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Dogecoin Founder Makes Unexpected AI Statement


发布: 2024/01/01 17:34 阅读: 461




Billy Markus, who created the very first and now iconic cryptocurrency Dogecoin together with Jackson Palmer approximately 10 years ago, has taken to the Twitter/X social media platform to share one of his first 2024 tweets with millions of his followers.

大约 10 年前,比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 一起创建了第一个如今已成为标志性的加密货币狗狗币,他在 Twitter/X 社交媒体平台上与数百万粉丝分享了他 2024 年的第一条推文。

That was an unexpected tweet about artificial intelligence and New Year resolutions, but rather it seems to be about what people are likely to start doing in the new year with the help of AI.


“New year’s AI resolutions 2024”

《2024 年人工智能新年决心》

Markus, who is a frequent X user and a pen friend of its boss Elon Musk, unlike Jackson Palmer, has shared “his New Year resolutions” with his 2.1 millions followers. Every action on that list is related to mastering a new profession or mastering something new with one common feature that all these ballpoints have — AI.

马库斯是 X 的常客,也是其老板埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的笔友,与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 不同,他与他的 210 万粉丝分享了“他的新年决心”。该列表中的每项操作都与掌握一项新职业或掌握一些新事物有关,而所有这些圆珠笔都具有一个共同特征——人工智能。

Therefore, Markus tweets that he intends to “learn to draw (via ai), learn to code (via ai), write a novel (via ai), write a musical (via ai)” and so on. It seems like Markus is talking not about himself but is predicting a trend that is likely to be dominant this year in many spheres of people’s activities — artificial intelligence. The most available so far is the ChatGPT chatbot created by OpenAI.

因此,Markus 在推特上表示,他打算“学习画画(通过 ai)、学习编码(通过 ai)、写小说(通过 ai)、写音乐剧(通过 ai)”等等。马库斯似乎不是在谈论他自己,而是在预测今年可能在人们活动的许多领域占据主导地位的趋势——人工智能。迄今为止最可用的是 OpenAI 创建的 ChatGPT 聊天机器人。

new year’s resolutions 2024:[ ] learn to draw (via ai)[ ] learn to code (via ai)[ ] learn how to be a lawyer (via ai)[ ] learn data science (via ai) [ ] learn accounting (via ai) [ ] write a novel (via ai)[ ] write a screenplay (via ai)[ ] write a musical (via ai)

2024 年新年决心:[ ] 学习绘画(通过人工智能)[ ] 学习编程(通过人工智能)[ ] 学习如何成为一名律师(通过人工智能)[ ] 学习数据科学(通过人工智能)[ ] 学习会计(通过人工智能) ai) [ ] 写一本小说(通过 ai)[ ] 写一个剧本(通过 ai)[ ] 写一部音乐剧(通过 ai)

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 1, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 1 日

Elon Musk contributed financially to the creation of the company in 2015 but then quit due to heavy discrepancies with the management board, and now he slams this chatbot as “woke.”

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 于 2015 年为该公司的创建提供了财务贡献,但随后由于与管理委员会的严重分歧而退出,现在他猛烈抨击这个聊天机器人“醒了”。

Elon Musk’s Grok versus OpenAI’s ChatGPT

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 Grok 与 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT

After first making this statement about ChatGPT a year ago, Musk founded his own AI company later in 2023 and launched the Grok AI bot for Premium+ subscribers on X. Unlike ChatGPT, it does not avoid answering “uncomfortable” questions on topics like politics, religion, sex and others that are thought to be sensitive by many. Besides, many have noted that Grok does have a sense of humor unlike its rival made by OpenAI.

一年前首次发表有关 ChatGPT 的声明后,马斯克于 2023 年晚些时候创立了自己的人工智能公司,并在 X 上为 Premium+ 订阅者推出了 Grok AI 机器人。与 ChatGPT 不同的是,它并没有避免回答有关政治、宗教等话题的“令人不舒服”的问题、性以及其他许多人认为敏感的内容。此外,许多人指出,与 OpenAI 的竞争对手不同,Grok 确实有幽默感。

All one has to do to create content is ask questions and/or give an AI-based chatbot prompts, and the necessary content (or something close to it in various degrees) will be generated. This is how Markus intends to follow his 2024 resolutions, as he pointed out in a response to a comment under his tweet.

创建内容所需要做的就是提出问题和/或给出基于人工智能的聊天机器人提示,然后就会生成必要的内容(或在不同程度上接近它的内容)。正如马库斯在推文下回复评论时指出的那样,这就是马库斯打算遵循他的 2024 年决议的方式。



— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 1, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 1 日


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