首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE 正在崛起,而 AVAX 的未来看起来黯淡。 Kelexo(KLXO)预售是2024年投资者的救星?

DOGE on the rise, as future of AVAX looks bleak. Kelexo (KLXO) presale the saviour for investors in 2024?

DOGE 正在崛起,而 AVAX 的未来看起来黯淡。 Kelexo(KLXO)预售是2024年投资者的救星?

发布: 2024/01/25 21:32 阅读: 899

原文作者:CoinPedia News


DOGE 正在崛起,而 AVAX 的未来看起来黯淡。 Kelexo(KLXO)预售是2024年投资者的救星?

The post DOGE on the rise, as future of AVAX looks bleak. Kelexo (KLXO) presale the saviour for investors in 2024? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

随着 AVAX 的未来看起来黯淡,后 DOGE 正在崛起。 Kelexo(KLXO)预售是2024年投资者的救星?首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

With Dogecoin (DOGE) and Avalanche (AVAX) experiencing up-and-down movements, Kelexo (KLXO) appears to be a safer investment. Market observers predict this new project will experience substantial growth and yield a massive return on investment. Let’s see the prospects of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Avalanche (AVAX) and why Kelexo (KLXO) is tipped to be the haven for investors this year. 

随着狗狗币(DOGE)和雪崩(AVAX)经历上下波动,Kelexo(KLXO)似乎是一项更安全的投资。市场观察家预测这个新项目将实现大幅增长并产生巨大的投资回报。让我们看看狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Avalanche (AVAX) 的前景,以及为什么 Kelexo (KLXO) 有望成为今年投资者的避风港。

Dogecoin (DOGE) – Poised for Growth


The announcement of X Payments has sparked excitement for Dogecoin (DOGE), causing a surge of 9%. Market experts are speculating about a potential link between these events, particularly considering Dogecoin’s (DOGE) long-standing connection with X CEO Elon Musk.

X Payments 的宣布引发了狗狗币 (DOGE) 的兴奋,导致其飙升 9%。市场专家正在猜测这些事件之间的潜在联系,特别是考虑到狗狗币(DOGE)与 X 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的长期联系。

Many anticipate Dogecoin (DOGE) to be listed as one of X’s payment methods, fostering expectations of promising days ahead. Observers have suggested it has entered a buy zone and could experience an uptick in the upcoming months. But despite recent developments, Dogecoin (DOGE) remains in a bearish trend, currently trading at $0.07931. This represents a 1.43% drop in value in the last seven days. 

许多人预计狗狗币(DOGE)将被列为 X 的支付方式之一,这增强了人们对未来充满希望的期望。观察人士表示,该股已进入买入区域,并可能在未来几个月内出现上涨。但尽管最近有所发展,狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍处于看跌趋势,目前交易价格为 0.07931 美元。这意味着过去 7 天内价值下跌了 1.43%。

Avalanche (AVAX) Future Looks Bleak 

Avalanche (AVAX) 的未来看起来很黯淡

Despite a notable 96.19% increase in daily average trading volume, Avalanche (AVAX)’s value has dropped by 13.64% in the last seven days. It has been on a downward slope for quite some time, which has declined by 34.87% in the last month. 

尽管日均交易量显着增长 96.19%,但 Avalanche (AVAX) 的价值在过去 7 天内下跌了 13.64%。已经有一段时间处于下降趋势了,上个月下降了34.87%。

Avalanche (AVAX) has a valuation of $11.3 billion, placing it among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market cap. Experts predict that its price decline might reverse itself once its protocol project gets underway. Still, Avalanche (AVAX) traders and investors must exercise caution or run the risk of substantial losses. 

Avalanche (AVAX) 的估值为 113 亿美元,跻身市值排名前十的加密货币之列。专家预测,一旦其协议项目启动,其价格下跌可能会逆转。尽管如此,Avalanche (AVAX) 交易者和投资者必须谨慎行事,否则将面临重大损失的风险。

Kelexo (KLXO) – The Rising Gem

Kelexo (KLXO) – 冉冉升起的宝石

The Kelexo (KLXO) project is an excellent prospect for investors seeking more assured investment opportunities. It’ll revolutionize the Web3 lending marketplace by fostering seamless transactions between borrowers and lenders without the need for intermediaries. Moreover, the project will provide better security and fairer fees while eliminating the need for KYC checks. 

Kelexo(KLXO)项目对于寻求更放心投资机会的投资者来说是一个绝佳的前景。它将通过促进借款人和贷款人之间的无缝交易而无需中介机构来彻底改变 Web3 借贷市场。此外,该项目将提供更好的安全性和更公平的费用,同时消除 KYC 检查的需要。

Market observers predict Kelexo (KLXO) will experience substantial growth this year and become a future blue-chip cryptocurrency. For this reason, many investors are already buying into the token while it’s still in presale. It’s going for just $0.022 and a total supply of 480,000,000 will be available during the presale. 

市场观察人士预测Kelexo(KLXO)今年将经历大幅增长,并成为未来的蓝筹加密货币。因此,许多投资者在代币仍在预售时就已经购买了。其售价仅为 0.022 美元,预售期间总供应量为 480,000,000 枚。

Kelexo (KLXO) Is Well-Positioned to Surpass Dogecoin and Avalanche (AVAX)

Kelexo (KLXO) 完全有能力超越狗狗币和 Avalanche (AVAX)

While Dogecoin (DOGE) and Avalanche (AVAX) may see some positive price trends in the future, the massive growth potential of Kelexo (KLXO) makes it significantly more appealing. It’s offering a safer investment, as liquidity will be locked for life. Analysts predict Kelexo (KLXO) may experience a 40x price rise as the year unfolds, rapidly surpassing many established cryptocurrencies in short order.

虽然狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Avalanche (AVAX) 未来可能会出现一些积极的价格趋势,但 Kelexo (KLXO) 的巨大增长潜力使其更具吸引力。它提供了更安全的投资,因为流动性将被终身锁定。分析师预测,随着今年的展开,Kelexo (KLXO) 的价格可能会上涨 40 倍,在短时间内迅速超越许多成熟的加密货币。

Find out more about the Kelexo presale at their official website

在其官方网站上了解有关 Kelexo 预售的更多信息


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