首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着狗狗币(DOGE)进入看涨区域,关键指标揭示了其真正的潜力

As Dogecoin (DOGE) Enters Bullish Territory, Key Indicators Reveal its True Potential


发布: 2023/12/21 22:45 阅读: 455

原文作者:Crypto Daily™



After a bit of a slump over the weekend, the crypto market is on the rebound, with Bitcoin eyeing the $44,500 level with a determined gaze. This can just be the first sign of a major surge sparking excitement among market-savvy folks hunting for their next profitable move. As we approach the end of the year, these market players are diversifying their portfolios, and it's not just the usual suspects catching their eye. Meme coins, known for their unpredictable but often explosive price jumps, are now the talk of the town. Dogecoin (DOGE), the original meme coin, is particularly in the spotlight, offering a blend of nostalgia and potential for those keen to catch the next wave in the crypto sea.

经过周末的小幅下跌后,加密货币市场正在反弹,比特币坚定地瞄准了 44,500 美元的水平。这可能只是大幅上涨的第一个迹象,激发了精通市场的人们的兴奋,寻找下一个有利可图的举措。随着年底的临近,这些市场参与者正在多元化他们的投资组合,吸引他们目光的不仅仅是常见的嫌疑人。模因币以其不可预测但往往爆炸性的价格上涨而闻名,现在已成为城里的热门话题。狗狗币(DOGE)是最初的模因币,尤其受到关注,为那些渴望赶上加密货币海洋下一波浪潮的人提供了怀旧和潜力的结合。

Speaking of DOGE, it's at a really interesting crossroads right now. Perched near a crucial trendline, it's like the coin is holding its breath, ready to leap in one direction or the other. This sense of anticipation is palpable among those tracking its movements, all waiting to see which way the wind will blow. Meanwhile, there's a contrasting sense of clarity with ScapesMania (MANIA), a newcomer on the presale scene turning heads with its robust mix of innovative technology, a team that knows their stuff, and a vision that's all about the long game. Focusing on strong economic principles, MANIA also showers its backers with generous rewards.

说到 DOGE,它现在正处于一个非常有趣的十字路口。位于关键趋势线附近,就像硬币屏住呼吸,准备向一个方向或另一个方向跳跃一样。这种期待感在那些追踪其动向的人中显而易见,他们都在等待风向。与此同时,ScapesMania (MANIA) 则具有鲜明的对比感,这是一个预售场景中的新人,凭借其强大的创新技术组合、一支了解自己的知识的团队以及一个注重长远发展的愿景而引人注目。 MANIA 专注于强大的经济原则,还为其支持者提供丰厚的回报。

ScapesMania: A Presale Project with Transparency at Its Core


While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

虽然有些项目面临着不确定的未来,但预售项目的轨迹更容易预测。 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一个平衡良好、精心设计的项目,充当游戏生态系统。通过 DAO 治理,支持者将能够影响价值数十亿美元的行业并从中受益。广泛的功能与最好的技术、专业的团队以及长期、雄心勃勃的愿景相结合,可以使 ScapesMania 成为加密领域的下一个重大事件。预售折扣和阶段奖金只会增加项目的吸引力。

Presale is Live Now - Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

预售现已开始 - 立即加入,即有机会受益于 MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

在屡获殊荣的开发团队的支持下,ScapesMania 代表着透明度:每个成员的社交媒体资料都是公开的。该项目不仅可以通过为游戏带来重大创新来实现这一目标,还可以通过将社区放在首位和中心来实现。推动客户参与并确保每个人都通过出色的代币经济和丰厚的奖励受益,这使得 ScapesMania 成为一个拥有光明未来的项目。

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits


A Quick Recap of Dogecoin’s (DOGE) Latest Performance  

狗狗币 (DOGE) 最新表现快速回顾

Back in October, the buzz around Elon Musk's X potentially embracing Dogecoin (DOGE) for payments sent a ripple of excitement through the market. However, after this initial flurry, DOGE settled into a quieter phase, casually trading between $0.06 and $0.07 in the early days of November.

