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Dogecoin (DOGE) Hits New Transaction Record, but There's Big Catch


发布: 2024/02/04 06:00 阅读: 306




Dogecoin community member @Tdogewhisperer took to the X social media platform (known as Twitter in the not-so-distant past) to spread the word about the new high reached by the original meme coin — 1.9 million transfers within 24 hours.

狗狗币社区成员 @Tdogewhisperer 在 X 社交媒体平台(不久前称为 Twitter)上传播了原始 Meme 币创下的新高——24 小时内转账 190 万笔。

DOGE transfers hit new high, but here's issue

DOGE 转账创下新高,但问题来了

@Tdogewhisperer revealed that this peak was reached mostly due to “images inscribed on the blockchain,” NFTs, basically. Inscriptions frequently bloat the network and have no actual use case. He added that many have recommended using a Layer 2 network for those transactions, Dogechain.

@Tdogewisperer 透露,这一峰值的达到主要是由于“区块链上刻有的图像”,即 NFT。铭文经常使网络膨胀并且没有实际的用例。他补充说,许多人建议使用第 2 层网络(Dogechain)进行这些交易。

The DOGE community seems to be split into those who consider these images similar to NFTs and those who view them as bloatware or spam.

DOGE 社区似乎分为两派,一派认为这些图像与 NFT 类似,另一派认为它们是过时软件或垃圾邮件。

The aforementioned X user also wrote that the size of a file that can be transferred on the Dogecoin chain has seen a quick increase in size to 110 gigabytes. If this increase continues, @Tdogewhisperer wrote, “It could eventually limit users from running their own nodes.” This turn of events would make a single node hosting more expensive and would also slow down the whole network when it is used not for transferring images but something more valuable.

上述 X 用户还写道,可以在狗狗币链上传输的文件大小已快速增加至 110 GB。 @Tdogewhisperer 写道,如果这种增长继续下去,“它最终可能会限制用户运行自己的节点。”这种事件的转变将使单个节点托管更加昂贵,并且当它不用于传输图像而是更有价值的东西时,还会减慢整个网络的速度。

Since the majority of users consider DOGE a currency and use it for this purpose (and not for sending files or inscribing images), it is important to keep this blockchain operational and nodes easy to host.

由于大多数用户认为 DOGE 是一种货币,并将其用于此目的(而不是用于发送文件或刻写图像),因此保持该区块链的运行和节点易于托管非常重要。

Max Keiser slams DOGE, invites Elon Musk to El Salvador

马克斯·凯泽(Max Keizer)猛烈抨击 DOGE,邀请埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)访问萨尔瓦多

On Friday, Bitcoin maximalist Max Keiser posted two tweets, in which he took a dig at Dogecoin, referring to it as an s-coin and a security in line with his earlier attacks against XRP, SOL, ADA and other major altcoins.

周五,比特币极端主义者 Max Keizer 发布了两条推文,其中他对狗狗币进行了挖苦,将其称为一种 s-coin 和一种证券,与他之前对 XRP、SOL、ADA 和其他主要山寨币的攻击一致。

He tweeted that in El Salvador, where Keiser lives and works as a Bitcoin advisor to president Nayib Bukele (in 2020, this country-state proclaimed Bitcoin as a national currency), it is illegal to trade DOGE unless it is registered as a security. Keiser also invited the world’s biggest and wealthiest supporter Elon Musk to come over to El Salvador and check out the opportunities offered by this country.

他在推特上表示,在萨尔瓦多,Keizer 居住并担任总统 Nayib Bukele 的比特币顾问(2020 年,这个国家宣布比特币为国家货币),除非注册为证券,否则交易 DOGE 是非法的。凯泽还邀请了世界上最大、最富有的支持者埃隆·马斯克来到萨尔瓦多,看看这个国家提供的机会。

It’s illegal to *trade* DOGE on an exchange in #ElSalvador unless it registers as the security-it-unmistakably-isWe are #BITCOIN COUNTRY@nayibbukele is the President of #BITCOIN COUNTRY.We invite @elonmusk to come here and see for himself the incredible opportunities on… https://t.co/aKmJprB2UT

在 #ElSalvador 的交易所*交易* DOGE 是非法的,除非它注册为证券,这毫无疑问是我们是 #BITCOIN COUNTRY@nayibbukele 是 #BITCOIN COUNTRY 的总统。我们邀请 @elonmusk 来这里亲自看看令人难以置信的机会...... https://t.co/aKmJprB2UT

— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) February 2, 2024

— 马克斯·凯泽 (@maxkeiser) 2024 年 2 月 2 日

Currently, El Salvador accepts donations worth $1 million in Bitcoin or Tether for issuing a passport to foreigners.

目前,萨尔瓦多接受价值 100 万美元的比特币或 Tether 捐赠,用于向外国人发放护照。


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