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Dogecoin Adoption Shoots Up 1,100%, Trailer For Future Price Action?

狗狗币采用率飙升 1,100%,未来价格走势预告?

发布: 2024/01/31 06:17 阅读: 367



On-chain data shows the number of new Dogecoin addresses has shot up by 1,100%, a sign that could end up being bullish for the meme coin.

链上数据显示,新的狗狗币地址数量猛增了 1,100%,这一迹象最终可能对这种模因币有利。

Dogecoin Daily New Addresses Have Set A New All-Time High


As pointed out by an analyst, Ali, in a post on X, the DOGE network has seen some impressive growth in addresses recently. The relevant on-chain indicator here is “Daily New Addresses,” which keeps track of the total amount of addresses coming online for the first time on the Dogecoin blockchain every day.

正如分析师 Ali 在 X 上的一篇文章中指出的那样,DOGE 网络最近的地址增长令人印象深刻。这里相关的链上指标是“每日新地址”,它跟踪每天在狗狗币区块链上首次上线的地址总数。

There are a couple of reasons why new addresses would be created on the blockchain. The first and the more major factor is natural adoption, as fresh investors coming into the asset would create new addresses for themselves.



The other reason could be because of existing users generating more addresses for themselves, potentially for privacy-related purposes, as they may not want their transactions to all be tracked to the same address.


In general, the former factor is more likely to be the contributor in significant network growth. As such, spikes in the Daily New Addresses can suggest an influx of fresh interest into the memecoin.


On the other hand, the indicator’s value staying low can imply the investors aren’t paying attention to the cryptocurrency as they aren’t coming in to open up addresses.


Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the Dogecoin Daily New Addresses over the entire history of the coin:


The value of the metric seems to have shot up in recent days | Source: @ali_charts on X

最近几天该指标的价值似乎猛增 |来源:X 上的 @ali_charts

As displayed in the above graph, the Dogecoin blockchain has enjoyed some notable growth recently as the New Daily Addresses indicator has shot up. During the past week, the metric has registered a total rise of almost 1,100%.

如上图所示,随着新每日地址指标的飙升,狗狗币区块链最近出现了一些显着的增长。过去一周,该指标的总涨幅接近 1,100%。

Following this increase, the indicator’s value has touched the 247,240 mark. From the chart, it’s visible that the metric has now surpassed the peak seen shortly after the meme coin launched back in the day, meaning that the chain has just witnessed the highest amount of daily address creation ever.

在此上涨之后,该指标的价值已触及 247,240 点。从图表中可以看出,该指标现在已经超过了 Meme 币当天推出后不久的峰值,这意味着该链刚刚见证了有史以来最高的每日地址创建量。

相关阅读:Reddit 用户在购买比特币方面领先于大众:数据

Historically, adoption has been a constructive sign for any cryptocurrency network, as it provides a strong foundation for future price growth to occur. “A sustained uptrend in network expansion could soon reflect positively on DOGE prices,” explains Ali.

从历史上看,采用对于任何加密货币网络来说都是一个建设性的标志,因为它为未来价格增长提供了坚实的基础。 “网络扩张的持续上升趋势可能很快就会对 DOGE 价格产生积极影响,”阿里解释道。

DOGE Price


Since its plunge to start the year, Dogecoin has been unable to make any sustained recovery, with its price heading in an overall flat trajectory. The meme coin is looking to cap off this disappointing first month of the year, being down around 9% as it trades around $0.0817.

自年初暴跌以来,狗狗币一直无法持续复苏,其价格总体呈平稳走势。 Meme 币有望结束今年令人失望的第一个月,下跌约 9%,交易价格约为 0.0817 美元。

Looks like the price of the asset has been mostly moving sideways over the past month | Source: DOGEUSD on TradingView

看起来该资产的价格在过去一个月中大部分都在横盘整理 |来源:TradingView 上的 DOGEUSD

It now remains to be seen if Dogecoin can turn itself around in the coming month, given the strong adoption that has just taken place on the memecoin’s network.


Featured image from Kanchanara on Unsplash.com, charts from TradingView.com, IntoTheBlock.com

精选图片来自 Unsplash.com 上的 Kanchanara,图表来自 TradingView.com、IntoTheBlock.com


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