早在 10 月份,围绕埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X 可能采用狗狗币 (DOGE) 进行支付的传言在市场上引起了轩然大波。然而,在最初的混乱之后,DOGE 进入了一个较为平静的阶段,11 月初的交易价格在 0.06 美元至 0.07 美元之间。

Then, out of the blue on November 8, Dogecoin (DOGE) caught a wave in the broader market upswing, climbing above the $0.07 mark. This wasn't just a small bump; in just a few days, DOGE's price soared to an impressive $0.087, sparking a buzz among investors and onlookers alike. But, as often happens in the crypto world, this surge didn't stick around for long. By the end of November, Dogecoin (DOGE) had slipped back to around $0.07, leaving those bullish investors who were hoping for a more significant breakout a bit deflated.

然后,11 月 8 日,狗狗币 (DOGE) 突然在大盘上涨中迎来一波上涨,攀升至 0.07 美元大关之上。这不仅仅是一个小颠簸,而是一个小颠簸。短短几天内,DOGE 的价格飙升至令人印象深刻的 0.087 美元,引发了投资者和围观者的热议。但是,正如加密世界中经常发生的那样,这种激增并没有持续很长时间。到 11 月底,狗狗币 (DOGE) 已回落至 0.07 美元左右,让那些希望出现更大幅突破的看涨投资者感到有些泄气。

However, DOGE wasn't down for the count. In a display of resilience, it picked itself back up and began climbing towards $0.08, clearly not ready to call it quits. Adding to the excitement, Dogecoin (DOGE) made headlines with its audacious plan to literally send a physical token to the moon aboard Astrobotic's Peregrine Mission One, scheduled for December 2023. The excitement peaked on December 10 as DOGE hit a new high of $0.1. However, the crypto market being as fickle as it is, a downturn in Bitcoin's price soon nudged Dogecoin (DOGE) back down to around $0.09. 

然而,DOGE 并没有因此而落败。为了表现出韧性,该股重新回升并开始攀升至 0.08 美元,显然还没有准备好退出。更令人兴奋的是,狗狗币 (DOGE) 因其大胆的计划而成为头条新闻,计划于 2023 年 12 月搭乘 Astrobotic 的 Peregrine Mission One 向月球发送实物代币。随着 DOGE 创下 0.1 美元的新高,人们的兴奋情绪在 12 月 10 日达到顶峰。然而,加密市场瞬息万变,比特币价格的下跌很快将狗狗币 (DOGE) 推回至 0.09 美元左右。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Technical Analysis

狗狗币 (DOGE) 技术分析

As of today, DOGE is trading at around $0.0925, showing a modest but encouraging 2.5% increase. Despite these ups and downs, the meme coin has impressively managed to gain nearly 19% over the last month. The significance of the $0.09 area as a crucial level for Dogecoin (DOGE) cannot be overstated as it acts as the lower boundary of DOGE's ascending bullish channel – a pattern that has been forming since mid-October.

截至今天,DOGE 的交易价格约为 0.0925 美元,小幅上涨 2.5%,但令人鼓舞。尽管有这些起起落落,meme 币在上个月仍令人印象深刻地上涨了近 19%。 0.09 美元区域作为狗狗币 (DOGE) 关键水平的重要性怎么强调都不为过,因为它是 DOGE 上升看涨通道的下限——这种模式自 10 月中旬以来一直在形成。

Source: TradingView


Currently nestled between the $0.0861 support and the $0.1038 resistance, Dogecoin (DOGE) has market indicators that provide a mixed picture: the Simple Moving Average (SMA) over 10 days stands at $0.0914, slightly below the current price, while the 100-day SMA is at $0.0952, hinting at potential resistance. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 52.25 suggests a relatively balanced market without clear overbought or oversold conditions. However, the Average Directional Index (ADI) at a low 20.43, along with the slightly negative MACD Level (-0.0004), points to a lack of strong directional momentum.

