首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币 (DOGE) 和比特币 (BTC) 持有者争先恐后地购买有限供应的 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售,因为去中心化的感觉可能是 30 倍

Dogecoin (DOGE) & Bitcoin (BTC) holders scramble to buy limited supply Kelexo (KLXO) presale as 30x likely for decentralized sensation

狗狗币 (DOGE) 和比特币 (BTC) 持有者争先恐后地购买有限供应的 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售,因为去中心化的感觉可能是 30 倍

发布: 2024/02/29 06:39 阅读: 845

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


狗狗币 (DOGE) 和比特币 (BTC) 持有者争先恐后地购买有限供应的 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售,因为去中心化的感觉可能是 30 倍

Dogecoin (DOGE) witnessed a huge market profit for token holders when Elon Musk mentioned the meme coin, but since then, the token has declined. Crypto analysts had thought Dogecoin (DOGE) would become a future blue-chip crypto. 


The token also showed minor market promise when X (Twitter) announced a new payment method, but the aftermath had gone downhill. As of today, it’s trading at $0.08889 and Bitcoin (BTC) is as high as $54,357.

当 X(Twitter)宣布新的支付方式时,该代币也显示出较小的市场前景,但随后却出现了下滑。截至今天,其交易价格为 0.08889 美元,比特币 (BTC) 高达 54,357 美元。

Kelexo (KLXO) future profit is looking more likely, especially the 30x predicted by the crypto market analysis. In stage three, Kelexo (KLXO) is trading for $0.028 in the market. The market token is predicted for a substantial gain and as a crypto gem as the 2024 bullish market approaches. It serves as an efficient decentralized platform.

Kelexo (KLXO) 未来盈利的可能性看起来更大,尤其是加密货币市场分析预测的 30 倍。在第三阶段,Kelexo (KLXO) 的市场交易价格为 0.028 美元。随着 2024 年牛市的临近,预计该市场代币将大幅上涨,并成为加密货币宝石。它是一个高效的去中心化平台。

Is Dogecoin (DOGE) really recovering?


In its seven days, Dogecoin (DOGE) has fallen by 0.39% and due to the market fall, observers believe it’s towards the token’s recovery. The meme coin is based on the popular “doge” Internet meme that features Shiba Inu (SHIB). Dogecoin (DOGE) might recover fully without having to rely on Elon’s hype again, as in the past month. Dogecoin (DOGE) has risen by 11.32%.

在 7 天的时间里,狗狗币 (DOGE) 下跌了 0.39%,由于市场下跌,观察人士认为该代币正在复苏。该模因硬币基于流行的“doge”互联网模因,以柴犬(SHIB)为特色。狗狗币(DOGE)可能会完全恢复,而不必像过去一个月那样再次依赖埃隆的炒作。狗狗币(DOGE)上涨了11.32%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) market resurgence might be on the blink. In both the crypto’s market cap and volume, it has increased by 2.82% and 53.48%, respectively. The current positive streak for the token has piqued interest from investors as well as token holders diversifying into Kelexo (KLXO) as well.

狗狗币(DOGE)市场的复苏可能指日可待。加密货币的市值和交易量分别增长了 2.82% 和 53.48%。该代币目前的积极势头激起了投资者以及代币持有者的兴趣,代币持有者也转向 Kelexo (KLXO)。

Could Bitcoin (BTC) surge be another Solana outlook?

比特币 (BTC) 飙升会成为 Solana 的另一个前景吗?

Bitcoin (BTC) is showing crazy increases in market price every hour and day and users worry if it will be another Solana (SOL), rise and fall. But it’s just less than two months before Bitcoin (BTC) halving occurs, which will see the token’s market price surge. 

比特币 (BTC) 的市场价格每小时、每天都在疯狂上涨,用户担心它是否会成为另一个 Solana (SOL) 的涨跌。但距离比特币减半还有不到两个月的时间,届时该代币的市场价格将会飙升。

The number one ranked token in the world according to a market cap of $1T; Bitcoin (BTC) is beginning to shape the outlook of crypto’s bullish market in 2024.

市值1T全球排名第一的代币;比特币 (BTC) 开始塑造 2024 年加密货币牛市的前景。

Kelexo (KLXO): The DeFi platform for lending and borrowing

Kelexo (KLXO):借贷 DeFi 平台

The goal of the new decentralized finance lending and borrowing platform is to build a platform that connects lenders and borrowers. It could end up becoming a blue-chip crypto while the presale trading continues blowing up. In its innovation, Kelexo (KLXO) is bringing a trading platform that is secure, transparent and immutable.

新的去中心化金融借贷平台的目标是建立一个连接贷款人和借款人的平台。当预售交易继续火爆时,它最终可能会成为蓝筹加密货币。在其创新中,Kelexo (KLXO) 带来了一个安全、透明和不可变的交易平台。

Its transparency will allow the creation of an honest, stable and trustworthy platform. Kelexo (KLXO) doubles as one of the first lending platforms on the blockchain and it will prioritize security and users’ privacy. It also offers a platform that operates on decentralized governance and will allow users to vote to make changes. 

其透明度将允许创建一个诚实、稳定和值得信赖的平台。 Kelexo(KLXO)同时也是区块链上首批借贷平台之一,它将优先考虑安全和用户隐私。它还提供了一个基于去中心化治理的平台,允许用户投票做出改变。

Many market utilities available on the platform will benefit traders, like its swap services that allow them to swap tokens at a zero commission fee, committed to its lending and borrowing goal.


There is a current market problem with Kelexo (KLXO). Most individuals find it hard to navigate the borrowing sector. From banks’ tough compliance due to the economic climate to KYC verifications and unnecessary documents that limit those with poor credit scores. 

Kelexo (KLXO) 目前存在市场问题。大多数人发现很难驾驭借贷领域。从银行因经济环境而严格遵守规定,到 KYC 验证以及限制信用评分不佳者的不必要文件。

To find out more about the Kelexo (KLXO) presale, visit the website here.

要了解有关 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售的更多信息,请访问此处的网站。

The post Dogecoin (DOGE) & Bitcoin (BTC) holders scramble to buy limited supply Kelexo (KLXO) presale as 30x likely for decentralized sensation appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 和比特币 (BTC) 持有者争先恐后地购买有限供应的 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售,因为去中心化轰动的可能性高达 30 倍,这一消息首先出现在区块链、加密货币和投资的最新新闻和见解上。


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