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As Dogecoin Growth Slows, 20x Nugget Rush Continues To Show Its The Hottest Meme Coin This Year

随着狗狗币增长放缓,20 倍的 Nugget Rush 继续展示其今年最热门的 Meme 代币

发布: 2023/11/10 22:49 阅读: 732



In the wild world of crypto, where Dogecoin once ruled as the king of memes, things are shaking up. The market’s shifting, and savvy investors are always on the prowl for the next big thing, something that packs a punch with both humor and utility.


While Dogecoin was busy being the internet’s best friend, this unique meme coin has been laying down tracks for a different kind of journey—one that’s got the heart of gaming and the soul of giving back. 


Dogecoin’s hype train seems to be slowing down a notch, and there’s a new kid on the block that’s grabbing the spotlight. Enter NuggetRush (NUGX), strutting onto the scene with a swagger that’s all about community and actual gold—that’s right, the shiny kind you can touch.

狗狗币的炒作火车似乎放慢了一个档次,并且有一个新事物正在吸引人们的注意。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 登场,大摇大摆地出现在现场,这一切都是关于社区和真正的黄金——没错,就是你可以触摸到的闪亮的那种。

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NuggetRush (NUGX)

掘金冲刺 (NUGX)

NuggetRush (NUGX) is shaking things up. It’s not just another face in the crowd of meme coins; it’s hitting the crypto goldmine. While other coins are just riding the meme wave, NUGX is all about that play-to-earn life and making a real difference. It’s the first-ever community-built GameFi project that’s about more than just laughs—it’s got heart.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 正在改变现状。这不仅仅是模因硬币中的另一张面孔;它正在触及加密货币金矿。虽然其他代币只是顺应潮流,但 NUGX 的宗旨是“边玩边赚钱”并带来真正的改变。这是第一个社区构建的 GameFi 项目,它不仅仅带来欢笑,还充满了热情。

The presale for NuggetRush is structured to reward early backers with a tiered pricing system, and it’s proving to be an absolute magnet for those in the know. With each round, the cost per NUGX creeps up, and right now, the price is sitting pretty at 0.012 USDT—already a bump up from the initial offering.

NuggetRush 的预售旨在通过分级定价系统奖励早期支持者,事实证明,它对知情人士来说绝对具有吸引力。每一轮,每个 NUGX 的成本都会上升,目前价格为 0.012 USDT,已经较初始发行价有所上涨。

The buzz is real; we’re watching live as folks are hustling to get in on Round 2, banking on the idea that NUGX is not just one of the top altcoins to watch but a future heavyweight in the wallet. 

嗡嗡声是真实存在的;我们正在现场观看人们争先恐后地参与第二轮的比赛,他们相信 NUGX 不仅是值得关注的顶级山寨币之一,而且是未来钱包中的重量级货币。

And with the presale designed to escalate in price with each round, culminating in a launch price that doubles the first round’s asking price, it’s a no-brainer why there’s such a scramble for NUGX in the crypto community.

由于预售的设计是每轮价格都会上涨,最终发行价是第一轮要价的两倍,因此加密社区中对 NUGX 如此争夺的原因就不言而喻了。

NuggetRush is bringing a fresh vibe to the GameFi scene. The developers have woven a narrative that’s not just compelling, but it’s backed by the solid tech of Ethereum’s blockchain. 

NuggetRush 为 GameFi 场景带来了新鲜的氛围。开发人员编织的故事不仅引人注目,而且得到了以太坊区块链可靠技术的支持。

That means every digital nugget you dig up in the game isn’t just a score on a leaderboard; it’s a piece of the blockchain, making NUGX a serious contender among the best altcoins to invest in. Plus, they’ve gone and done the smart thing by getting their smart contract audited by SolidProof, so players and investors alike can rest easy knowing it’s secure.

