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Dogecoin In Demand: Data Shows DOGE Adoption Is Accelerating

狗狗币需求旺盛:数据显示 DOGE 的采用正在加速

发布: 2023/12/26 06:22 阅读: 200



On-chain data suggests the Dogecoin adoption has been picking up recently as a large number of new addresses are popping up on the network.


Dogecoin Is Observing A High Number Of Daily New Addresses Currently


In a new post on X, analyst Ali talked about how the Dogecoin network activity has been looking like recently in terms of new address creation. A “new address” is one that has taken part in some kind of transaction activity for the first time.

在 X 上的一篇新帖子中,分析师 Ali 谈到了狗狗币网络活动最近在新地址创建方面的情况。 “新地址”是第一次参与某种交易活动的地址。

Some of the new addresses that pop up on the network every day belong to the existing users, who may be creating additional addresses for privacy purposes or simply moving to a different wallet.


The rest of the new addresses, though, are being created by fresh investors entering into the market, so the daily total value of the new addresses can provide hints about how the adoption of the meme coin is coming along.


The below chart shows the trend in this metric for Dogecoin over the last couple of months:


As displayed in the above graph, the daily number of new Dogecoin addresses started spiking last month and has since been consistently setting new highs as the metric continues in an overall upward trajectory. This would suggest that the network has been receiving a consistently high influx of new investors recently.


Adoption is always a constructive sign for any cryptocurrency, as fresh hands can help build a solid foundation that future uplifts in the price can sustainably grow off. Thus, it’s crucial for assets to continue to look attractive to new users, something that Dogecoin appears to have been doing fine recently.


Any positive effects on the price that come through adoption, though, generally only appear in the long term. Rather, depending on the nature of the adoption, it can in fact impart a negative influence on the cryptocurrency in the short-term.


This happens when too many new users join the blockchain in a short amount of time, only buying into the asset due to FOMO. Recently, the on-chain analytics firm Santiment also discussed this fast pace of address creation on the Dogecoin network, noting that Bitcoin (BTC) is also displaying a similar trend.

当太多新用户在短时间内加入区块链,由于 FOMO 而只购买资产时,就会发生这种情况。最近,链上分析公司 Santiment 也讨论了狗狗币网络上地址创建的快速步伐,并指出比特币(BTC)也显示出类似的趋势。

“Though network growth is a great sign long-term, this rapid rate of new wallets is a FOMO sign to be slightly cautious of,” explained the analytics firm in the post.

该分析公司在帖子中解释说:“虽然从长远来看,网络增长是一个很好的迹象,但新钱包的快速增长是一个需要稍微谨慎的 FOMO 迹象。”

From the chart, it’s visible that Cardano (ADA) is the only asset among the top cryptocurrencies by market cap that’s not displaying any sort of address growth at all.


DOGE Price


Since the rally Dogecoin observed during the starting third of the month, the asset has gone rather stale, as its price has continued to move sideways around the $0.093 level during the last two weeks.

自从狗狗币在本月初观察到反弹以来,该资产已经变得相当陈旧,因为其价格在过去两周内继续在 0.093 美元的水平附近横向波动。


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