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Dogecoin Achieves Record Transfer Activity with 1.9 Million Transactions

狗狗币交易量达到 190 万笔,创下转账记录

发布: 2024/02/04 06:06 阅读: 703

原文作者:BH NEWS


狗狗币交易量达到 190 万笔,创下转账记录

You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Dogecoin Achieves Record Transfer Activity with 1.9 Million Transactions

您还可以在 BH NEWS 上阅读此新闻:狗狗币以 190 万笔交易创下转账活动记录

A key Dogecoin community influencer, Tdogewhisperer, broadcasted via their personal platform that Dogecoin has set a new benchmark in transfer activity, recording 1.9 million transactions in a single day.

狗狗币社区的重要影响者 Tdogewisperer 通过其个人平台表示,狗狗币在转账活动方面树立了新的基准,单日交易量达到 190 万笔。

Dogecoin’s Surge in Transfer Counts


The surge was primarily due to the use of an inscription protocol that facilitates image minting on the blockchain, a process known for bloating network activity without adding practical utility. Tdogewhisperer highlighted the dramatic expansion of the maximum file size on the Dogecoin blockchain, now reaching 110 GB. They emphasized the potential constraints this could pose for node operators, possibly resulting in higher costs and reduced network speed for meaningful transactions.

激增主要是由于使用了一种铭文协议,该协议有助于在区块链上铸造图像,这一过程因网络活动膨胀而没有增加实际效用而闻名。 Tdogewisperer 强调了狗狗币区块链上最大文件大小的急剧扩展,目前已达到 110 GB。他们强调这可能给节点运营商带来潜在的限制,可能导致有意义的交易成本更高并降低网络速度。

The community, which predominantly treats Dogecoin as a transactional currency, could face challenges if the ease of operating and hosting nodes deteriorates due to the inflated use of network resources for image transfers.


Tdogewhisperer pointed out the community’s division over the interpretation of these image inscriptions, with opinions split between viewing them as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and considering them as unnecessary bloat or even spam. They mentioned that a faction within the community recommends leveraging a secondary layer network, Dogechain, to manage inscription-related transactions.

Tdogewisperer 指出,社区对这些图像铭文的解释存在分歧,人们的意见分为两种,一种是将它们视为不可替代的代币(NFT),另一种认为它们是不必要的膨胀甚至垃圾邮件。他们提到社区内的一个派别建议利用二级网络 Dogechain 来管理与铭文相关的交易。

Bitcoin Advocate Max Keiser Challenges Dogecoin’s Value

比特币倡导者 Max Keizer 挑战狗狗币的价值

In related news, Bitcoin proponent Max Keiser expressed criticism towards Dogecoin, categorizing it as a low-value asset and comparing it to other criticized altcoins. Keiser, who advises the President of El Salvador on Bitcoin matters, clarified that trading Dogecoin is not prohibited in the country, provided it is not regarded as a security. He concluded by extending an invitation to Dogecoin advocate Elon Musk to visit El Salvador, suggesting that the country holds promising opportunities.

在相关新闻中,比特币支持者 Max Keizer 对狗狗币表达了批评,将其归类为低价值资产,并将其与其他受到批评的山寨币进行比较。为萨尔瓦多总统提供比特币事务建议的凯泽澄清说,只要狗狗币不被视为证券,该国并不禁止交易狗狗币。最后,他邀请狗狗币倡导者埃隆·马斯克访问萨尔瓦多,表明该国拥有充满希望的机会。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Dogecoin Achieves Record Transfer Activity with 1.9 Million Transactions

该帖子首次出现在 BH NEWS:狗狗币以 190 万笔交易创下转账活动纪录


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