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Dogecoin Enters Final Stage Of Consolidation, Analyst Predicts 6,150% Rally To $7.5

狗狗币进入整合的最后阶段,分析师预测将上涨 6,150% 至 7.5 美元

发布: 2024/06/21 08:42 阅读: 574



狗狗币进入整合的最后阶段,分析师预测将上涨 6,150% 至 7.5 美元

Dogecoin's Trajectory: Analyst Predicts a God Candle


Cryptocurrency analyst Trader Tardigrade has shared insights on Dogecoin's (DOGE) potential trajectory. His analysis suggests that the popular meme coin may soon experience a significant surge, potentially reaching unprecedented highs.

加密货币分析师 Trader Tardigrade 分享了对狗狗币 (DOGE) 潜在轨迹的见解。他的分析表明,流行的模因硬币可能很快就会经历大幅飙升,有可能达到前所未有的高点。

Massive Rally to Push DOGE to $7.5

大规模反弹将 DOGE 推至 7.5 美元

Tardigrade predicts that Dogecoin will rise to $7.5 during its "huge surge." This prediction is based on the meme coin forming a triangle consolidation pattern, which historically signals the final stage of consolidation before an upward surge.

Tardigrade 预测狗狗币在“大幅上涨”期间将升至 7.5 美元。这一预测是基于模因币形成的三角形盘整模式,从历史上看,这标志着上涨之前盘整的最后阶段。

Historical Patterns Support Bullish Outlook


Tardigrade emphasizes that triangle consolidations have consistently occurred in previous market cycles, often preceding parabolic rallies for Dogecoin. He has consistently expressed optimism for DOGE, highlighting patterns such as the "ladle" pattern and a "parallel channel" that suggest a bullish outlook.

Tardigrade 强调,三角形整合在之前的市场周期中一直发生,通常发生在狗狗币抛物线反弹之前。他一直对 DOGE 表示乐观,强调了“钢包”形态和“平行通道”等暗示看涨前景的形态。

Analysts Align on Dogecoin's Performance


Tardigrade's analysis aligns with other analysts' predictions based on Dogecoin's historical performance. Crypto analyst Javon Marks predicts a potential rise to $17, citing the meme coin's tendency to experience larger rallies in subsequent bull runs.

Tardigrade 的分析与其他分析师基于狗狗币历史表现的预测一致。加密货币分析师贾文·马克斯 (Javon Marks) 预测,该货币可能会上涨至 17 美元,理由是这种模因币在随后的牛市中往往会经历更大的反弹。

Current Bearish Sentiment


Despite the bullish predictions, Dogecoin currently faces bearish sentiment. Analyst Kevin (formerly Yomi OG) notes that DOGE has lost its daily moving averages, indicating a potential decline in the short to medium term. He suggests that reclaiming these moving averages is crucial for Dogecoin's recovery.

尽管预测乐观,但狗狗币目前面临看跌情绪。分析师 Kevin(前 Yomi OG)指出,DOGE 已经失去了每日移动平均线,表明中短期内可能会下跌。他认为,收回这些移动平均线对于狗狗币的复苏至关重要。

Technical Analysis Points


As of the time of writing, Dogecoin is trading at around $0.12, with a slight decrease in the last 24 hours. Analysts suggest that key levels to watch include $0.132 (resistance) and $0.10-$0.11 (support).

截至撰写本文时,狗狗币的交易价格约为 0.12 美元,在过去 24 小时内略有下降。分析师建议关注的关键水平包括 0.132 美元(阻力位)和 0.10-0.11 美元(支撑位)。


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