首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE和SHIB看到了新的涨势,但这个新的模因币即将爆发,已筹集1500万! 可以这样翻译成中文:DOGE和SHIB目睹新的上升趋势,但这个新的模因币即将爆发,已筹集1500万!

DOGE & SHIB see fresh pumps, but this new meme coin is set to explode15 million raised!

DOGE和SHIB看到了新的涨势,但这个新的模因币即将爆发,已筹集1500万! 可以这样翻译成中文:DOGE和SHIB目睹新的上升趋势,但这个新的模因币即将爆发,已筹集1500万!

发布: 2023/07/21 01:00 阅读: 776



The world of meme coins is expanding lately as more people realize how big of a potential surrounds it. The rise of meme-inspired digital assets has taken the financial world by storm. Among these notable meme coins, two stand out as pioneers in this unique realm – Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). Now that their prices are increasing, one more gem is attracting investors’ attention – Wall Street Memes (WSM). 


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The reign of meme coins confirmed with WSM

WSM 证实了 Meme 币的统治地位

Meme coins, often referred to as “joke coins” or “internet fun tokens,” are a category of cryptocurrencies that owe their popularity to viral internet memes and online communities. These coins initially emerged as playful experiments but soon captured the attention of millions worldwide, gaining an enthusiastic and devoted following.


Dogecoin leads the pack, which started as a lighthearted homage to the popular “Doge” meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog. Created in 2013 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, Dogecoin was intended to be a lighthearted alternative to the more serious and complex cryptocurrencies of the time. Its iconic logo and community-driven approach quickly garnered a massive online following.

狗狗币处于领先地位,它最初是对以柴犬为主题的流行“Doge”模因的轻松致敬。狗狗币由比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 和杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 于 2013 年创建,旨在成为当时更为严肃和复杂的加密货币的轻松替代品。其标志性徽标和社区驱动的方法迅速赢得了大量在线追随者。

Fast forward to today, and Dogecoin has become one of the most recognized and widely adopted cryptocurrencies globally. Thanks to celebrity endorsements and support from high-profile figures, DOGE’s value surged dramatically, surpassing its creators’ wildest dreams. Shiba Inu closely followed. Despite their initial comedic origins, the success of these two meme coins has sparked debates about the legitimacy and potential of meme coins in the larger cryptocurrency ecosystem. 

快进到今天,狗狗币已成为全球最受认可和广泛采用的加密货币之一。得益于名人代言和知名人士的支持,DOGE 的价值大幅飙升,超出了其创造者最疯狂的梦想。柴犬紧随其后。尽管它们最初的起源是喜剧,但这两种模因币的成功引发了关于模因币在更大的加密货币生态系统中的合法性和潜力的争论。

Over the past week, the cryptocurrency market has witnessed numerous surges, but the standout performer has been Wall Street Memes, the latest sensation in the world of meme coins. With an astonishing achievement, it soared past the impressive $15 million milestone during its presale phase. 

过去一周,加密货币市场经历了多次飙升,但表现最突出的是华尔街模因,这是模因硬币世界中最新的轰动事件。它取得了惊人的成就,在预售阶段就突破了令人印象深刻的 1500 万美元里程碑。

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The Appeal of Wall Street Memes: Redefining Finance Through Humor and Community


Amidst fierce competition within the meme coin space, Wall Street Memes has managed to carve out a unique position for itself, gaining unwavering support from its dedicated community. Its distinct approach and innovative vision have set it apart in the ever-growing market of internet-inspired tokens. 

在 Meme 币领域的激烈竞争中,Wall Street Memes 成功地为自己开辟了独特的地位,并获得了其专业社区的坚定支持。其独特的方法和创新的愿景使其在不断增长的互联网代币市场中脱颖而出。

The minds behind the new venture are anything but ordinary. Wall Street Memes isn’t just another start-up; it’s an established brand with an impressive social media following of over one million. Notably, their team is the mastermind behind the successful Wall St Bulls NFT collection, which took the crypto world by storm in 2021, generating a jaw-dropping $2.5 million in sales within a mere 32 minutes. 

新企业背后的头脑绝非平凡。 Wall Street Memes 不仅仅是另一家初创公司;它也是一家初创公司。它是一个知名品牌,在社交媒体上拥有超过一百万的粉丝。值得注意的是,他们的团队是成功的 Wall St Bulls NFT 系列背后的策划者,该系列在 2021 年席卷了加密世界,在短短 32 分钟内就产生了令人瞠目结舌的 250 万美元销售额。

Recognizing the surging demand for community-oriented meme coins, the creators launched Wall Street Memes to cater to this growing trend. The inspiration behind Wall Street Memes stems from the famous GameStop saga, but it represents much more than just a quest for profits. This meme coin serves as a platform to challenge traditional finance and establish a strong sense of community. In line with the core values of the cryptocurrency space, Wall Street Memes utilizes blockchain technology to initiate the crypto revolution by using the power of memes. 

