首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)牛市疯狂:预计将大幅上涨

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) Bulls Run Wild: Massive Gains Forecasted


发布: 2023/12/06 22:00 阅读: 246

原文作者:Crypto Daily™



The crypto market is witnessing a surge in optimism, propelled by Bitcoin's continual ascent to new heights. A significant catalyst for this rally is the anticipation surrounding the potential approval of the first spot Bitcoin ETFs in the United States. Industry giants like BlackRock Inc. and Fidelity Investments are eagerly awaiting the outcome of their applications, with analysts speculating a favorable decision as early as January. Amid that, Bitcoin futures open interest on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) approaches $5.2 billion. It is on the brink of surpassing its previous all-time high set in late October 2021.  

在比特币不断攀升至新高度的推动下,加密货币市场的乐观情绪正在高涨。此次上涨的一个重要催化剂是对美国第一只现货比特币 ETF 可能获得批准的预期。贝莱德 (BlackRock Inc.) 和富达投资 (Fidelity Investments) 等行业巨头正在热切等待其申请的结果,分析师预计最早在一月份就会得到有利的决定。其中,芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的比特币期货未平仓合约接近 52 亿美元。它即将超过 2021 年 10 月下旬创下的历史新高。

Investors are flocking to the crypto space, and various crypto exchanges are seeing a boom in their transaction volumes. Robinhood, in particular, observed a remarkable 75% increase in crypto trading volumes during November. Amidst the diverse array of altcoins, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB) have garnered attention with their exceptional performance. Within this dynamic crypto landscape, ScapesMania (MANIA) is emerging as a noteworthy presale project, rapidly gaining recognition among investors navigating the ever-changing crypto terrain.

投资者纷纷涌入加密货币领域,各种加密货币交易所的交易量都在激增。特别是 Robinhood,观察到 11 月份加密货币交易量显着增长了 75%。在众多的山寨币中,狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬币(SHIB)以其出色的表现而受到关注。在这个充满活力的加密货币领域,ScapesMania (MANIA) 正在成为一个值得注意的预售项目,迅速获得了在不断变化的加密货币领域中航行的投资者的认可。

Ride The Wave Of Innovation With ScapesMania

与 ScapesMania 一起驾驭创新浪潮

While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

虽然有些项目面临着不确定的未来,但预售项目的轨迹更容易预测。 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一个平衡良好、精心设计的项目,充当游戏生态系统。通过 DAO 治理,支持者将能够影响价值数十亿美元的行业并从中受益。广泛的功能与最好的技术、专业的团队以及长期、雄心勃勃的愿景相结合,可以使 ScapesMania 成为加密货币领域的下一个重大事件。预售折扣和阶段奖金只会增加项目的吸引力。

Presale is Live Now - Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

预售现已开始 - 立即加入,即有机会受益于 MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

在屡获殊荣的开发团队的支持下,ScapesMania 代表着透明度:每个成员的社交媒体资料都是公开的。该项目不仅可以通过为游戏带来重大创新来实现这一目标,还可以通过将社区放在首位和中心来实现。推动客户参与并确保每个人都通过出色的代币经济和丰厚的奖励受益,这使得 ScapesMania 成为一个拥有光明未来的项目。

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits


Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格分析

As per the latest data from TradingView, Dogecoin (DOGE) is trading near the $0.10 mark, showing an impressive gain of 26% in a week. The Momentum indicator (10) presents an optimistic picture with a value of 0.0234, suggesting a 'Buy' signal. Similarly, the MACD Level (12, 26) is at 0.0054, which also indicates a 'Buy' signal. This suggests that there could be a bullish crossover in the MACD, a sign that the price might start to move upwards.

根据 TradingView 的最新数据,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的交易价格接近 0.10 美元大关,一周内涨幅高达 26%,令人印象深刻。动量指标 (10) 呈现乐观景象,值为 0.0234,暗示“买入”信号。同样,MACD 水平 (12, 26) 位于 0.0054,这也表明“买入”信号。这表明 MACD 可能出现看涨交叉,表明价格可能开始上涨。

At the same time, some oscillators are less bullish. The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) stands at 260.2933, indicating a neutral market sentiment. The Average Directional Index (ADX), with a value of 36.4298, also aligns with a neutral viewpoint. This value implies that while there is some trend strength, it is not particularly strong, and the market is not showing a clear directional trend.

与此同时,一些震荡指标的看涨情绪有所减弱。商品通道指数(CCI)为 260.2933,表明市场情绪中性。平均方向指数 (ADX) 的值为 36.4298,也与中性观点一致。该值意味着虽然存在一定的趋势强度,但并不是特别强,并且市场没有表现出明确的方向性趋势。

In terms of moving averages, both the 10-day SMA at $0.0867 and the 10-day EMA at $0.0887 are providing buy signals, indicating that an upward movement is likely in the near future. The longer-term perspective is also bullish with the 100-day EMA and 100-day SMA standing at $0.0726 and $0.0683 respectively. 

移动平均线方面,0.0867 美元的 10 日移动平均线和 0.0887 美元的 10 日均线均提供买入信号,表明近期可能会出现上涨趋势。长期前景也看涨,100 日均线和 100 日均线分别为 0.0726 美元和 0.0683 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格预测

In the short-term outlook, Dogecoin (DOGE) may experience a predominantly bullish trend. The resistance levels suggest potential bullish targets for traders. If DOGE gains strength and surpasses its initial resistance level at $0.1009, the next target could be set at a higher level of $0.1228. Breaking above these resistance levels would indicate a strong bullish trend, providing traders with opportunities to set profit targets or reassess their positions based on evolving market dynamics.

