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Dogecoin Community Issues Vital Reminder


发布: 2023/10/11 18:16 阅读: 919



Amid the extended crypto market downturn, the Dogecoin community has issued a reminder to all its members and cryptocurrency enthusiasts at large. The message underscores the growing necessity of securing digital assets in an environment marred by dubious activities. It serves as a call to action, urging users to remain vigilant in protecting their cryptocurrencies.


The prolonged “crypto winter” has raised concerns within the crypto community, particularly regarding central exchanges and decentralized swap platforms. These concerns are not unfounded, as there has been an increase in questionable activities surrounding central exchanges. Additionally, many decentralized swap setups unwittingly expose users to the risk of funding illicit, controversial sociopolitical, or criminal schemes.


As a cryptocurrency that has always embodied the spirit of levity, memes, altruism, and accessibility for everyone, Dogecoin’s message has been consistent: users should have control over their digital assets. The community champions the notion that “if you don’t hold the keys (or phrase), those dogecoins aren’t actually yours.”


Maintaining Custody of Assets

The Dogecoin community places a strong emphasis on the significance of retaining custody of one’s digital assets and provides services to assist users in accomplishing this objective. The community places a strong emphasis on decentralized exchanges, often known as DEXs, as a more secure alternative to centralized exchanges. Before selecting a DEX to use for trading, Shibes are strongly recommended to carry out extensive study in this area.

维持资产托管狗狗币社区非常强调保留数字资产托管的重要性,并提供服务来帮助用户实现这一目标。社区非常重视去中心化交易所(通常称为 DEX),作为中心化交易所更安全的替代方案。在选择用于交易的 DEX 之前,强烈建议 Shibes 在这方面进行广泛的研究。

SuchDEX and dYdX are two notable examples of DEXs that have been discussed. Both SuchDEX and dYdX Exchange provide customers with decentralized trading alternatives; however, SuchDEX is mostly known for its decentralized trading platform.

SuchDEX 和 dYdX 是已经讨论过的两个著名的 DEX 示例。 SuchDEX和dYdX交易所都为客户提供去中心化的交易选择;然而,SuchDEX 最出名的是其去中心化交易平台。

The message that the Dogecoin community wants to convey is quite clear: the person has the authority to protect and control their own digital assets. Shibes may continue to enjoy the spirit of Dogecoin while also ensuring their financial future in an environment where the cryptocurrency landscape is constantly developing if they keep control over their keys and coins. Keep in mind that in the realm of cryptocurrencies, the only way for your assets to be legitimately yours is if you own the keys.

狗狗币社区想要传达的信息非常明确:人有权力保护和控制自己的数字资产。如果 Shibes 继续控制自己的钥匙和硬币,他们可能会继续享受狗狗币的精神,同时在加密货币格局不断发展的环境中确保自己的财务未来。请记住,在加密货币领域,您的资产合法拥有的唯一途径就是您拥有密钥。


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