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10 Best Dogecoin Casino & Gambling Sites in 2024

2024 年 10 个最佳狗狗币赌场和赌博网站

发布: 2024/05/22 19:08 阅读: 662

原文作者:The Crypto Times


2024 年 10 个最佳狗狗币赌场和赌博网站

Forget Bitcoin, Dogecoin is where it’s at for online gambling in 2024! Dogecoin, the meme-based cryptocurrency inspired by Shiba Inu dogs, has disrupted the online casino industry with its lightning-quick transactions and minimal fees.

忘掉比特币吧,狗狗币才是 2024 年在线博彩的巅峰之作!狗狗币是一种基于模因的加密货币,其灵感来自柴犬,以其闪电般的快速交易和极低的费用颠覆了在线赌场行业。

This guide will spotlight the best Dogecoin casino and gambling sites killing it in 2024. We’re talking provably fair Dogecoin games (where you can mathematically verify the fairness of the games), insane bonuses just for using DOGE, and vibrant Shibe communities.

本指南将重点介绍 2024 年最好的狗狗币赌场和赌博网站。我们谈论的是可证明公平的狗狗币游戏(您可以在数学上验证游戏的公平性)、仅使用 DOGE 即可获得的疯狂奖金以及充满活力的 Shibe 社区。

Using Dogecoin gives you awesome perks like anonymous play and instant payouts. Who would’ve thought 2024 has been the year of the Doge at online casinos? Get ready to discover the top Dogecoin gambling destinations embracing the novelty of crypto.

使用狗狗币可以为您带来超棒的福利,例如匿名游戏和即时支付。谁会想到 2024 年是在线赌场的总督年?准备好探索拥抱加密货币新颖性的顶级狗狗币赌博目的地。

Understanding Dogecoin and Its Casino Appeal


Dogecoin may have started as a bizarre joke involving a Shiba Inu dog meme, but it’s become an absolute gambling gangster in 2024!

狗狗币一开始可能只是一个涉及柴犬表情包的奇怪笑话,但在 2024 年它已成为绝对的赌博黑帮!

Those lightning-quick transactions and near-zero fees make DOGE an absolute beast for casino payouts not to mention the anonymity factor that lets you gamble in sweet privacy.

闪电般的交易速度和接近零的费用使 DOGE 成为赌场支出的绝对野兽,更不用说让您在甜蜜的隐私中赌博的匿名因素了。

But let’s talk about the real appeal: using a literal memecoin to gamble just feels so deliciously wrong…in the best way possible. It’s like injecting pure chaos into your crypto casino sessions! Add in those provably fair games and Dogecoin’s rising value, and you have one spicy, meme-inspired gambling experience. The novelty of it all is simply a chef’s kiss.


Best Dogecoin Casino & Gambling Sites in 2024

2024 年最佳狗狗币赌场和赌博网站

Now let’s look at the best Dogecoin casinos and gambling sites in 2024:

现在让我们看看 2024 年最好的狗狗币赌场和赌博网站:

1. Bitcasino

1. 比特赌场

The Dogecoin gambling pioneers at Bitcasino are showing no signs of slowing down in 2024! As one of the first to embrace DOGE, they’ve perfected the art of the Shibe casino experience.

Bitcasino 的狗狗币赌博先驱在 2024 年没有表现出放缓的迹象!作为最早采用 DOGE 的公司之一,他们完善了 Shibe 赌场体验的艺术。

Prepare to be blown away by the sheer game selection, tailored Dogecoin bonuses that’ll make your jaw drop, and those lightning-fast payouts DOGE is famous for. This innovative crypto OG keeps evolving too – their 2024 platform is on another level with new games, features, and surprises around every corner. There’s a reason Bitcasino remains royalty!

准备好被纯粹的游戏选择、让您惊掉下巴的定制狗狗币奖金以及 DOGE 闻名的闪电般快速支付所震撼。这个创新的加密货币 OG 也在不断发展——他们的 2024 年平台达到了另一个水平,每个角落都有新的游戏、功能和惊喜。 Bitcasino 保持皇室地位是有原因的!

2. BitStarz

2. 比特星

For an all-out Dogecoin entertainment extravaganza in 2024, look no further than BitStarz! This beloved casino pulls out all the stops with over 3,500 DOGE games, epic tournaments where you can win literally life-changing prizes, and new promotions every single week.

对于 2024 年全面的狗狗币娱乐盛宴,BitStarz 就是您的最佳选择!这家深受喜爱的赌场竭尽全力提供 3,500 多款 DOGE 游戏、史诗般的锦标赛(您可以在其中赢得真正改变生活的奖品)以及每周都有新的促销活动。

The party never stops on that glitzy platform and in those always-lively chatrooms. But what really sets BitStarz apart is the FUN factor – thanks to those quirky visuals, memes galore, and a general atmosphere of controlled chaos. Bright lights, big bonuses…they’ll make you a Shibe star!

