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Dogecoin Creator Reacts to DOGE 20% Weekly Surge

狗狗币创建者对 DOGE 每周飙升 20% 做出反应

发布: 2024/09/30 17:01 阅读: 848



狗狗币创建者对 DOGE 每周飙升 20% 做出反应

Cover image via U.Today

封面图片来自 U.Today

Billy Markus, the co-creator of the original meme cryptocurrency DOGE in 2013, has shared his thoughts on the coin's recent surge in price. Markus maintains his characteristically ironic perspective and skepticism towards the cryptocurrency market.

2013 年原始模因加密货币 DOGE 的联合创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 分享了他对该代币近期价格飙升的看法。马库斯保持了他对加密货币市场特有的讽刺观点和怀疑态度。

Markus on the Reasons Behind DOGE's Rise
Last week, Dogecoin (DOGE), the largest meme cryptocurrency by market capitalization, surprised the crypto community with a remarkable 21% increase. Between Wednesday and Saturday, DOGE soared from $0.10745 to a local high of $0.13.080.

马库斯谈 DOGE 崛起背后的原因 上周,市值最大的模因加密货币狗狗币 (DOGE) 以 21% 的惊人涨幅令加密社区感到惊讶。周三至周六,DOGE 从 0.10745 美元飙升至 0.13.080 美元的局部高点。

Markus has expressed uncertainty about the factors contributing to this surge, stating in a tweet:


"Q&A Q: why is dogecoin up 20% this week? A: no idea"

“问答 问:为什么狗狗币本周上涨了 20%?答:不知道”

  • Billy Markus, @BillyM2k, September 29, 2024

In response to a comment that his answer was concise for such a significant question, Markus replied: "it's pretty much my answer to everything crypto price related." He further noted that people continue to seek his insights on price movements and their triggers.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus),@BillyM2k,2024 年 9 月 29 日 在回应评论说他的回答对于如此重要​​的问题来说很简洁时,马库斯回答道:“这几乎是我对所有与加密货币价格相关的问题的回答。”他进一步指出,人们继续寻求他对价格变动及其触发因素的见解。

Whale Activity and DOGE's Surge
During last week's price increase, whales acquired substantial amounts of DOGE. U.Today reported that 1.4 billion DOGE was purchased by large cryptocurrency holders in just 48 hours, representing an investment of approximately $140 million. Over the weekend, an unknown whale added another 1.4 billion DOGE to its holdings. Markus responded with a succinct "wat" comment.

鲸鱼活动和 DOGE 的激增在上周的价格上涨期间,鲸鱼购买了大量 DOGE。据《今日美国》报道,大型加密货币持有者在短短 48 小时内就购买了 14 亿枚 DOGE,投资额约为 1.4 亿美元。周末,一只不知名的鲸鱼又增持了 14 亿枚 DOGE。马库斯以简洁的“wat”评论回应。

Markus Reiterates His Distance from Cryptocurrency Projects
Markus has reiterated his non-involvement with any cryptocurrencies beyond Dogecoin and the Bells coin, which he developed prior to DOGE. He warns that any claims to the contrary are attempts to deceive the community. Markus emphasizes that he has no plans to develop new cryptocurrencies or join teams involved in such ventures, including meme coins.



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