首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币联合创始人对 500 万美元净资产提出异议,那么他到底值多少钱?

Dogecoin Co-Founder Disputes $5 Million Net Worth, So How Much Is He Worth?

狗狗币联合创始人对 500 万美元净资产提出异议,那么他到底值多少钱?

发布: 2023/11/23 21:05 阅读: 710



Dogecoin was initially founded in 2013 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer as a joke, a project that they would eventually abandon. DOGE continued to trade in obscurity for years until it was picked up by billionaire Elon Musk who consistently posted about it on his X (formerly Twitter) account, driving the price up drastically. Since then, one of the Dogecoin founders, Billy Markus, has returned to the community and is often the subject of various headlines.

狗狗币最初是由比利·马库斯和杰克逊·帕尔默于 2013 年作为一个玩笑创立的,但他们最终放弃了这个项目。 DOGE 多年来一直默默无闻地进行交易,直到亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 发现了它,并不断在他的 X(以前的 Twitter)账户上发布相关信息,导致价格大幅上涨。此后,狗狗币创始人之一比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)重返社区,并经常成为各种头条新闻的主题。

The most recent reason for why Markus is appearing in the headlines is in regard to his net worth. A report had quoted the Dogecoin’s founders net worth to be somewhere around $5 million, a figure the founder has since disputed and rejected.

马库斯出现在头条新闻的最新原因是他的净资产。一份报告称狗狗币创始人的净资产约为 500 万美元,但创始人对该数字提出了异议并拒绝了。

Dogecoin Founder Not Worth $5 Million

狗狗币创始人身价不值 500 万美元

Responding to the report, Markus took to X (formerly Twitter) to reveal that the quoted $5 million net worth was wrong, According to him, he actually does not have that much money. Instead of the $5 million value, the Dogecoin founder admits to having less than $1 million dollars.

针对该报道,马库斯在 X(前 Twitter)上透露,所报的 500 万美元净资产是错误的,据他称,他实际上没有那么多钱。这位狗狗币创始人承认自己的资产不到 100 万美元,而不是 500 万美元。

“It’s hilarious that this is one of the first articles about me on the internet as my net worth is well under a million dollars and i have a very large interest in making money,” Markus said. Responding in a lighthearted manner, Markus explains, “If i did have 5 million dollars tho, i would be wayyyyyy more chill about money.”

“有趣的是,这是互联网上第一篇关于我的文章,因为我的净资产远低于一百万美元,而且我对赚钱非常感兴趣,”马库斯说。马库斯以一种轻松的方式回应,解释道:“如果我确实有 500 万美元,我会对金钱更加冷静。”

Apparently, the founder was not exactly money-oriented previously as he had lived in an area with a lower cost of living. However, he admits that after moving to California where things are admittedly more expensive than the national average, he got a lot more “money angsty.”


Why DOGE Founders Are Not Millionaires In DOGE

为什么 DOGE 创始人不是 DOGE 的百万富翁

Both Markus and Palmer have previously revealed that they had left the Dogecoin project early on. For Palmer, he has since left the crypto industry and has, in fact, become a very vocal critic of cryptocurrencies in general. He has previously said that he wished it was the end of crypto, as well as revealing that he was annoyed with Elon Musk’s plan to send a Doge-themed satellite to space.


Palmer has also referred to crypto as being “controlled by a power cartel of wealthy figures.” He believes that crypto is a scam and has since dissociated himself from the Dogecoin brand. Palmer has explicitly stated that he has no plans to return to crypto.


On Markus’s part, he has been more open to the market, returning to the Dogecoin community after the 2021 run-up. Markus has since made numerous investments in crypto including Dogecoin, engaging with the community while at it.

就马库斯而言,他对市场更加开放,在 2021 年上涨后重返狗狗币社区。此后,马库斯对包括狗狗币在内的加密货币进行了大量投资,并与社区互动。


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