聚会永远不会在那个炫目的平台和那些永远热闹的聊天室里停止。但真正让 BitStarz 与众不同的是有趣的因素——这要归功于那些古怪的视觉效果、丰富的表情包以及受控混乱的总体氛围。明亮的灯光、丰厚的奖金……它们会让您成为 Shibe 明星!

3. Betpanda

3. 贝特潘达

Don’t let the cute cartoon panda mascots fool you – Betpanda’s rapidly emerging as a Dogecoin casino force to be reckoned with in 2024! This relatively new site is stacked with hundreds upon hundreds of DOGE slots, tables, live games and more.

不要让可爱的卡通熊猫吉祥物欺骗了您 - Betpanda 将在 2024 年迅速崛起,成为狗狗币赌场中不可忽视的力量!这个相对较新的网站堆满了数百个 DOGE 老虎机、桌子、现场游戏等。

But of course, the real stars are those frequent free spin bonuses exclusively for Dogecoin players…they’re just too good to be true (but they are!). With a fun, lighthearted vibe and that growing Panda community, Betpanda’s quickly becoming a top Shibe destination.

但当然,真正的明星是那些专门为狗狗币玩家提供的频繁免费旋转奖金……它们好得令人难以置信(但它们确实如此!)。凭借有趣、轻松的氛围和不断壮大的熊猫社区,Betpanda 迅速成为 Shibe 的顶级目的地。

4. BC.Game

4. BC.游戏

When it comes to an optimized Dogecoin gambling experience, BC.Game is an elite option for several reasons. Their impressively deep sportsbook tailored specifically for DOGE bettors is unmatched.

当谈到优化的狗狗币赌博体验时,BC.Game 是一个精英选择,原因有几个。他们专为 DOGE 投注者量身定制的令人印象深刻的深度体育博彩是无与伦比的。

The casino experience also delivers innovative games you can play with total privacy and peace of mind. And why risk it elsewhere when BC.Game is committed to provably fair gaming? Throw in those silky-smooth transactions, bonuses, and overall top-shelf professionalism, and you’ve got a crypto destination discerning Shibes can’t resist.

赌场体验还提供创新游戏,您可以在完全隐私和安心的情况下玩。当 BC.Game 致力于可证明公平的游戏时,为什么还要在其他地方冒险呢?再加上那些如丝般顺畅的交易、奖金和整体顶级的专业精神,您就拥有了一个令挑剔的 Shibes 无法抗拒的加密货币目的地。

5. CoinPoker Casino


Listen up high-stakes Dogecoin poker players, because CoinPoker Casino demands your attention in 2024! Their poker platform is absolute upper echelon stuff, providing the anonymous, secure crypto experience you dream of.

聆听高风险狗狗币扑克玩家的声音,因为 CoinPoker Casino 在 2024 年需要您的关注!他们的扑克平台绝对是上层的东西,提供您梦想的匿名、安全的加密体验。

But that’s just the start – the entire premium casino is optimized for flawless Dogecoin gameplay across slots, tables, you name it. When you demand elite quality, unbeatable bonuses, and the ability to gamble with total privacy, CoinPoker is the only real choice for players who settle for nothing less than the best.

但这只是开始——整个高级赌场都针对老虎机、赌桌等各种类型的狗狗币游戏进行了优化。当您需要精英品质、无与伦比的奖金以及完全隐私的赌博能力时,CoinPoker 是那些满足于最好的玩家的唯一真正选择。

6. Mega Dice


For the Dogecoin gambler who prefers to keep things simple and straightforward in 2024, Mega Dice will be your haven. This minimalist site strips away the fluff and specializes in pure, undiluted dice game glory – whether that’s craps, sic bo, roulette or any other classics played using DOGE.

对于 2024 年喜欢让事情简单明了的狗狗币赌徒来说,Mega Dice 将是您的天堂。这个极简主义网站去掉了多余的东西,专注于纯粹、未稀释的骰子游戏荣耀——无论是掷骰子、骰宝、轮盘赌还是任何其他使用 DOGE 玩的经典游戏。

The stripped-down aesthetic is strangely calming, plus they run frequent dice-only tournaments along with tasty bonuses to keep you engaged. When all you want is easy, clean Dogecoin dice action, Mega Dice delivers.

简约的美感出奇地平静,而且他们经常举办仅限骰子的锦标赛以及可观的奖金,让您保持参与。当您想要的只是简单、干净的狗狗币骰子动作时,Mega Dice 可以满足您的需求。

7. Lucky Block

7. 幸运方块

From humble beginnings as a hopeful 2022 project, Lucky Block has rapidly cemented itself as one of the most promising, innovative Dogecoin casino and gambling sites around just two years later!

Lucky Block 从一个不起眼的 2022 年项目开始,在大约两年后迅速巩固了自己作为最有前途、最具创新性的狗狗币赌场和赌博网站之一的地位!

They’re stacked with games and bonuses of course, but the real star is Lucky Block’s mind-blowing community giveaways and prize pools for Shibes. If luck truly is a lady in 2024, she’s smiling warmly on this passionate community of Dogecoin diehards. Get in on the action before everyone else catches on!

