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Dogecoin Founder Denies Ties To Abandoned Crypto Project From 2013

狗狗币创始人否认与 2013 年以来废弃的加密货币项目有联系

发布: 2023/12/19 06:01 阅读: 356



Dogecoin founder Billy Markus has found himself in the middle of another controversy as crypto developers dig up a project that was abandoned 10 years ago. The project which was titled BELLS was Markus’s brainchild before the idea for Dogecoin was born. However, he had abandoned the project and had not said anything about it until now.

狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 发现自己陷入了另一场争议,因为加密货币开发人员挖掘了一个 10 年前被放弃的项目。这个名为 BELLS 的项目是马库斯在狗狗币的想法诞生之前的创意。不过,他已经放弃了这个项目,直到现在也没有说什么。

The Resurrection Of BELLS Blockchain


Adam McBride took to X (formerly Twitter) last week to share a recent find that was connected to one of the Dogecoin founders, Bill Markus. According to McBride, the BELLS token was founded by Markus in 2013 but was abandoned. Following the 10th anniversary of DOGE when Markus talked about the beginning of Dogecoin, the crypto enthusiast had gone hunting for Markus’s other crypto project and they found it.

Adam McBride 上周在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上分享了一项与狗狗币创始人之一 Bill Markus 有关的最新发现。据 McBride 介绍,BELLS 代币由 Markus 于 2013 年创立,但后来被放弃。在 DOGE 成立 10 周年之际,马库斯谈到了狗狗币的起源,这位加密货币爱好者开始寻找马库斯的另一个加密项目,并找到了它。

McBride, in cahoots with another crypto enthusiast, was able to dig up information about the BELLS blockchain which died in 2014, as well as a fork of the blockchain and an Ethereum version. But even after all of this, it did not end there.

McBride 与另一位加密货币爱好者勾结,能够挖掘有关 2014 年消亡的 BELLS 区块链的信息,以及该区块链的分叉和以太坊版本。但即使发生了这一切,事情并没有就此结束。

McBride would then bring his findings to developer Luke Wrightmain who would eventually get the blockchain up and running again. Mining was kickstarted once more on BELLS and miners could get BEL tokens for their efforts.

然后,麦克布莱德将他的发现带给开发者卢克·赖特梅恩(Luke Wrightmain),后者最终使区块链重新启动并运行。 BELLS 上再次开始挖矿,矿工可以通过他们的努力获得 BEL 代币。

However, users were warned that the code which is 10 years old could not be completely safe and do not mine with their main machines. Nevertheless, the cryptocurrency has garnered a lot of support and has managed to draw the attention of Markus.


Dogecoin Founder Denies Ties To Revived Project


On Monday, X user CryptoKaduna took to the platform to share the BELLS project with their over 110,000 followers. In the tweet which does not directly mention BELLS, Kaduna alludes to the fact that it was a relaunched coin founded by Markus, adding that the Dogecoin founder had joined the project’s Discord to help the project.

周一,X 用户 CryptoKaduna 在该平台上与超过 110,000 名粉丝分享了 BELLS 项目。在这条没有直接提及 BELLS 的推文中,Kaduna 暗示这是 Markus 创立的重新推出的代币,并补充说狗狗币创始人已加入该项目的 Discord 来帮助该项目。

However, Markus would take to X to clarify that he is not involved in the revived project in any way. He explains that the original tweet was misleading, and while he did join the project’s Discord, he only did so “to see what was going on and to provide a little color / warnings about the tech.” According to the founder, the tech behind the project is very old and people should know what they are getting to.

然而,马库斯向 X 澄清,他没有以任何方式参与恢复的项目。他解释说,最初的推文具有误导性,虽然他确实加入了该项目的 Discord,但他这样做只是“为了看看发生了什么,并提供一些有关该技术的颜色/警告”。据创始人称,该项目背后的技术非常古老,人们应该知道他们要做什么。

The Dogecoin founder also reiterated his previous stance that he does not plan to be a developer on any crypto project ever again. “I’m never going to dev on any crypto project ever again, and I’ve made that extremely clear thousands of times,” Markus concluded.

这位狗狗币创始人还重申了他之前的立场,即他不打算再次成为任何加密项目的开发人员。 “我永远不会再开发任何加密项目,我已经说过数千次了,”马库斯总结道。


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