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Dogecoin Founder Offers Extraordinary Bitcoin Price Outlook


发布: 2024/04/07 20:45 阅读: 300



Billy Markus, one of the masterminds behind Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency synonymous with memes, recently stirred the crypto community with his unconventional take on Bitcoin's valuation. Known for his witty and sometimes contentious views on digital currencies, Markus suggested an intriguing price point for Bitcoin — $69,420.

比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)是狗狗币(Dogecoin)(一种与模因同义的加密货币)背后的策划者之一,最近他对比特币估值的非传统看法震惊了加密货币社区。马库斯以其对数字货币的机智且有时有争议的观点而闻名,他提出了一个有趣的比特币价格点——69,420 美元。

His rationale? Simply put, because it is a meme number, and memes reign supreme in the universe, according to the DOGE creator.

他的理由是什么?简而言之,因为它是一个模因编号,根据 DOGE 的创建者的说法,模因在宇宙中占据着至高无上的地位。

His lighthearted comment sparked a flurry of reactions from his followers, one of whom humorously proposed raising the figure to $694,200. Amusingly, Markus played along, granting the request with a casual "hm yeah i'll allow it."

他轻松的评论引发了追随者的一系列反应,其中一位粉丝幽默地提议将这一数字提高到 694,200 美元。有趣的是,马库斯也配合了,随意地答应了这个请求,“嗯,是的,我会允许的。”

BTC to USD by CoinMarketCap

通过 CoinMarketCap 将 BTC 兑换为 USD

Interestingly, Bitcoin's price surged today, inching closer to Markus' proposed value. With a 6% increase since the week's inception, Bitcoin now hovers just above $69,420, a mere 6.4% shy of potentially reaching a new high of $74,000.

有趣的是,比特币的价格今天飙升,逐渐接近马库斯的建议价值。自本周开始以来,比特币价格上涨了 6%,目前徘徊在 69,420 美元上方,距离可能达到的新高 74,000 美元仅差 6.4%。

Go, DOGE, go


Meanwhile, as Markus jests about Bitcoin's valuation, his brainchild, Dogecoin, continues to gain momentum. Today, Dogecoin saw a 5% uptick, reaching $0.195 per DOGE. Seizing the moment, Markus shared a playful collage featuring the iconic Doge meme, captioned with an encouraging "Go, Doge, Go!"

与此同时,当马库斯嘲笑比特币的估值时,他的创意狗狗币继续获得动力。今天,狗狗币上涨了 5%,达到每狗狗币 0.195 美元。马库斯抓住这个时机,分享了一幅有趣的拼贴画,其中包括标志性的 Doge meme,标题是鼓舞人心的“Go,Doge,Go!”



— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) April 7, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 4 月 7 日

Markus' unordinary take on Bitcoin's worth may seem funny at first glance, but it underscores the symbiotic relationship between cryptocurrency and internet culture.


As memes permeate the digital landscape, influencing market sentiments and price predictions, it is clear that in the world of crypto, even the most outlandish ideas can spark meaningful discussions and, perhaps, influence market movements.



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