首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE 价格预测:狗狗币会达到新的高度吗?准备迎接模因大亨的突破吧!

DOGE Price Prediction: Will Dogecoin Reach New Heights? Prepare for a Meme Mogul Breakout!

DOGE 价格预测:狗狗币会达到新的高度吗?准备迎接模因大亨的突破吧!

发布: 2023/12/31 15:32 阅读: 603



DOGE 价格预测:狗狗币会达到新的高度吗?准备迎接模因大亨的突破吧!

You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: DOGE Price Prediction: Will Dogecoin Reach New Heights? Prepare for a Meme Mogul Breakout!

您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:DOGE 价格预测:狗狗币会达到新的高度吗?准备迎接模因大亨的突破吧!

Forget Christmas, with memecoin season fully underway and with no signs of stopping, where will Dogecoin (DOGE) go next? And what is in store for the presale project – (MGLS) Meme Moguls – that just keeps going up?

忘掉圣诞节吧,模因币季节已经全面展开,而且没有停止的迹象,狗狗币(DOGE)下一步将走向何方?不断上涨的预售项目((MGLS)Meme Moguls)将会带来什么?

Dogecoin’s Price in 2024 and Beyond

狗狗币 2024 年及以后的价格

For months, crypto’s favorite memecoin was languishing around $0.005-$0.006. But in time for Christmas and NY, throughout December, Dogecoin has been oscillating around $0.009 to $0.010. The reason for this is partly due to the rising crypto market, and also perhaps due to Doginals. Doginals, like Ordinals, are a new way of inscribing NFTs on chains like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin, which all share the same base code.

几个月来,加密货币界最受欢迎的 memecoin 一直在 0.005-0.006 美元左右徘徊。但在圣诞节和纽约,整个 12 月,狗狗币一直在 0.009 美元至 0.010 美元之间波动。造成这种情况的部分原因是加密货币市场的不断增长,也可能是由于 Doginals。 Doginals 与 Ordinals 一样,是一种在比特币、莱特币和狗狗币等链上刻写 NFT 的新方式,这些链都共享相同的基础代码。

This proves that adding utility to memes is an important way to increase the price. So what do forecasters see for Dogecoin’s future price action? We decided to look at Binance’s forecasting tool, which gathers data from the people. Especially since Elon Musk says that “Dogecoin is the people’s crypto”.


According to the analysis, the price of Dogecoin could reach $0.130561 by the year 2030, representing a potential increase of around 5% from current levels. Specifically, the predictions show the price reaching $0.097427 in 2024, and then reaching $0.102298 in 2025.

根据分析,到 2030 年,狗狗币的价格可能会达到 0.130561 美元,较目前水平可能上涨 5% 左右。具体来说,预测显示价格将在 2024 年达到 0.097427 美元,然后在 2025 年达到 0.102298 美元。

By 2026, the models forecast DOGE potentially hitting $0.107413 before climbing to its 2030 price prediction of $0.130561. This gradual price growth indicates relatively stagnant returns but does point to an overall bullish long-term trajectory for Dogecoin.

到 2026 年,模型预测 DOGE 可能会达到 0.107413 美元,然后攀升至 2030 年的价格预测 0.130561 美元。这种逐渐的价格增长表明回报相对停滞,但确实表明狗狗币的整体看涨长期轨迹。

Meme Moguls for Better Returns?


Whilst no one really knows how high Doge can go, (especially as it was once worth $0.70 for a brief time), if the predictions of the community are correct, a 5% gain is not really that impressive for crypto. And especially not for a memecoin.

虽然没有人真正知道 Doge 能涨到多高(特别是它曾经一度价值 0.70 美元),但如果社区的预测是正确的,那么 5% 的涨幅对于加密货币来说并不是那么令人印象深刻。尤其是对于模因币来说更是如此。

The main problem with Doge is that a lot of people have already invested, and are now turning to newer coins like Bonk, Pepe, and Meme Moguls.

Doge 的主要问题是很多人已经投资了,现在转向 Bonk、Pepe 和 Meme Moguls 等新币。

Meme Moguls has already gone up by 30% since it began its presale, in mid-November. But that’s not all. Forecasters are predicting that the coin will reach $0.19 in 2024, representing a massive 6600% increase for today’s holders. The coin is already in stage 3, but has several stages still to go, so it’s a good time for interested people to get involved.

自 11 月中旬开始预售以来,Meme Moguls 的股价已经上涨了 30%。但这还不是全部。预测者预测,到 2024 年,该代币将达到 0.19 美元,对于当今的持有者来说,这意味着价格将大幅上涨 6600%。该币已经处于第三阶段,但还有几个阶段需要进行,所以现在是感兴趣的人参与的好时机。

While Dogecoin has received a bump from Doginals, the utility is still minimal. Meme Moguls on the other hand, will be a coin but also a play to earn game with a big community aspect.

尽管狗狗币受到了 Doginals 的冲击,但其效用仍然很小。另一方面,Meme Moguls 将是一个硬币,但也是一个具有大社区方面的赚钱游戏。

The game will be great for those new and experienced in crypto. It will feature a simulated trading game where players get $100k of virtual money to trade and battle each other on the leaderboard.

这款游戏对于加密货币领域的新手和经验丰富的人来说非常有用。它将采用模拟交易游戏,玩家可以获得 10 万美元的虚拟货币来进行交易并在排行榜上相互战斗。

There are many ways to win, including becoming top of the leaderboard, winning prizes throughout the presale, and entering tournaments.


There are also even more ways to earn in Meme Moguls – including providing liquidity, helping the community, and winning and selling NFTs of crypto’s favorite memes. (These NFTs will provide bonus stats to help players in tournaments).

在 Meme Moguls 中还有更多赚钱方式,包括提供流动性、帮助社区以及赢得和销售加密货币最受欢迎的 Meme 的 NFT。 (这些 NFT 将提供奖励统计数据来帮助玩家参加锦标赛)。

For long-lasting memecoins, community and utility are key.


MGLS has many use cases such as governance, marketplace trading, and staking. And with Meme Moguls there will be a united team of players who love memes, love trading, and love to hodl MGLS. We’re excited to see what else Meme Moguls brings to the table in 2024.

MGLS 有许多用例,例如治理、市场交易和质押。 Meme Moguls 将会是一支由热爱 Meme、热爱交易、热爱持有 MGLS 的玩家组成的团结团队。我们很高兴看到 Meme Moguls 在 2024 年还会带来什么。


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免责声明:本文是新闻稿。 COINTURK NEWS 对与本文提及的任何产品或服务相关的任何损坏或损失不承担任何责任。 COINTURK NEWS建议读者仔细研究文章中提到的公司。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: DOGE Price Prediction: Will Dogecoin Reach New Heights? Prepare for a Meme Mogul Breakout!

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻:DOGE 价格预测:狗狗币会达到新高度吗?准备迎接模因大亨的突破吧!


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