当然,它们充满了游戏和奖金,但真正的明星是 Lucky Block 为 Shibes 提供的令人兴奋的社区赠品和奖池。如果 2024 年运气真的是一位女士,那么她正在对这个充满热情的狗狗币顽固分子社区微笑。在其他人跟上之前赶快行动起来吧!

8. Wild.io

8. 狂野大作战

Picture a wild, bouncing party combined with premium Dogecoin casino gaming…that’s the exhilarating vibe you’ll experience at Wild.io in 2024! This vibrant, eclectic site keeps things bouncing with a dizzying game variety, frequent bonuses and promotions, and always-active chat sections that’ll make you feel like you’re really part of the action.

想象一下一场狂野、跳跃的派对与优质狗狗币赌场游戏的结合……这就是 2024 年您将在 Wild.io 体验到的令人兴奋的氛围!这个充满活力、不拘一格的网站通过令人眼花缭乱的游戏种类、频繁的奖金和促销以及始终活跃的聊天部分让一切保持活力,让您感觉自己真正成为了行动的一部分。

For Shibes who love a fun, high-energy atmosphere as much as the gambling itself, Wild.io is a raucous entertainment destination that’ll blow your mind (in the best way).

对于像赌博本身一样热爱有趣、充满活力的氛围的 Shibes 来说,Wild.io 是一个喧闹的娱乐目的地,会让您大吃一惊(以最好的方式)。

9. mBit Casino


Speaking of the upper echelon of Dogecoin casino platforms…in 2024, mBit stands apart as the total package for crypto gambling excellence. We’re talking thousands of premium games from the top providers. Frequent bonuses so epic they’ll make your head spin.

说到狗狗币赌场平台的上层......到 2024 年,mBit 作为卓越加密赌博的整体解决方案脱颖而出。我们正在谈论来自顶级提供商的数千款优质游戏。频繁的奖金如此巨大,会让你头晕目眩。

And a laser focus on quality and professionalism throughout the entire experience – from customer service to the user interface, payouts, and beyond. For the discerning Shiba crypto connoisseur unwilling to compromise when it comes to decadent online gambling, mBit makes for the perfect indulgent destination.

在整个体验中,从客户服务到用户界面、支付等,都高度关注质量和专业精神。对于那些不愿在颓废的在线赌博方面妥协的挑剔的 Shiba 加密货币鉴赏家来说,mBit 是完美的放纵目的地。

10. Betplay

10. 投注

As for the new crypto upstarts really making waves and laying the foundation for the future in 2024, you’ve gotta check out ambitious Betplay’s Dogecoin integration! This innovative, fresh-faced site is rapidly gaining traction thanks to its vast game variety, endless bonuses/promotions seemingly every week, and slick Dogecoin poker and sportsbook offerings tailored for Shibes.

至于真正掀起波澜并为 2024 年未来奠定基础的新加密货币新贵,您必须看看雄心勃勃的 Betplay 的狗狗币集成!这个创新、新鲜的网站正在迅速获得关注,这要归功于其丰富的游戏种类、似乎每周都有的无尽奖金/促销活动,以及专为 Shibes 量身定制的精美狗狗币扑克和体育博彩产品。

With pioneers like Betplay showing what’s possible, the future of crypto gambling with memecoins like DOGE looks incredibly bright.

随着像 Betplay 这样的先驱者展示了一切的可能性,使用 DOGE 等模因币进行加密赌博的未来看起来非常光明。



Whether you’re a high roller looking for elite anonymous poker action or just want to have fun spinning slots with your favorite memecoin, there’s truly something for every Doge gambler out there.

无论您是寻求精英匿名扑克活动的豪赌客,还是只是想用您最喜欢的 memecoin 享受旋转老虎机的乐趣,每个 Doge 赌徒都能找到适合自己的东西。

From the prominent innovators like Bitcasino to the ambitious upstarts giving crypto gambling a much-needed shake-up, one thing’s for sure – using Dogecoin at these stellar sites is an absolute blast. Minimal fees, instant payouts, probably fair games…what’s not to love?

从像 Bitcasino 这样的杰出创新者到雄心勃勃的新贵,给加密赌博带来了急需的变革,有一点是肯定的——在这些一流的网站上使用狗狗币绝对是一场爆炸。最低费用、即时支付、公平的游戏……还有什么理由不喜欢呢?

So spend those DOGE with pride in 2024, and bask in the gloriously chaotic novelty of it all. The Dogecoin gambling renaissance is here.

因此,在 2024 年,自豪地度过这些 DOGE,并享受这一切光荣而混乱的新奇感。狗狗币赌博复兴已经到来。

Disclaimer: Gambling with cryptocurrency carries inherent risks. Cryptocurrencies can be volatile, and gambling can be addictive. Please gamble responsibly and only wager what you can afford to lose. Gambling laws and regulations vary by country, so be sure to understand the laws in your region.



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