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Dogecoin Founder Reveals His Bitcoin Holdings


发布: 2024/02/15 16:33 阅读: 991




Billy Markus, one of the two creators of the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin has unveiled how much Bitcoin he holds in a recent tweet. He also jokingly stated what he will do if the world’s flagship cryptocurrency hits the much-anticipated $100,000 price mark.

原始模因加密货币狗狗币的两位创始人之一比利·马库斯在最近的一条推文中公布了他持有多少比特币。他还开玩笑地表示,如果世界旗舰加密货币达到万众期待的 10 万美元价格大关,他会做什么。

On Twitter/X and other social media, Markus goes by the alias “Shibetoshi Nakamoto.”

在 Twitter/X 和其他社交媒体上,马库斯的化名是“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”。

Here's how much Bitcoin Markus holds

这是 Markus 持有的比特币数量

In a tweet published on Valentine’s Day, the creator of the code for Dogecoin, Billy Markus, said that he intends to do if Bitcoin eventually hits $100,000 – he will “celebrate by getting dinner at olive garden.”

在情人节发布的一条推文中,狗狗币代码的创建者比利·马库斯表示,如果比特币最终达到 10 万美元,他将“在橄榄园吃晚饭来庆祝”。

if bitcoin goes to $100k, i will celebrate by getting dinner at olive garden

如果比特币涨到 10 万美元,我会在橄榄园吃晚饭来庆祝

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) February 14, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 2 月 14 日

As for his personal Bitcoin holdings, when asked about the size of those, Markus shared that information and it may seem a surprisingly small stash for a legend in the crypto world whom he is believed to be by many cryptocurrency fans – 0.006 BTC, his tweet says. This amount of Bitcoin is worth $311,21 at the time of this writing.

至于他个人持有的比特币持有量,当被问及这些比特币的规模时,Markus 分享了这一信息,对于许多加密货币粉丝认为他是加密货币世界传奇人物的人来说,这似乎是一个令人惊讶的小秘密 – 0.006 BTC,他的推文说。截至撰写本文时,该比特币价值 311.21 美元。

i have .006


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) February 14, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 2 月 14 日

First rule of the crypto holders' club


Therefore, the Dogecoin creator cannot even fall into the category of whales who holds 1 Bitcoin. On the other hand, the first rule of any cryptocurrency holder is not to reveal one’s crypto holdings in public. The second rule of any cryptocurrency holder is – not to reveal one’s crypto holdings in public. The same goes for the third rule.


Billy Markus is known for his somewhat sceptical attitude to crypto trading and crypto investment. In his multiple tweets, he often says that he does not hold much crypto (and he does not like ERC20-based coins also). In several of his tweets, he revealed that he likes Bitcoin and has a bit of Dogecoin left since the early times of the project.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 因其对加密货币交易和加密货币投资持怀疑态度而闻名。在他的多条推文中,他经常表示自己持有的加密货币不多(而且他也不喜欢基于 ERC20 的代币)。他在几条推文中透露,他喜欢比特币,并且自该项目早期以来就留下了一些狗狗币。

He also had to sell a little Ethereum a couple of years ago at a loss to pay his taxes. Markus quit Dogecoin soon after it was launched in December 2013 and has been getting DOGE since only via tips, according to one of his tweets.

几年前,他还不得不亏本出售一点以太坊来缴纳税款。根据马库斯的一条推文,狗狗币于 2013 年 12 月推出后不久,马库斯就退出了狗狗币,此后一直只通过提示获得狗狗币。

He does not plan to join the Dogecoin Foundation that runs DOGE now and has no intention to create any other cryptocurrency. Per his confession, he likes his day job (which is likely to do with crypto coding).

他不打算加入目前运营 DOGE 的狗狗币基金会,也无意创建任何其他加密货币。根据他的坦白,他喜欢他的日常工作(这可能与加密编码有关)。


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