakeSwap, a decentralized exchange on the Binance Smart Chain network known for its extensive user base and liquidity. The debut trading day proved to be impressive. The token price demonstrated resilience, indicating robust tokenomics and promising prospects for the project. Unlike short-term ICOs, ScapesMania has proven itself to be a serious venture within a thriving market.

$MANIA 已进入 PancakeSwap,这是币安智能链网络上的去中心化交易所,以其广泛的用户基础和流动性而闻名。首个交易日的表现令人印象深刻。代币价格表现出弹性,表明代币经济强劲且该项目前景光明。与短期 ICO 不同,ScapesMania 已证明自己是蓬勃发展的市场中的一项严肃的冒险活动。

Just let the numbers speak for themselves: holder count: 18.41k; 24-hour trading volume: $2.26m; over 2,535 buys and 1,651 sells. ScapesMania also topped DEXTools' Hot Pairs list right away. 

让数字来说明一切:持有者数量:18.41k; 24小时交易量:226万美元;超过 2,535 次买入和 1,651 次卖出。 ScapesMania 也立即名列 DEXTools 热门配对排行榜榜首。

This project started out with a presale event that garnered an incredible $6.125 million. The fact that it attracted over 60,000 followers across different social media networks and a vast number of holders is even more remarkable. This strong support and funding demonstrate how appealing and promising the project is to a wide audience. A real breakthrough might be just around the corner, so it would be a waste not to grab $MANIA tokens before they skyrocket.

该项目从预售活动开始,获得了令人难以置信的 612.5 万美元的收入。更引人注目的是,它在不同的社交媒体网络上吸引了超过 60,000 名粉丝和大量持有者。这种强有力的支持和资金证明了该项目对广大受众的吸引力和前景。真正的突破可能即将到来,因此在 $MANIA 代币暴涨之前不抢购它们将是一种浪费。

The launch of liquidity pairings including MANIA/WBNB and MANIA/USDT marked the beginning of active trading. The demand from the community led to USDT becoming the main source of liquidity. 


Why get involved with ScapesMania now that it's listed? First, $MANIA tokenomics are balanced, with a cliff and vesting system helping maintain stability. Second, ScapesMania incentivizes community members through its staking program, rewarding commitment with extra tokens. Third, through DAO governance, community members can vote on ecosystem development decisions. Finally, ScapesMania continuously expands token utility, offering more benefits to $MANIA holders.

既然 ScapesMania 已上市,为什么还要参与其中呢?首先,$MANIA 代币经济是平衡的,悬崖和归属系统有助于保持稳定性。其次,ScapesMania 通过其质押计划激励社区成员,用额外的代币奖励承诺。第三,通过DAO治理,社区成员可以对生态系统发展决策进行投票。最后,ScapesMania 不断扩展代币实用性,为 $MANIA 持有者提供更多好处。

With a strong plan for promoting the project after listing, its success might keep up the record-breaking pace after its debut. The team's dedication to long-term development and prominence in the cryptocurrency industry is shown by their impressive marketing efforts - 75K+ average monthly traffic is no joke.

由于项目上市后有强有力的推广计划,其成功可能会在上市后继续保持破纪录的速度。该团队对长期发展和在加密货币行业中的突出地位的奉献精神通过他们令人印象深刻的营销努力得到了体现 - 75K+ 的平均月流量可不是闹着玩的。

Additional upsides that may be the biggest deciding factors when it comes to growth are:


  • The project's smart contract has been approved by BlockSafu. Holders may rest certain that the project's infrastructure is reliable and up to par thanks to this endorsement.


  • Enthusiastic support from numerous notable crypto influencers. It lends legitimacy and affirms ScapesMania’s status as one of the promising new projects.

    来自众多著名加密货币影响者的热情支持。它赋予了 ScapesMania 合法性并肯定了其作为最有前途的新项目之一的地位。

  • Experienced team.  Innovating and executing a project successfully requires a team of seasoned specialists. This project is in a strong position to overcome any obstacles and take advantage of opportunities.


  • Bright future. The project has come a long way, but it still has a long way to go. There are tentative plans to list on a centralized exchange (CEX), which will provide access to more markets and more liquidity.


Everything about ScapesMania was carefully designed to facilitate major growth potential. From successful, well-publicized sales to its advantageous alliances, seasoned staff, and strategic positioning in the casual gaming niche – it looks poised for big things.

ScapesMania 的一切都经过精心设计,以促进巨大的增长潜力。从成功、广为人知的销售到其有利的联盟、经验丰富的员工以及在休闲游戏利基市场的战略定位——它看起来已经为大事做好了准备。

Choosing ScapesMania right now, post-TGE, offers early access, exclusive benefits, diversification, lower competition within a dynamic niche, and, more importantly, a potentially perfectly-timed entry point for maximum growth. The coin's stable post-listing price and strong initial support, coupled with an influx of newcomers, indicate long-term confidence, so it might be the time to make your decision.

