首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币创建者赞扬 X 应用程序订阅者:埃隆·马斯克的批准会点燃狗狗币吗?

Dogecoin Creator Praises X App Subs: Will Elon Musk’s Approval Ignite DOGE?

狗狗币创建者赞扬 X 应用程序订阅者:埃隆·马斯克的批准会点燃狗狗币吗?

发布: 2023/10/31 06:15 阅读: 716

原文作者:Crypto News Land


  • Billy Markus embraces the X app’s subscription feature, planning exclusive content for subscribers.
  • Billy Markus 采用 X 应用程序的订阅功能,为订阅者规划独家内容。

  • Elon Musk supports Markus’s subscriber content initiative on the X app.
  • 埃隆·马斯克支持马库斯在 X 应用程序上的订户内容计划。

  • Dogecoin’s price movements are closely monitored following the interaction between Markus and Musk on the X app.
  • 马库斯和马斯克在 X 应用程序上的互动之后,狗狗币的价格走势受到密切关注。

Dogecoin creator Billy Markus took to Twitter to express his excitement about the X app’s subscriber feature becoming his new favorite. He announced plans to provide exclusive content to his subscribers during weekend walks, adding a new layer of excitement for DOGE enthusiasts.

狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 在 Twitter 上表达了他对 X 应用程序的订阅功能成为他的新宠的兴奋之情。他宣布计划在周末散步期间向订户提供独家内容,为 DOGE 爱好者增添新的兴奋感。

What added more fuel to the fire was the endorsement from tech magnate Elon Musk, the current head of the X app. Despite their lack of in-person meetings, Musk publicly supported Markus’s initiative, commenting, “It’s great!” This endorsement from Musk, a vocal DOGE supporter, has further sparked speculation in the cryptocurrency community, leaving many wondering about the potential impact on Dogecoin’s price.

更火上浇油的是科技巨头埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)、X应用程序现任负责人的认可。尽管他们没有面对面的会议,但马斯克公开支持马库斯的倡议,并评论道:“这太棒了!”作为狗狗币的坚定支持者,马斯克的这一认可进一步引发了加密货币社区的猜测,让许多人想知道这对狗狗币价格的潜在影响。

X app users had previously suggested Markus reduce his subscription fee to attract a broader audience, but Markus clarified that the platform’s settings restricted him from doing so. With 2.1 million followers, Markus’s subscriber count is expected to be substantial, potentially making a significant impact on his earnings.

X应用程序用户此前曾建议马库斯降低订阅费以吸引更广泛的受众,但马库斯澄清说,该平台的设置限制他这样做。马库斯拥有 210 万粉丝,预计其订阅人数将相当可观,这可能会对他的收入产生重大影响。

Meanwhile, the crypto community’s attention has also been caught by a dormant DOGE wallet that awakened after 9.8 years of inactivity, moving a substantial amount of Dogecoin worth $372,461. Amidst these developments, the price of Dogecoin is being closely monitored. 

与此同时,加密社区的注意力也吸引了一个休眠的 DOGE 钱包,该钱包在闲置 9.8 年之后被唤醒,转移了大量价值 372,461 美元的狗狗币。在这些事态发展中,狗狗币的价格受到密切关注。

Currently valued at $0.069338, DOGE has witnessed a 7.94% increase in the past week. The interaction between Markus and Musk on the X app has ignited discussions about potential price fluctuations, leaving enthusiasts eagerly anticipating DOGE’s next move in the market.

DOGE 目前估值为 0.069338 美元,过去一周上涨了 7.94%。马库斯和马斯克在 X 应用程序上的互动引发了有关潜在价格波动的讨论,让爱好者热切期待 DOGE 在市场上的下一步动作。

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The post Dogecoin Creator Praises X App Subs: Will Elon Musk’s Approval Ignite DOGE? appeared first on Crypto News Land.

狗狗币创建者称赞 X 应用程序订阅者:埃隆·马斯克的批准会点燃狗狗币吗?首先出现在 Crypto News Land 上。


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