目前,狗狗币 (DOGE) 位于 0.0861 美元的支撑位和 0.1038 美元的阻力位之间,其市场指标呈现出好坏参半的情况:10 天内的简单移动平均线 (SMA) 为 0.0914 美元,略低于当前价格,而 100 日 SMA位于 0.0952 美元,暗示潜在阻力。相对强弱指数(RSI)为 52.25,表明市场相对平衡,没有明显的超买或超卖情况。然而,平均方向指数(ADI)处于20.43的低点,加上MACD水平略为负值(-0.0004),表明缺乏强劲的方向动能。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Bullish Indicators


In a bullish scenario, DOGE could see an upward trajectory if it maintains above the crucial $0.09 level and breaks through the resistance at $0.1038. The recent whale movements, including significant transfers to platforms like Robinhood and Coinbase, might be signaling a growing interest among large investors. If these movements translate into buying pressure, Dogecoin (DOGE) could potentially test the second resistance level at $0.1145. An optimistic outlook is further supported by the Stochastic %K at 65.22, indicating that DOGE is not in the overbought territory yet, and the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) at 81.46, suggesting a bullish trend might be gaining strength. The momentum indicator at 0.0022, although modest, also supports the possibility of an uptrend to the most ambitious target at $0.1322.

在看涨的情况下,如果 DOGE 保持在关键的 0.09 美元水平之上并突破 0.1038 美元的阻力位,则可能会出现上升趋势。最近的鲸鱼运动,包括向 Robinhood 和 Coinbase 等平台的大量资金转移,可能表明大型投资者的兴趣日益浓厚。如果这些走势转化为购买压力,狗狗币 (DOGE) 可能会测试第二个阻力位 0.1145 美元。随机指标 %K 为 65.22,表明 DOGE 尚未处于超买区域,而商品通道指数 (CCI) 为 81.46,表明看涨趋势可能正在增强,这进一步支撑了乐观的前景。 0.0022 的动量指标虽然温和,但也支持上涨至最雄心勃勃的目标 0.1322 美元的可能性。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Bearish Indicators


Conversely, a bearish outlook cannot be ruled out: the downward pressure indicated by the red histogram bars on the MACD chart, combined with the possibility of whales preparing to offload their Dogecoin (DOGE) holdings, raises concerns. Should DOGE break below its current channel support at $0.09, it would turn the bullish structure bearish, potentially triggering a selloff. In such a scenario, the first support level at $0.0861 might be tested. A breach of this level could see Dogecoin (DOGE) heading towards the second support at $0.0791 and even the lowest threshold at $0.0614. 

相反,不能排除看跌前景:MACD 图表上的红色直方图条表明的下行压力,加上鲸鱼准备出售其持有的狗狗币(DOGE)的可能性,引发了担忧。如果 DOGE 跌破当前通道支撑位 0.09 美元,则看涨结构将转为看跌,可能引发抛售。在这种情况下,可能会测试第一个支撑位 0.0861 美元。突破这一水平可能会导致狗狗币 (DOGE) 走向第二支撑位 0.0791 美元,甚至最低门槛 0.0614 美元。

Final Words


The uncertainty surrounding the large Dogecoin (DOGE) transfers and the potential impact of these transactions on the market adds to the precariousness of DOGE's current position. As investors and market watchers closely observe these developments, the future path of Dogecoin remains balanced on a knife-edge. Influenced by a mix of market trends, investor behaviors, and the unpredictable nature of meme coins, the coming weeks are pivotal in determining whether Dogecoin will lean towards a bullish trend or succumb to bearish pressures. As always in the crypto world, unpredictability is the only certainty.

狗狗币(DOGE)大额转账的不确定性以及这些交易对市场的潜在影响增加了 DOGE 当前状况的不稳定。随着投资者和市场观察人士密切关注这些事态发展,狗狗币的未来之路仍然保持平衡。受市场趋势、投资者行为和模因币不可预测性的综合影响,未来几周对于决定狗狗币是倾向于看涨趋势还是屈服于看跌压力至关重要。与加密货币世界一样,不可预测性是唯一确定的事情。

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是一篇赞助文章,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。


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