现在选择 TGE 后的 ScapesMania,可以提供早期访问、独家优惠、多元化、动态利基市场内较低的竞争,更重要的是,提供一个可能实现最大增长的完美时机切入点。该币上市后稳定的价格和强大的初始支撑,加上新人的涌入,表明了长期信心,所以现在可能是你做出决定的时候了。

>>> Get $MANIA on PancakeSwap Now— MANIA/WBNB, MANIA/USDT <<<

>>> 立即在 PancakeSwap 获取 $MANIA — MANIA/WBNB、MANIA/USDT

Dogecoin (DOGE): A Comprehensive Market Analysis and Future Outlook

Dogecoin (DOGE), often swayed by social media and high-profile endorsements, notably from Elon Musk, saw a significant uptick in its market performance. With a recent surge of over 100% in the last 30 days, Dogecoin (DOGE) market capitalization and trading volume showed impressive growth. Positive market trends and the potential for further integration with Musk's 'X' app boosted the meme coin's value, hinting at a growing acceptance and utility of DOGE.

狗狗币(DOGE):全面的市场分析和未来展望狗狗币(DOGE)经常受到社交媒体和高调认可(尤其是埃隆·马斯克的认可)的影响,其市场表现显着上升。狗狗币 (DOGE) 的市值和交易量在过去 30 天内飙升了 100% 以上,显示出令人印象深刻的增长。积极的市场趋势以及与马斯克的“X”应用程序进一步整合的潜力提升了模因币的价值,暗示着 DOGE 的接受度和实用性不断提高。

Currently, Dogecoin (DOGE) trades at a pivotal point, with its value experiencing substantial volatility. From its all-time high in May 2021 to its more recent cycle lows and highs, Dogecoin (DOGE) demonstrated the kind of price swings that attract both speculative interest and caution from investors. The meme coin's rebound from lows and challenging of previous highs is a testament to its resilient that contrasts sharply with its unpredictable nature. The market's bullish sentiment, as reflected in the Fear & Greed Index showing "extreme greed", underscores the current optimism surrounding Dogecoin's (DOGE) potential for further gains.

目前,狗狗币(DOGE)的交易正处于一个关键点,其价值经历了大幅波动。从 2021 年 5 月的历史高点到最近的周期低点和高点,狗狗币 (DOGE) 表现出了既吸引投机兴趣又吸引投资者谨慎的价格波动。模因币从低点反弹并挑战先前高点证明了其弹性,与其不可预测的性质形成鲜明对比。恐惧与贪婪指数显示出“极度贪婪”,反映出市场的看涨情绪,凸显了当前围绕狗狗币(DOGE)进一步上涨潜力的乐观情绪。

The prospect of Dogecoin (DOGE) achieving a 1000% increase before the next Bitcoin halving encapsulates the high-stakes, high-reward scenario that meme coins represent. The meme coin's recent performance, visibility and popularity, driven by social media and speculative interest that tends to swell during bullish market phases, underpin this possible growth. Moreover, the significant percentage of DOGE pooled on decentralized exchanges indicates a healthy liquidity and trading environment that can ensure the stabilization of Dogecoin's (DOGE) price and provide it with a necessary boost.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 在下一次比特币减半之前实现 1000% 增长的前景概括了模因币所代表的高风险、高回报的场景。在社交媒体和牛市阶段往往会膨胀的投机兴趣的推动下,模因币最近的表现、知名度和受欢迎程度支撑了这种可能的增长。此外,大量的 DOGE 集中在去中心化交易所,这表明良好的流动性和交易环境可以确保狗狗币(DOGE)价格的稳定并为其提供必要的推动。


While analysts suggest that liquidity might shift towards altcoins with more robust fundamentals at the peak of meme coin mania, the current market dynamics indicate a different trend. Dogecoin (DOGE), particularly, is at an intriguing juncture. Its market movements are significantly influenced by market sentiment, social media trends, and endorsements from high-profile individuals such as Elon Musk. 


Recently, Dogecoin (DOGE) experienced a remarkable surge in the last 30 days, showcasing substantial growth in both market capitalization and trading volume. Despite its inherent volatility, Dogecoin (DOGE) stays resilient: the meme coin’s ability to recover from lows and push towards new highs underscores its unpredictable yet compelling nature in the cryptocurrency landscape. With the market's ongoing bullish trend, Dogecoin (DOGE) stands on the cusp of potential further gains, epitomizing the high-risk, high-reward essence of meme coins.


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是一篇赞助文章,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。

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