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$DOGE, $PEPE, $FLOKI and $GFOX — Which Meme Will Make You Rich Faster?

$DOGE、$PEPE、$FLOKI 和 $GFOX — 哪个 Meme 会让您更快致富?

发布: 2023/12/18 16:32 阅读: 715



$DOGE、$PEPE、$FLOKI 和 $GFOX — 哪个 Meme 会让您更快致富?

Memecoins have built a reputation of minting crypto millionaires every bull cycle. As we enter another bull cycle, investors are once again looking for the best meme coins to buy

Memecoins 已经建立了在每个牛市周期创造加密货币百万富翁的声誉。当我们进入另一个牛市周期时,投资者再次寻找最好的模因币来购买。

Dogecoin ($DOGE), Pepe ($PEPE), Floki ($FLOKI), and Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) are among the hottest meme coins to buy right now. But which of these meme coins can make you rich faster? Let’s see what the crypto experts think. 

狗狗币 ($DOGE)、佩佩 ($PEPE)、弗洛基 ($FLOKI) 和 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 是目前最热门的模因币。但是这些模因硬币中的哪一个可以让你更快致富呢?让我们看看加密货币专家的想法。


>>购买 $GFOX 代币

How Will Dogecoin ($DOGE) Perform?


Although Dogecoin ($DOGE) started off slowly in 2023, its momentum has increased in recent weeks. Since October, the $DOGE has surged by more than 64%. In the current bull market, can Dogecoin make you wealthy?

尽管狗狗币 ($DOGE) 在 2023 年起步缓慢,但最近几周其势头有所增强。自 10 月以来,美元 DOGE 已飙升超过 64%。当前牛市,狗狗币能让你致富吗?

So far, the most bullish forecast for Dogecoin has been a price target of $1 — roughly 10x current prices. Yet it’s been predicted to be a slow process, not reaching its target until 2025. One of the most serious criticisms of $DOGE is its unlimited supply. While it was once one of the best altcoins, the chances of Dogecoin making you rich in the current bull cycle appear to be quite limited.

到目前为止,狗狗币最乐观的预测是 1 美元的价格目标——大约是当前价格的 10 倍。然而,预计这是一个缓慢的过程,要到 2025 年才能达到目标。对 $DOGE 最严重的批评之一是其无限的供应。虽然狗狗币曾经是最好的山寨币之一,但在当前的牛市周期中,狗狗币让你致富的机会似乎相当有限。

How Will Pepe ($PEPE) Perform?

佩佩 ($PEPE) 表现如何?

Pepe ($PEPE) exploded as the first frog-themed meme coin in early 2023. After its market valuation surpassed $1 billion, $PEPE became one of the best meme coins to buy in 2023. However, the meme coin has dropped precipitously since its ATH in May. 

Pepe ($PEPE) 作为第一个以青蛙为主题的 meme 币在 2023 年初爆发。在其市值超过 10 亿美元后,$PEPE 成为 2023 年最值得购买的 meme 币之一。然而,meme 币自上市以来急剧下跌。五月的 ATH。

$PEPE is trading at 65% down from its all-time high in 2023. While Pepe would surely profit from this bull cycles, investors are no longer as enthusiastic about the meme coin. Pepe is not the ERC20 token to make you rich in this bull cycle, with low use and falling community participation.

$PEPE 的交易价格较 2023 年的历史高点下跌了 65%。虽然 Pepe 肯定会从这次牛市周期中获利,但投资者对这种 meme 代币不再那么热情。 Pepe 并不是本轮牛市中让你致富的 ERC20 代币,使用率低且社区参与度下降。


>>购买 $GFOX 代币

What’s the Outlook for Shiba Inu ($SHIB)?

柴犬 ($SHIB) 的前景如何?

Like $DOGE, Shiba Inu ($SHIB) began the year poorly but has picked up bullish momentum along the way. The price of $SHIB has jumped by more than 44% on the 60-day chart to reclaim the $0.0000100 resistance by mid-December.

与 $DOGE 一样,柴犬 ($SHIB) 今年年初表现不佳,但一路走来拾起了看涨势头。 $SHIB 的价格在 60 日图表上上涨了 44% 以上,到 12 月中旬收复了 0.0000100 美元的阻力位。

Many experts have predicted that the price of Shiba Inu will continue to increase deep into the bull cycle. $SHIB has been ranked as a top crypto to buy because of the increasing number of projects introduced to Shiba Inu. These projects have been projected to help $SHIB delete another zero.

许多专家预测,柴犬的价格将在牛市周期的深处继续上涨。由于引入 Shiba Inu 的项目数量不断增加,$SHIB 已被列为最值得购买的加密货币。这些项目预计将帮助 $SHIB 删除另一个零。

Will Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) Out-Perform Them All?

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的表现会超越它们吗?

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) has been singled out by market experts as the likely next big thing for the bull run. The project has addressed several main issues that have slowed the growth rate of meme coins. Galaxy Fox has launched with utility, something lacking in the other three meme coins, making it the best new crypto to buy for the bull market. 

Galaxy Fox($GFOX)已被市场专家列为牛市中可能的下一个重大事件。该项目解决了减缓模因币增长速度的几个主要问题。 Galaxy Fox 的推出具有实用性,这是其他三种模因币所缺乏的,这使其成为牛市中最值得购买的新加密货币。

The project has created a blockchain gaming ecosystem while also serving as a meme coin. A play-to-earn game, some of the coolest NFTs, an NFT marketplace, and a merchandise store are all part of the Galaxy Fox ecosystem. The project is designed to be profitable, rewarding users for participating in the game and other parts of the ecosystem.

该项目创建了一个区块链游戏生态系统,同时也充当了模因币。边玩边赚钱的游戏、一些最酷的 NFT、NFT 市场和商品商店都是 Galaxy Fox 生态系统的一部分。该项目旨在盈利,奖励参与游戏和生态系统其他部分的用户。

Galaxy Fox has also solved the tokenomics challenges that have limited the price growth of $DOGE and $SHIB. While Dogecoin has unlimited supply and Shiba Inu has 589 trillion, $GFOX has only 5 billion. This limited quantity and token burn give it great upside potential. In the crypto presale, you can snap up $GFOX for only $0.001122 per token.

Galaxy Fox 还解决了限制 $DOGE 和 $SHIB 价格增长的代币经济学挑战。虽然狗狗币的供应量是无限的,而柴犬的供应量是 589 万亿,但 $GFOX 的供应量只有 50 亿。这种有限的数量和代币燃烧赋予了它巨大的上涨潜力。在加密货币预售中,您只需每个代币 0.001122 美元即可抢购 $GFOX。

Final Thoughts


In this bull cycle, $GFOX looks better positioned for major gains than $DOGE, $SHIB, and $PEPE. Analysts have predicted that the utility in the ecosystem could spark a significant 100x price jump. This makes $GFOX the best meme coins to buy to get rich in this bull market.

在这个牛市周期中,$GFOX 看起来比 $DOGE、$SHIB 和 $PEPE 更能实现大幅上涨。分析师预测,生态系统中的效用可能会引发 100 倍的价格大幅上涨。这使得 $GFOX 成为在这个牛市中致富的最佳模因币。

Learn more about Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) here:

在此了解有关 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的更多信息:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Galaxy Fox on Twitter 

访问 Galaxy Fox 预售 |加入 Telegram 群组 |在 Twitter 上关注 Galaxy Fox

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The post $DOGE, $PEPE, $FLOKI and $GFOX — Which Meme Will Make You Rich Faster? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

$DOGE、$PEPE、$FLOKI 和 $GFOX 帖子 — 哪个 Meme 会让您更快致富?首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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