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Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Rise? Analysis and Predictions


发布: 2023/11/08 05:23 阅读: 415



As the king cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, aims for $36,000 again, the downward trend in altcoins seems to be reversing. The performance of BTC price directly affects the rest of the market. Investors expect Bitcoin to continue its upward movement steadily, avoiding the major pullbacks they have been accustomed to for months. But what about the price of Dogecoin (DOGE)?

随着加密货币之王比特币再次瞄准 36,000 美元,山寨币的下跌趋势似乎正在逆转。 BTC价格的表现直接影响市场的其他部分。投资者预计比特币将继续稳步上涨,避免出现几个月来已经习惯的大幅回调。但是狗狗币(DOGE)的价格又如何呢?

Dogecoin (DOGE) Analysis


Firstly, we need to look at the miners who have contributed significantly to the price decline. According to the data from the past month, the total reserve of miners has increased from 4.29 billion DOGE to 4.35 billion. This is the highest level since October 24. Miners seem to be optimistic for DOGE as the BTC price continues to rise.


However, miner reserves are far from the 7.45 billion DOGE figure in mid-2022. Below, you can see the accumulation over a longer period. Miners accelerated their selling and halved their balances as interest rate hikes began in 2022.

然而,矿工储备与 2022 年中期 74.5 亿 DOGE 的数字相去甚远。下面,您可以看到较长时期内的积累。随着 2022 年加息开始,矿商加速抛售并将余额减半。

Did miners stop working, leading to such a reduction in their holdings? No, hash data tells us that miner power is also at a high level. Meme coins are usually the first ones to be abandoned in bear markets but can also bring huge gains in bull markets. It is advisable for investors to closely monitor miner movements and be cautious against potential selling waves. In the long-term chart, we clearly see that miners have pushed the price to deeper lows.

是不是矿工停止工作,导致持有量如此减少?不,哈希数据告诉我们,矿工的算力也处于较高水平。 Meme币通常在熊市中最先被抛弃,但在牛市中也能带来巨大收益。建议投资者密切关注矿商动向,并对潜在的抛售浪潮保持谨慎。在长期图表中,我们清楚地看到矿商已将价格推至更深的低点。

DOGE Price Predictions

DOGE 价格预测

Putting aside the on-chain aspect, DOGE price is hovering around $0.074. The altcoin, which erased half of yesterday’s gains, found some relief with the recovery of BTC. Daily closes above $0.0752 can target the $0.774 peak. There are no significant factors to support DOGE price from the outside. Elon Musk is busy with his new AI chatbot toy, and the number of strong meme coin alternatives to DOGE is increasing. The latest one is supported by 9gag.

抛开链上因素不谈,DOGE 价格徘徊在 0.074 美元左右。山寨币抹去了昨天一半的涨幅,但随着比特币的复苏,比特币的表现有所缓解。每日收盘价高于 0.0752 美元可以瞄准 0.774 美元的峰值。外部并无支撑DOGE价格的重要因素。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)正忙于他的新人工智能聊天机器人玩具,并且 DOGE 的强大 meme 硬币替代品的数量正在增加。最新的由 9gag 支持。

Months ago, Elon Musk suggested that the Dogecoin team should focus on development activities. Then, a developer grant/reward program was announced. If there is news about the outcome of these steps, DOGE price could revive. On the other hand, new announcements regarding the DOGE-1 mission could support the price. For now, $0.068 is a good level for a medium-term upward trend, and if the specified levels are surpassed in the short term, a journey towards $0.1 could be possible. However, BTC must remain strong and convince DOGE miners to stop their selling and accumulate around the 7 billion level again.

几个月前,埃隆·马斯克建议狗狗币团队应该专注于开发活动。然后,宣布了开发者资助/奖励计划。如果有关于这些步骤结果的消息,DOGE 价格可能会复苏。另一方面,有关 DOGE-1 任务的新公告可能会支撑价格。目前,0.068 美元是中期上升趋势的良好水平,如果短期内超过指定水平,则有可能走向 0.1 美元。然而,BTC 必须保持强劲,并说服 DOGE 矿工停止抛售,并再次积累到 70 亿美元左右的水平。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/will-dogecoin-doge-price-rise-analysis-and-predictions/



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