首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币瞄准 1 美元大关:Polygon 或 Borroe 会成为第一大投资吗?

Dogecoin Eyes The $1 Mark: Will Polygon or Borroe Become the No. 1 Investment?

狗狗币瞄准 1 美元大关:Polygon 或 Borroe 会成为第一大投资吗?

发布: 2023/09/02 21:00 阅读: 231



Major crypto experts believe Dogecoin ($DOGE), Polygon ($MATIC), and Borroe ($ROE) holders are bound to receive remarkable long-term gains. However, Borroe ($ROE) has received the most significant praise due to the token’s innovative features and advanced real-life utility. Let’s see why many investors have decided to embrace $ROE as the best crypto to invest in August 2023.

主要加密货币专家认为,Dogecoin ($DOGE)、Polygon ($MATIC) 和 Borroe ($ROE) 持有者必将获得可观的长期收益。然而,Borroe ($ROE) 由于代币的创新功能和先进的现实生活实用性而获得了最显着的赞誉。让我们看看为什么许多投资者决定将 $ROE 作为 2023 年 8 月投资的最佳加密货币。


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Will Dogecoin ($DOGE) Reach the Coveted $1 Figure?

狗狗币 ($DOGE) 会达到令人垂涎的 1 美元数字吗?

The price of Dogecoin ($DOGE) has decreased within the last three days. However, Dogecoin ($DOGE) enthusiasts believe the meme coin could achieve significant price rallies in the following term, based on Dogecoin’s ($DOGE) rising popularity within the crypto community. 

狗狗币($DOGE)的价格在过去三天内有所下降。然而,狗狗币 ($DOGE) 爱好者相信,由于狗狗币 ($DOGE) 在加密社区中的受欢迎程度不断上升,迷因币可能会在接下来的一段时间内实现大幅价格上涨。

Dogecoin ($DOGE) currently holds the 8th place by market capitalization, with a figure of $8.8 billion. Furthermore, Elon Musk’s X platform may soon add $DOGE as a payment option. It would enable the meme coin to substantially expand its market reach. Hence, bullish analysts single out Dogecoin ($DOGE) as one of the top crypto coins in the current market.

狗狗币 ($DOGE) 目前以 88 亿美元的市值排名第八。此外,埃隆·马斯克的 X 平台可能很快就会添加 $DOGE 作为支付选项。这将使模因币能够大幅扩大其市场范围。因此,看涨的分析师将狗狗币($DOGE)列为当前市场上顶级的加密货币之一。

On the other hand, bears point out that Dogecoin ($DOGE) has traded below the $0.070 range since August 15. Thus, the meme coin may witness more pronounced dips if it doesn’t surpass the $0.075 threshold during the first week of September.

另一方面,空头指出,自 8 月 15 日以来,狗狗币 ($DOGE) 的交易价格一直低于 0.070 美元的区间。因此,如果它在 9 月第一周没有超过 0.075 美元的门槛,那么它可能会出现更明显的下跌。

Polygon ($MATIC) Aims for The $0.75 Mark

Polygon ($MATIC) 瞄准 0.75 美元大关

Polygon ($MATIC) bulls expect that the token will ride on its current momentum. It may quickly manage to reclaim the price figures from the end of July when the token traded around the $0.75 level.

Polygon ($MATIC) 多头预计该代币将继续保持当前的势头。它可能会很快恢复 7 月底的价格数据,当时代币的交易价格约为 0.75 美元。

This optimistic view is based on several factors, such as the numerous possibilities of Polygon’s (MATIC) imminent network upgrade to Polygon 2.0. On the other hand, Polygon ($MATIC) bears warn the token could enter a lengthy negative trend. It has to consolidate over $0.60 by the end of the month to prevent that negative trend. 

这种乐观的看法基于多种因素,例如 Polygon (MATIC) 即将网络升级到 Polygon 2.0 的众多可能性。另一方面,Polygon ($MATIC) 空头警告该代币可能会进入长期负面趋势。它必须在月底之前巩固超过 0.60 美元,以防止这种负面趋势。

On top of that, some crypto experts believe that Polygon’s ($MATIC) sidechain is far too centralized. They predict that many Polygon ($MATIC) holders can soon move away to more advanced decentralized platforms.

最重要的是,一些加密货币专家认为 Polygon ($MATIC) 侧链过于中心化。他们预测,许多 Polygon ($MATIC) 持有者很快就会转向更先进的去中心化平台。

Borroe ($ROE) Users Gain Upfront Cash from Future Revenues

Borroe ($ROE) 用户从未来收入中获得预付现金

Borroe ($ROE) is an innovative AI-powered funding marketplace. It strives to revolutionize the Web3 industry by enabling Web3 participants and content creators to receive upfront funds from future recurring revenues

Borroe ($ROE) 是一个创新的人工智能融资市场。它致力于通过使 Web3 参与者和内容创建者能够从未来的经常性收入中获得预付款来彻底改变 Web3 行业。

Furthermore, Web3 businesses can use Borroe ($ROE) to generate instant cash flow by minting NFTs that represent future and outstanding voices and are subsequently sold at reduced prices in the ROE marketplace.

此外,Web3 企业可以使用 Borroe ($ROE) 通过铸造代表未来和杰出声音的 NFT 来产生即时现金流,并随后在 ROE 市场上以降价出售。

The deflationary Borroe ($ROE) token will be launched on the Ethereum sidechain Polygon. It will provide many exclusive benefits, such as selling and repayment rewards, invoice buying, discounted fees, and social media share2earn. 

通货紧缩的 Borroe ($ROE) 代币将在以太坊侧链 Polygon 上推出。它将提供许多独家福利,例如销售和还款奖励、发票购买、折扣费用和社交媒体分享2earn。

On the other hand, Borroe ($ROE) has been audited by BlockAudit and recently made public its smart contract address. 

另一方面,Borroe ($ROE) 已通过 BlockAudit 审计,并于近期公开了其智能合约地址。

The token is currently at Stage 1 of its public presale, selling for just $0.0125. Crypto enthusiasts can purchase Borroe ($ROE) by depositing funds through a Credit or Debit Card, ETH, BNB, USDT, USDC, and more than 100 other major cryptocurrencies.

该代币目前处于公开预售的第一阶段,售价仅为 0.0125 美元。加密货币爱好者可以通过信用卡或借记卡、ETH、BNB、USDT、USDC 和 100 多种其他主要加密货币存入资金来购买 Borroe ($ROE)。

Stage 2 will see the token’s price rising to $0.0150, while the $0.040 presale target is set to represent a fantastic 300% surge from Borroe’s ($ROE) initial price figure of $0.010. The returns are bound to get significantly higher after the official launch. So, find out firsthand why experts praise Borroe ($ROE) as the best cryptocurrency to buy today!

在第二阶段,代币的价格将上涨至 0.0150 美元,而 0.040 美元的预售目标将比 Borroe ($ROE) 的初始价格 0.010 美元上涨 300%。正式上线后,回报必然会大幅提升。因此,直接了解为什么专家称赞 Borroe ($ROE) 是当今最好的加密货币!

Learn more about Borroe ($ROE) here:

在此了解有关 Borroe ($ROE) 的更多信息:

访问 Borroe 预售 |加入电报群

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