这意味着您在游戏中挖掘的每一个数字金块不仅仅是排行榜上的分数;它是区块链的一部分,使 NUGX 成为最佳投资山寨币的有力竞争者。此外,他们通过让 SolidProof 审核智能合约来做了明智的事情,因此玩家和投资者都可以放心,因为知道它是安全的。

Now let’s talk tokenomics because NuggetRush isn’t playing around. There’s a total supply of 500 million NUGX, with a strategic allocation that includes a hefty slice for public sale and ecosystem rewards. 

现在我们来谈谈代币经济学,因为 NuggetRush 并不是在开玩笑。 NUGX 的总供应量为 5 亿枚,其中包括大量用于公开销售和生态系统奖励的战略分配。

They’re going for the long game with features like NFT staking and guild memberships, which could give cryptocurrency trading for beginners a run for its money. It’s not just the no buy or sell tax that’s turning heads; it’s the whole package. 

他们打算通过 NFT 质押和行会会员等功能进行长期游戏,这可能会给初学者带来加密货币交易的竞争优势。引起人们关注的不仅仅是禁止买卖税,还有禁止买卖税。这是整个包裹。

NuggetRush is setting up to be more than just a flash in the pan; it’s gearing up to be the best alt coin to hold onto.

NuggetRush 的目标不仅仅是昙花一现;它正准备成为最值得持有的替代币。

This token’s got its sights set on something bigger. It’s all about building community and backing up the little guy, the artisanal miners. That’s a vibe that resonates in today’s crypto scene, making NUGX stand out as one of the top altcoins to keep an eye on.

这个代币的目标是更大的东西。这一切都是为了建立社区并支持小人物,即手工矿工。这种氛围在当今的加密货币场景中引起共鸣,使 NUGX 脱颖而出,成为值得关注的顶级山寨币之一。

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Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗币 (DOGE)

On the flip side, Dogecoin’s buzz is losing a bit of its bark. It’s not that the Dogecoin crew is any less passionate, but the crypto world’s always hungry for the next big thing. Dogecoin might have blazed the trail, but now it’s about what you bring to the table—utility, novelty, and heart.


Dogecoin, for all its charm and early mover advantage, is facing a bit of a tech crunch. It was never really built for the high-stakes game of crypto innovation—it’s like a fun meme that everyone loved but never thought would run for class president. 


Its tech is a spinoff from Litecoin, which means it’s not exactly cutting-edge, and without significant updates, it’s looking a little long in the tooth compared to the new kids on the blockchain. The coin’s transaction speeds and smart contract capabilities just aren’t on par with the more sophisticated platforms out there.


Moreover, Dogecoin’s security and efficiency aren’t quite up to snuff in a world where these factors are increasingly becoming deal-breakers for both individual and institutional crypto investors and users. It’s a bit like riding a vintage scooter in a Formula 1 race—sure, it’s got character, but it’s not exactly going to give you the winning edge. 


There’s no denying the power of its community, but when it comes to the hardcore tech aspects—like scalability or eco-friendly consensus mechanisms—Dogecoin is lagging behind the pack. It’s these nitty-gritty details that can turn a beloved meme into a viable, best altcoin contender, and that’s where Doge is struggling to keep pace.

不可否认其社区的力量,但当涉及到核心技术方面(例如可扩展性或环保共识机制)时,狗狗币落后于其他人。正是这些细节可以将一个受人喜爱的模因变成一个可行的、最好的山寨币竞争者,而这正是 Doge 努力跟上步伐的地方。



Wrapping this up, NuggetRush (NUGX) is a sign of the crypto times—community-driven, impactful, and still all about that treasure hunt thrill. Dogecoin’s star might be dimming, but NUGX is just starting to shine, promising a future where meme coins aren’t just about the meme—they’re about making a real mark.

总而言之,NuggetRush (NUGX) 是加密时代的标志——社区驱动、有影响力,而且仍然充满了寻宝的刺激。狗狗币的明星可能正在黯淡,但 NUGX 才刚刚开始闪耀,承诺未来模因币不仅仅是模因,而是要留下真正的印记。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

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这篇文章随着狗狗币增长放缓,20 倍的 Nugget Rush 继续展示其今年最热门的 Meme 硬币首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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