认识到对以社区为导向的模因币的需求激增,创作者推出了华尔街模因来迎合这一不断增长的趋势。华尔街迷因背后的灵感源于著名的 GameStop 传奇,但它代表的不仅仅是对利润的追求。这种模因币是挑战传统金融并建立强烈社区意识的平台。华尔街模因秉承加密货币领域的核心价值观,利用区块链技术,利用模因的力量发起加密革命。

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This ambitious approach has garnered significant interest, attracting crypto enthusiasts and meme lovers from all corners of the internet. As the project continues to unfold, an increasing number of investors are joining and securing the portion of WSM tokens for themselves. The price of these tokens rises gradually, which is why investors rush to get them as early as possible in order to get the most out of their investments.  

这种雄心勃勃的方法引起了人们的极大兴趣,吸引了来自互联网各个角落的加密货币爱好者和迷因爱好者。随着该项目的不断展开,越来越多的投资者加入并为自己争取部分 WSM 代币。这些代币的价格逐渐上涨,这就是为什么投资者争先恐后地尽早获得它们,以便从投资中获得最大收益。

WSM set to surpass the success of DOGE & SHIB

WSM 将超越 DOGE 和 SHIB 的成功

Both DOGE and SHIB have achieved a bigger success than anyone could ever expect. A person who contributed to the popularization of both of these cryptos is Elon Musk – the billionaire heavily interested in cryptos. He is even known as Dogefather, who got a Shiba Inu dog as a pet that launched the crypto with the same name to the stars. Once Wall Street Memes crypto launched, he engaged with the WSM Twitter page, which was an instant sign for the investors that this was a crypto that was going to be huge. 

DOGE 和 SHIB 都取得了超出任何人预期的更大成功。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对这两种加密货币的普及做出了贡献,他是一位对加密货币非常感兴趣的亿万富翁。他甚至被称为“Dogefather”,他养了一只柴犬作为宠物,并推出了与星星同名的加密货币。 Wall Street Memes 加密货币推出后,他就与 WSM Twitter 页面进行了互动,这对投资者来说是一个即时信号,表明这是一种规模巨大的加密货币。

Unlike DOGE and SHIB, the roadmap of WSM is fully transparent and clear, which means that it could easily surpass the success these cryptos have achieved so far. The plan is to have Wall Street Memes development evolve throughout three phases. The first one is currently ongoing. The extremely successful presale represents the foundation that will secure the future success of this project. 

与 DOGE 和 SHIB 不同,WSM 的路线图是完全透明和清晰的,这意味着它可以轻松超越这些加密货币迄今为止所取得的成功。该计划是让华尔街模因的发展分三个阶段进行。第一个目前正在进行中。预售的极其成功为该项目未来的成功奠定了基础。

The next one will be the official launch of this project, when the WSM tokens will be listed on both DEXs (decentralized exchanges) and CEXs (centralized exchanges). The final one will be community empowerment, when the exclusive benefits will be unlocked. It is expected that Wall Street Memes will achieve a $1 billion market cap securing its position among the most successful cryptos on the market. 

下一个项目将是该项目的正式启动,届时WSM代币将同时在DEX(去中心化交易所)和CEX(中心化交易所)上市。最后一项是社区赋权,届时将释放专属福利。预计 Wall Street Memes 的市值将达到 10 亿美元,巩固其在市场上最成功的加密货币中的地位。

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In conclusion, the undeniable rise of meme coins has solidified their presence in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape. With the resounding success of pioneers like DOGE and SHIB, Wall Street Memes (WSM) has emerged as a prominent contender, proving its mettle and securing a significant place among the top players in the market. If you wish to become a part of the growing community of WSM holders, you better hurry up before the presale ends!

总之,不可否认的是,模因币的崛起巩固了它们在不断发展的加密货币领域的地位。随着 DOGE 和 SHIB 等先驱者的巨大成功,Wall Street Memes (WSM) 已成为一个突出的竞争者,证明了自己的勇气,并在市场顶级参与者中占据了重要地位。如果您想成为不断壮大的WSM持有者社区的一员,请在预售结束前抓紧时间!

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