首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币 (DOGE) 与柴犬 (SHIB) - 这就是鲸鱼更喜欢 Everlodge (ELDG) 的原因

Dogecoin (DOGE) vs Shiba Inu (SHIB) - Here's why the whales prefer Everlodge (ELDG)

狗狗币 (DOGE) 与柴犬 (SHIB) - 这就是鲸鱼更喜欢 Everlodge (ELDG) 的原因

发布: 2023/11/29 06:28 阅读: 386

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


狗狗币 (DOGE) 与柴犬 (SHIB) - 这就是鲸鱼更喜欢 Everlodge (ELDG) 的原因

Memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have made millionaires, but for every successful memecoin, there are 10,000 failed ones. Another route is to take a new project with a great concept and buy it while it's still in presale. And that’s what is exciting about Everloge.

像狗狗币和柴犬这样的模因币已经造就了百万富翁,但对于每一个成功的模因币来说,都有一万个失败的模因币。另一种途径是选择一个具有出色概念的新项目,并在其仍在预售时购买。这就是 Everloge 令人兴奋的地方。

Is Dogecoin going to make you rich?


Dogecoin remains a top 10 token by market cap, with a valuation approaching $10 billion.

狗狗币仍然是市值排名前十的代币,估值接近 100 亿美元。

Early viral hype cemented a thriving community and 2021's mania catapulted prices before gravity reasserted itself. Nonetheless, Dogecoin boasts exceptional adoption metrics like four million holders and Reddit channels with millions of subscribers.

早期的病毒式炒作巩固了一个繁荣的社区,而 2021 年的狂热在重力重新显现之前推高了价格。尽管如此,狗狗币仍拥有出色的采用指标,例如 400 万持有者和拥有数百万订阅者的 Reddit 频道。

Celebrity endorsements from the likes of Elon Musk and Snoop Dog also bolstered Dogecoin's staying power. And this led to 2021’s 10x price explosion. Though it has since surrendered 85% to sub-$0.10 levels, this could represent a potential bargain buy for risk-tolerant investors.  

埃隆·马斯克和史努比狗等名人的认可也增强了狗狗币的持久力。这导致 2021 年价格暴涨 10 倍。尽管此后股价已下跌 85%,跌至 0.10 美元以下的水平,但这对于承受风险的投资者来说可能是一个潜在的便宜买入机会。

Upside potential exists if enthusiasm resurges and Dogecoin revisits its $0.70 peak. Of course, predicting crypto market cycles is speculative and outcomes are unpredictable. And even if the bull market is now underway, there’s no guarantee that Dogecoin will reach $0.70 again.

如果热情回升且狗狗币重回 0.70 美元的峰值,则存在上涨潜力。当然,预测加密货币市场周期是推测性的,结果是不可预测的。即使牛市现在正在进行,也不能保证狗狗币会再次达到 0.70 美元。

Or will Shiba Inu win the race?


Unlike Dogecoin, Shiba Inu is continuously developing and reinventing itself, starting with the ShibaDex which launched in 2021, and most recently their blockchain the Shibarium.

与狗狗币不同,柴犬正在不断发展和重塑自己,从 2021 年推出的 ShibaDex 开始,到最近推出的区块链 Shibarium。

Shiba Inu's layer-2 scaling solution Shibarium has seen impressive increases in usage over the past day. According to team updates, the platform's daily transaction count spiked 50% to over 43,000, up from around 29,000 on the day before.

Shiba Inu 的第 2 层扩展解决方案 Shibarium 在过去一天的使用量出现了令人印象深刻的增长。根据团队最新消息,该平台的每日交易数量激增 50%,达到 43,000 多笔,高于前一天的约 29,000 笔。

This continues an upward adoption trend for Shibarium, which recently surpassed four million total transactions since its launch. The platform now supports over 1.2 million wallet addresses.

这延续了 Shibarium 采用率的上升趋势,自推出以来最近总交易量超过了 400 万笔。该平台目前支持超过 120 万个钱包地址。

The increased on-chain activity comes amidst a price rebound for the native Shiba Inu token. After hitting recent lows below $0.000008, SHIB has risen back above $0.0000082. Additional upside could see resistance near $0.000009, with a break above that psychologically important threshold potentially bringing further momentum.

链上活动的增加是在本地柴犬代币价格反弹之际出现的。在触及 0.000008 美元以下的近期低点后,SHIB 已回升至 0.0000082 美元以上。额外的上行空间可能会在 0.000009 美元附近遇到阻力,突破这一重要心理阈值可能会带来进一步的动力。

Various burning and staking initiatives also continue building fundamental value for long-term SHIB holders. Over 12 million tokens were burned in the past day across five transactions.

各种销毁和质押举措也继续为长期 SHIB 持有者创造基本价值。过去一天,五笔交易中超过 1200 万枚代币被销毁。

As Shibarium gains steam among users attracted to its speed and low fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet, it could bring increased utility for the broader Shiba Inu ecosystem. More dApps launching on the platform may increase its transaction volumes and user base over time, pushing up the price of Shiba Inu.

随着 Shibarium 因其速度和与以太坊主网相比较低的费用而受到用户的欢迎,它可以为更广泛的 Shiba Inu 生态系统带来更多的效用。随着时间的推移,在该平台上推出更多 dApp 可能会增加其交易量和用户群,从而推高 Shiba Inu 的价格。

Everlodge will leave the dogs in the dust

Everlodge 会让狗们望尘莫及

It's clear that Shiba Inu is the more interesting choice for investors, and both coins are likely to rise in a bull market scenario. But for those ready to take a risk on a speculative investment, it makes a lot more sense to pick a coin that has a real-world use case and much more room for growth.


Everlodge is an upcoming property investment platform, with a holiday rental-based business model. Whether bull or bear market, property always goes up in the long term, and people always want to go on vacations. But ordinary investors often don’t have the capital required to make these investments. And even if they do, they might hesitate to put everything into one specific area or property.

Everlodge 是一个即将推出的房地产投资平台,具有基于度假租赁的商业模式。无论牛市还是熊市,从长远来看,房地产总是会上涨,人们总是想去度假。但普通投资者往往没有进行这些投资所需的资金。即使他们这样做了,他们也可能会犹豫是否将所有东西都投入到一个特定的区域或财产中。

With Everlodge, vacation properties are tokenized on the blockchain as NFTs. They will then be offered to their community in fractions, meaning that investors can get started with just $100. They will be able to build a portfolio of properties around the world and receive rental income.

通过 Everlodge,度假物业在区块链上被标记为 NFT。然后,它们将分批提供给社区,这意味着投资者仅需 100 美元即可开始。他们将能够在世界各地建立房产投资组合并获得租金收入。

The ELDG is the native token that underlies the ecosystem and is used for various things including marketplace discounts, maintenance fees, governance rights, staking and more.  ELDG is in presale which means that it currently costs $0.025 per token, and will continue to rise until it reaches $0.01 at which point it will go live on exchanges.

ELDG 是生态系统底层的原生代币,可用于多种用途,包括市场折扣、维护费、治理权、质押等。 ELDG 处于预售阶段,这意味着目前每个代币的价格为 0.025 美元,并且将继续上涨,直到达到 0.01 美元,届时它将在交易所上线。

Given the popularity of real-world assets on the blockchain, experts predict that the coin will go up by a further 30x upon launch, and perhaps higher as the platform gains traction.

鉴于现实世界资产在区块链上的受欢迎程度,专家预测,该代币在推出后将进一步上涨 30 倍,随着平台的吸引力可能会更高。

Visit Everlodge


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是赞助新闻稿,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。


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