首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE、SHIB 鲸鱼在流媒体市场不断增长的情况下关注 DeeStream

DOGE, SHIB whales eye DeeStream amid rising streaming market

DOGE、SHIB 鲸鱼在流媒体市场不断增长的情况下关注 DeeStream

发布: 2024/03/18 06:06 阅读: 457



DOGE、SHIB 鲸鱼在流媒体市场不断增长的情况下关注 DeeStream

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


Amid a flourishing streaming market and crypto bull run, DeeStream (DST) attracts attention from Dogecoin and Shiba Inu investors as it enters stage 2 of its presale launch.

在蓬勃发展的流媒体市场和加密货币牛市中,DeeStream (DST) 进入预售启动的第二阶段,吸引了狗狗币和柴犬投资者的关注。

Investors are making outsized returns from meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) in just a few weeks. These meme coins are riding the general wave of price growth across the crypto industry. And industry speculation suggests that the bull run has just started.

投资者在短短几周内就从狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 等模因币中获得了巨额回报。这些模因币正顺应整个加密行业价格增长的浪潮。行业猜测表明牛市才刚刚开始。

Bitcoin (BTC) has broken three price records already in 30 days. It broke the pre-crypto winter record of $68,000 and set a new one at $70,000. And then it broke that and rose to $72,000 and then to $73,000. Ethereum (ETH), Avalanche (AVAX), Filecoin (FIL), and other crypto projects are also rising.

比特币 (BTC) 在 30 天内已经打破了三项价格记录。它打破了加密货币冬季到来之前的 68,000 美元的纪录,并创下了 70,000 美元的新纪录。然后它打破了这一纪录,升至 72,000 美元,然后又升至 73,000 美元。以太坊(ETH)、Avalanche(AVAX)、Filecoin(FIL)等加密项目也在崛起。

This spike in enthusiasm has also led crypto investors to expand their portfolios with newcomers in the industry. These crypto projects are launching this year with the promise of outsized returns. DeeStream (DST) is one of them, and investors in Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are looking in its direction.

这种热情的高涨也导致加密货币投资者通过行业新来者扩大投资组合。这些加密货币项目将于今年启动,并有望带来丰厚的回报。 DeeStream(DST)就是其中之一,狗狗币和柴犬的投资者正在关注它的方向。

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您可能还喜欢:DeeStream 吸引了卡尔达诺和莱特币持有者的关注

Memecoin investors shift from DOGE to DeeStream

Memecoin 投资者从 DOGE 转向 DeeStream

Dogecoin investors want to add more crypto assets while eyeing the DeeStream presale. They see DeeStream as a vehicle for growing their funds and changing the streaming industry. DeeStream has the first-mover advantage as the only decentralized streaming platform.

狗狗币投资者希望在关注 DeeStream 预售的同时添加更多加密资产。他们将 DeeStream 视为增加资金和改变流媒体行业的工具。 DeeStream作为唯一的去中心化流媒体平台,具有先发优势。

Dogecoin trades for $0.16 today. It has increased since it sold for $0.0811 a month ago and then for $0.1559 a week ago. Buyers who rode the early waves of price growth have made some profit in 30 days.

狗狗币今天的交易价格为 0.16 美元。自一个月前售价为 0.0811 美元,一周前售价为 0.1559 美元以来,价格一直在上涨。搭乘早期价格上涨浪潮的买家在 30 天内就获得了一些利润。

Dogecoin has its total token supply in circulation, numbering 143 billion tokens. Dogecoin has a daily trading volume of $3.61 billion with a market cap of $23 billion.

狗狗币的流通代币供应总量为 1,430 亿枚。狗狗币日交易量为 36.1 亿美元,市值为 230 亿美元。

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您可能还喜欢:加密货币激增仍在继续:DeeStream 预售点燃了以太坊和比特币市场

Shiba Inu shareholders seek DeeStream

柴犬股东寻求 DeeStream

Shiba Inu currently trades for $0.00002875. A month ago, Shiba Inu sold for $0.00000945 and $0.00003161 a week ago. 

Shiba Inu 目前的交易价格为 0.00002875 美元。一个月前,柴犬售价为 0.00000945 美元,一周前售价为 0.00003161 美元。

Shiba Inu has a market cap and diluted market cap of $17.1 billion. And the Shiba Inu meme coin has a daily trading volume of $2.28 billion. But Shiba Inu has a staggering supply of 589 trillion tokens. This is perhaps why its investors seek opportunities with higher return ceilings.

Shiba Inu 的市值和稀释后市值为 171 亿美元。而柴犬模因币的日交易量为 22.8 亿美元。但 Shiba Inu 的代币供应量高达 589 万亿个,数量惊人。这也许就是投资者寻求回报上限更高的机会的原因。

DeeStream presale gets investors excited

DeeStream 预售让投资者兴奋不已

DeeStream has entered stage 2 of its presale launch, and the project already has over 2,500 investors and over 14,100 user sign ups. Shareholders of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are already trying to get in on the deal. The incentive structure of DeeStream guarantees governance rights and revenue share for investors who buy in during the DeeStream presale.

DeeStream 已进入预售启动第二阶段,该项目已拥有超过 2,500 名投资者和超过 14,100 名用户注册。狗狗币和柴犬的股东已经在尝试参与这项交易。 DeeStream的激励结构保证了在DeeStream预售期间买入的投资者的治理权和收益分成。

But then, other factors encourage shareholders of other crypto projects to buy into DeeStream. The most significant factor is the product-led approach of the DeeStream project. DeeStream DST is a decentralized streaming platform allowing better interaction between fans and streamers.

但随后,其他因素鼓励其他加密项目的股东购买 DeeStream。最重要的因素是 DeeStream 项目以产品为主导的方法。 DeeStream DST 是一个去中心化的流媒体平台,可以让粉丝和主播之间更好地互动。

Find out more about the DeeStream presale by visiting the website.

请访问网站了解有关 DeeStream 预售的更多信息。

Read more: DeeStream presale draws global attention while whales join presale


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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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