从短期前景来看,狗狗币(DOGE)可能会经历主要看涨趋势。阻力位暗示交易者潜在的看涨目标。如果 DOGE 走强并突破 0.1009 美元的初始阻力位,则下一个目标可能会设定在更高的 0.1228 美元。突破这些阻力位将表明强劲的看涨趋势,为交易者提供根据不断变化的市场动态设定利润目标或重新评估头寸的机会。

Conversely, in the event of a downward trend, it's crucial to monitor the support levels. If Dogecoin breaks below its first significant support level at $0.0704, traders may see a further decline to $0.0571 and $0.0352. These support levels become critical in a bearish market scenario, serving as potential reversal points.  

相反,如果出现下降趋势,监控支撑位至关重要。如果狗狗币跌破其第一个重要支撑位 0.0704 美元,交易者可能会看到进一步下跌至 0.0571 美元和 0.0352 美元。这些支撑位在看跌市场的情况下变得至关重要,可以作为潜在的反转点。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Analysis

柴犬 (SHIB) 价格分析

The price of Shiba Inu (SHIB) was hovering around $0.0000009 according to the latest update from TradingView. The coin has been displaying strong performance lately, adding 21% in a month and 19% in a week

根据 TradingView 的最新更新,柴犬 (SHIB) 的价格徘徊在 0.0000009 美元左右。该币最近表现强劲,一个月内上涨了 21%,一周内上涨了 19%

The Average Directional Index (ADX) for SHIB stands at 38.0840536757, which is categorized as neutral. The Awesome Oscillator, with a value of 0.0000006425, also indicates a neutral market momentum, implying that there is no significant momentum in either direction for SHIB at the moment.

SHIB的平均方向指数(ADX)为38.0840536757,属于中性。真棒震荡指标的值为 0.0000006425,也表明市场动力呈中性,这意味着 SHIB 目前在任一方向上都没有明显的动力。

However, the Momentum indicator (10) presents a more optimistic outlook with a value of $0.0000016192, suggesting a 'Buy' signal. Similarly, the MACD Level (12, 26) is at $0.0000003080, which also indicates a 'Buy' signal.  

然而,动量指标 (10) 呈现出更为乐观的前景,值为 0.0000016192 美元,暗示“买入”信号。同样,MACD 水平 (12, 26) 位于 0.0000003080 美元,这也表明“买入”信号。

In terms of moving averages, both the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the Simple Moving Average (SMA) for 10 periods are indicating a 'Buy' signal with values of $0.0000089728 and $0.0000087560, respectively. This suggests a bullish trend in the short term. Additionally, the 100-day EMA at $0.0000081221 and the 100-day SMA at $0.0000077767 are signaling a bullish trend in the longer term as well.

就移动平均线而言,10 个周期的指数移动平均线 (EMA) 和简单移动平均线 (SMA) 均显示“买入”信号,其值分别为 0.0000089728 美元和 0.0000087560 美元。这表明短期内看涨趋势。此外,位于 0.0000081221 美元的 100 日均线和位于 0.0000077767 美元的 100 日移动平均线也预示着长期看涨趋势。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Prediction

柴犬 (SHIB) 价格预测

In the short-term outlook, SHIB may exhibit a predominantly bullish trend. The resistance levels indicate potential targets for bullish movements. If SHIB gains strength and surpasses its resistance level at $0.0000103012, the next target could be set at a higher level of $0.0000117561. A break above this resistance indicates a sharp upward movement, giving traders the opportunity to set profit targets or adjust positions as market conditions change.

短期来看,SHIB 可能呈现看涨为主的趋势。阻力位表明看涨走势的潜在目标。如果SHIB走强并突破其阻力位0.0000103012美元,则下一个目标可能会设定在更高的水平0.0000117561美元。突破该阻力位表明价格大幅上涨,交易者有机会根据市场状况的变化设定利润目标或调整头寸。

Conversely, in the event of a downward trend, it's essential to monitor the support levels. If SHIB breaks below its second support level at $0.0000073914, traders might witness a subsequent downside targets at $0.0000059365. These support levels should be closely watched in bearish situations, as they act as potential turning points.

相反,如果出现下降趋势,则必须监控支撑位。如果 SHIB 跌破第二个支撑位 0.0000073914 美元,交易者可能会看到随后的下行目标为 0.0000059365 美元。在看跌情况下应密切关注这些支撑位,因为它们是潜在的转折点。



To sum up, the crypto market is experiencing a surge of optimism, driven by Bitcoin's upward momentum and the anticipated approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US. Major players like BlackRock and Fidelity are closely watching developments, with potential approval expected by January. Amid that, Bitcoin futures open interest on the CME is nearing its previous all-time high. As investors flock to crypto, altcoins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu Coin (SHIB) are gaining attention. DOGE's short-term outlook is bullish, with key indicators and resistance levels suggesting upward potential. Similarly, SHIB shows a predominantly bullish trend, with positive performance indicators. Regardless of the sentiment dominating the market, investors should always remember about the volatile nature of the crypto market and assess their risks accordingly. 

总而言之,在比特币上涨势头和美国现货比特币 ETF 预期获得批准的推动下,加密货币市场正在经历乐观情绪高涨。贝莱德 (BlackRock) 和富达 (Fidelity) 等主要参与者正在密切关注事态发展,预计一月份可能获得批准。其中,芝加哥商品交易所的比特币期货未平仓合约接近历史最高水平。随着投资者涌向加密货币,狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬币(SHIB)等山寨币正受到关注。 DOGE 的短期前景看涨,关键指标和阻力位表明有上涨潜力。同样,SHIB 显示出主要看涨趋势,业绩指标积极。无论主导市场的情绪如何,投资者都应始终记住加密货币市场的波动性,并相应地评估其风险。

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是一篇赞助文章,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。


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