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Dogecoin Creator Breaks Silence on Fake McDonald's Meme Coin Scam

狗狗币创造者打破沉默,揭露假冒麦当劳 Meme 硬币骗局

发布: 2024/08/22 19:46 阅读: 844



狗狗币创造者打破沉默,揭露假冒麦当劳 Meme 硬币骗局

McDonald's Hack Prompts Meme Cryptocurrency Scam

麦当劳黑客提示 Meme 加密货币骗局

Amidst the ever-evolving crypto landscape, a peculiar incident unfolded yesterday involving the official McDonald's Twitter account. Hackers seized control of the account to promote a fraudulent meme cryptocurrency on the Solana blockchain, featuring the iconic Grimace character.

在不断发展的加密货币环境中,昨天发生了一起涉及麦当劳官方推特账户的特殊事件。黑客控制了该账户,在 Solana 区块链上推广一种具有标志性鬼脸角色的欺诈性模因加密货币。

Crypto Community Reacts


The hack sparked a significant response within the cryptosphere. Dogecoin creator Billy Markus, known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, condemned the incident as "stupid." He suggested that those who purchased the token either understood the risks of meme tokens or were simply gullible.

此次黑客攻击在密码圈内引发了强烈反响。狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)(绰号“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)谴责这一事件“愚蠢”。他认为购买该代币的人要么了解模因代币的风险,要么只是容易上当受骗。

Scam Details


The attackers disseminated information about the token's name and contract address. They also compromised the Twitter account of McDonald's marketing director. Consequently, the market capitalization of the fraudulent token reached an astonishing $30 million, yielding approximately $700,000 in profits for the perpetrators.

攻击者传播了有关代币名称和合约地址的信息。他们还入侵了麦当劳营销总监的 Twitter 帐户。因此,欺诈性代币的市值达到了惊人的 3000 万美元,为犯罪者带来了约 70 万美元的利润。

McDonald's Response and Precautions


McDonald's has yet to address the situation, and the malicious posts have been removed. This type of scam, exploiting the credibility of official accounts, has become increasingly prevalent, particularly on Instagram, where McDonald's boasts over five million followers.

麦当劳尚未解决这一问题,恶意帖子已被删除。这种利用官方账户可信度的骗局变得越来越普遍,尤其是在 Instagram 上,麦当劳在 Instagram 上拥有超过 500 万粉丝。

Buyer Beware


Ultimately, individuals must exercise heightened vigilance before making cryptocurrency purchases, even when seemingly associated with reputable organizations. Cautious consideration should be given to the potential risks involved in investing in meme tokens.



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