首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币上涨,鲸鱼涌向即将推出的加密人工智能硬币

Dogecoin gains, whales flock to upcoming crypto AI coin


发布: 2024/03/01 17:01 阅读: 949




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Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of the top altcoins to watch right now as rumors of an upcoming bull run intensify after whales purchase sizable holdings. One whale recently transferred over 250 million DOGE from Robinhood to an external wallet.

狗狗币(DOGE)是目前最值得关注的山寨币之一,因为在鲸鱼购买大量股票后,有关即将到来的牛市的传言愈演愈烈。一只鲸鱼最近从 Robinhood 向外部钱包转移了超过 2.5 亿 DOGE。

InQubeta presale raises over $10.4 million

InQubeta 预售筹集了超过 1040 万美元

InQubeta intends to open up artificial intelligence (AI) investments by providing easier access to them on its crowdfunding network.

InQubeta 打算通过在其众筹网络上提供更便捷的获取方式来开放人工智能 (AI) 投资。

It will give investors an alternative to mainstream investment firms since many aren’t able to meet their income and net worth requirements. 


The emerging crypto could grow as investment capital in AI surges exponentially. More than $120 billion is now backing companies in the sector and an extra $1.5 trillion is expected to gush into artificial intelligence in the next several years. 

随着人工智能投资资本呈指数级增长,新兴的加密货币可能会增长。目前已有超过 1200 亿美元支持该行业的公司,预计未来几年还将有 1.5 万亿美元涌入人工智能领域。

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您可能还喜欢:以太坊多头目标为 3000 美元; InQubeta 主导 Reddit

InQubeta’s investment solution positions it to help direct some of the investment capital pouring into AI into startups looking to take the technology further.

InQubeta 的投资解决方案有助于引导部分人工智能投资资金流向希望进一步发展该技术的初创公司。

A 1.5 billion token cap on QUBE and burn taxes on marketplace taxes encourage long-term price increases. 

QUBE 的 15 亿代币上限和市场税的销毁税鼓励了长期价格上涨。

InQubeta gives investors two main ways to build generational wealth in its ecosystem:

InQubeta 为投资者提供了两种在其生态系统中积累代际财富的主要方式:

1. Investing in the first crowdfunding AI-crypto

1. 投资第一个众筹AI-加密货币

Investors simply need to purchase QUBE to invest in InQubeta’s ecosystem. Tokens are priced at $0.0245 in the ICO’s eighth stage and prices are expected to reach a few dollars in the coming years. It’s the only cryptocurrency that provides the solution it does by giving investors an accessible medium to buy equity in AI firms, and that should help propel its growth. 

投资者只需购买 QUBE 即可投资 InQubeta 的生态系统。 ICO 第八阶段的代币价格为 0.0245 美元,预计未来几年价格将达到几美元。它是唯一一种能够提供解决方案的加密货币,它为投资者提供了一种购买人工智能公司股权的便捷媒介,这应该有助于推动其增长。

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QUBE holders might as well hold their tokens to earn more as prices grow over the next few years. All investors get to suggest and vote on issues concerning the ecosystem’s operations and future. 

随着未来几年价格的上涨,QUBE 持有者也可以持有他们的代币来赚取更多收益。所有投资者都可以就有关生态系统运营和未来的问题提出建议和投票。

Dogecoin currently has a market cap of over $14 trillion despite its virtually infinite token supply and limited use. QUBE would be priced at $9 when its market capitalization reaches that high.

尽管狗狗币的代币供应量几乎无限且使用有限,但其目前的市值仍超过 14 万亿美元。当 QUBE 的市值达到这个高位时,其定价将为 9 美元。

2. Investing in AI startups

2. 投资人工智能初创公司

AI startups raise capital by creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that serve as tokenized proof of reward or equity-based investment opportunities. Tokens are sold for QUBE, while investors earn equity in these companies. 

人工智能初创公司通过创建不可替代代币(NFT)来筹集资金,这些代币可作为奖励或基于股权的投资机会的代币化证明。代币以 QUBE 的形式出售,而投资者则赚取这些公司的股权。

Investors buy these NFTs on the marketplace to own equity in the firms selling them. These tokens can be resold on the marketplace at any time. 

投资者在市场上购买这些 NFT,以拥有出售这些 NFT 的公司的股权。这些代币可以随时在市场上转售。

Dogecoin is up 16%

狗狗币上涨 16%

There’s a good chance DOGE prices will keep surging in the coming weeks as the launch date of the DOGE-1 orbiter draws nearer.

随着 DOGE-1 轨道飞行器发射日期的临近,DOGE 价格很有可能在未来几周内继续飙升。

The project is funded by DOGE, and it was scheduled for liftoff in February, but the orbiter wasn’t completed on time, leading to the launch date being postponed. 

该项目由 DOGE 资助,原定于 2 月份发射,但轨道飞行器未能按时完成,导致发射日期被推迟。

Dogecoin’s value has grown by 23% in the last month, a sign an increasing number of investors are choosing to hold on to their tokens, at least until the DOGE-1 vessel launches. 

狗狗币的价值在上个月增长了 23%,这表明越来越多的投资者选择持有他们的代币,至少在 DOGE-1 船发射之前是这样。



DOGE and QUBE are two coins investors are currently exploring. DOGE will likely rally before falling because of speculation generated by the DOGE-1 mission. Meanwhile, QUBE might extend gains once it launches.

DOGE 和 QUBE 是投资者目前正在探索的两种代币。由于 DOGE-1 任务引发的猜测,DOGE 可能会在下跌之前上涨。与此同时,QUBE 一旦推出,可能会扩大收益。

Read more: Citizenship in El Salvador for $1m Bitcoin investment; Kava and InQubeta poised for growth

了解更多:投资 100 万美元比特币获得萨尔瓦多公民身份; Kava 和 InQubeta 蓄势待发

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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