首页 > 资讯新闻 > 6400 万枚狗狗币转移至 Coinbase,DOGE 价格上涨 5.5%

DOGE Price up 5.5% as 64 Million Dogecoin Moved to Coinbase

6400 万枚狗狗币转移至 Coinbase,DOGE 价格上涨 5.5%

发布: 2023/12/08 20:09 阅读: 735



6400 万枚狗狗币转移至 Coinbase,DOGE 价格上涨 5.5%

Blockchain tracking service Whale Alert, which keeps an eye on large cryptocurrency transactions and shares the details of them with the crypto community, spreads the word about almost 65 million Dogecoin deposited to the biggest U.S.-based exchange, Coinbase.

区块链跟踪服务 Whale Alert 密切关注大型加密货币交易,并与加密社区分享交易细节,并传出近 6500 万狗狗币存入美国最大交易所 Coinbase 的消息。

Meanwhile, this crypto transaction coincided with a substantial rise in the DOGE price that took place overnight.

与此同时,这笔加密货币交易恰逢隔夜 DOGE 价格大幅上涨。

🚨 64,746,017 #DOGE (6,127,419 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Coinbasehttps://t.co/bJtHjxcMMx

🚨 64,746,017 #DOGE(6,127,419 美元)从未知钱包转移到#Coinbasehttps://t.co/bJtHjxcMMx

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) December 7, 2023

— 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 12 月 7 日

Millions of Dogecoin sent to Coinbase for selling

数百万狗狗币被送往 Coinbase 出售

According to Whale Alert, a total of 64,746,017 DOGE worth $6,127,419 altogether was sent from an unknown sender wallet to a Coinbase blockchain address in 15 transactions. The last four of them carried approximately 10.5 million DOGE.

据 Whale Alert 称,在 15 笔交易中,总共 64,746,017 个 DOGE,价值 6,127,419 美元从未知的发件人钱包发送到 Coinbase 区块链地址。最后四人携带了大约 1050 万枚 DOGE。

One transaction was worth 6,203,514 DOGE. Three smaller transfers moved 2.5 million Dogecoin each, and the preceding ones moved between 1,247,828 DOGE and 1,818,940 DOGE.

一笔交易价值 6,203,514 DOGE。三笔较小的转账各转移了 250 万狗狗币,之前的转账金额在 1,247,828 DOGE 到 1,818,940 DOGE 之间。

Notably, the sender wallet remains empty now, according to the details shared by Whale Alert. The owner has transferred all of its meme coin contents to be sold on the Coinbase exchange.

值得注意的是,根据 Whale Alert 分享的详细信息,发送者的钱包现在仍然是空的。所有者已将其所有 meme 币内容转移到 Coinbase 交易所出售。

Around two weeks ago, the most popular meme cryptocurrency (and the biggest one by market capitalization), DOGE, witnessed two consecutive peaks as its transaction count surged first above one million and then, within a few days, surpassed 1.5 million transfers. However, currently, this metric is down to half a million DOGE transactions, according to Blockchair explorer.

大约两周前,最受欢迎的 meme 加密货币(也是市值最大的加密货币)DOGE 连续两个高峰,其交易量首先飙升至 100 万以上,然后在几天内超过 150 万笔转账。然而,根据 Blockchair explorer 的数据,目前这一指标已降至 50 万 DOGE 交易。

Dogecoin price demonstrates volatility


The Dogecoin price has been showing great volatility recently. Between Nov. 28 and Dec. 6, the meme cryptocurrency added a staggering 35.7%, soaring to the $0.1041 level. On Dec. 6, the Dogecoin team and the community celebrated DOGE's birthday; on exactly that day in 2013, DOGE was created and launched on the market as a parody of Bitcoin.

近期狗狗币价格波动较大。 11 月 28 日至 12 月 6 日期间,meme 加密货币上涨了 35.7%,飙升至 0.1041 美元的水平。 12月6日,狗狗币团队和社区庆祝DOGE生日;就在 2013 年的那一天,DOGE 作为比特币的模仿品诞生并在市场上推出。

After reaching that local high, the Dogecoin price lost more than 10.5% within a day. This decline was followed by a 5.5% increase within the last 24 hours. Currently, DOGE is changing hands at $0.0968 after a slight drop.

在达到当地高点后,狗狗币价格在一天之内下跌了 10.5% 以上。这一下降之后,过去 24 小时内又上涨了 5.5%。目前,DOGE 在小幅下跌后以 0.0968 美元易手。

“Drawback” that supports Dogecoin 


DOGE cofounder Billy Markus, who created the code for Dogecoin 10 years ago, recently admitted that Dogecoin has a bug that he and the other cofounder, Jackson Palmer, decided not to fix.

DOGE 联合创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 10 年前创建了狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 的代码,他最近承认狗狗币有一个错误,他和另一位联合创始人杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 决定不修复该错误。

This is the absence of the limit of coins that can be mined in total. Markus admitted that if this bug had been fixed, DOGE would have stopped existing long ago.

这是没有可以开采的硬币总数的限制。马库斯承认,如果这个错误被修复,DOGE 早就不存在了。


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