首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币:随着价格下跌,数亿狗狗币从 Robinhood 转移

Dogecoin: Hundreds of Millions of DOGE Moved From Robinhood as Price Drops

狗狗币:随着价格下跌,数亿狗狗币从 Robinhood 转移

发布: 2024/01/12 21:32 阅读: 831



狗狗币:随着价格下跌,数亿狗狗币从 Robinhood 转移

A recent tweet published by the popular cryptocurrency tracking platform Whale Alert shared the details of a large transaction made in Dogecoin, the original meme-inspired digital currency, from popular trading venue Robinhood.

流行的加密货币跟踪平台 Whale Alert 最近发布的一条推文分享了来自流行交易平台 Robinhood 的狗狗币(Dogecoin)大额交易的详细信息,狗狗币是最初受模因启发的数字货币。

The transaction happened while DOGE demonstrated a 5.84% decline over the period of the last 24 hours. At the time of this writing, Dogecoin is exchanging hands at $0.0848 on the Binance exchange.

此次交易发生之际,DOGE 在过去 24 小时内下跌了 5.84%。截至撰写本文时,狗狗币在币安交易所的交易价格为 0.0848 美元。

🚨 88,258,144 #DOGE (7,474,518 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/zNo7rU9DOV

🚨 88,258,144 #DOGE(7,474,518 美元)从 #Robinhood 转移到未知钱包https://t.co/zNo7rU9DOV

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) January 11, 2024

— 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 1 月 11 日

Whale grabs cheaper DOGE on Robinhood

鲸鱼在 Robinhood 上抢到更便宜的 DOGE

The Dogecoin transfer spotted by the aforementioned blockchain sleuth contained a total of 88,258,144 DOGE worth $7,474,518 as the whale most likely purchased this gigantic amount of meme coins on Robinhood and then withdrew it to a cold storage wallet, presumably.

上述区块链侦探发现的狗狗币转账总共包含 88,258,144 个 DOGE,价值 7,474,518 美元,因为鲸鱼很可能在 Robinhood 上购买了如此巨额的 meme 币,然后将其提取到冷藏钱包中。

However, details shared by Whale Alert showed that, in fact, there were two transactions – one contained the above-mentioned 88,258,144 DOGE and the second one carried nearly three times as much as the first one did, 220,709,018 DOGE. The second transfer, though, was made between Robinhood internal blockchain addresses. The bigger transfer was evaluated at $18,516,700 at the time it was made.

然而,Whale Alert 分享的细节显示,实际上有两笔交易,其中一笔交易包含上述 88,258,144 DOGE,第二笔交易金额是第一笔交易的近三倍,即 220,709,018 DOGE。不过,第二次转账是在 Robinhood 内部区块链地址之间进行的。这笔更大的转会当时的估价为 18,516,700 美元。

Elon Musk to launch payments on X, will Dogecoin be involved?

埃隆·马斯克将在 X 上推出支付,狗狗币会参与吗?

As reported by U.Today, earlier this week an official blog of the X platform, which belongs to Elon Musk, stated that the company intends to implement online payments to take the platform closer to Musk’s vision of an “everything app.”

据《今日美国》报道,本周早些时候,埃隆·马斯克旗下 X 平台的官方博客表示,该公司打算实现在线支付,以使该平台更接近马斯克“万物应用”的愿景。

Many within the cryptocurrency community still cherish a hope that Elon Musk will implement his favorite crypto, Dogecoin, as a means of payment on X/Twitter. Musk, however, has not made any statements about that; however, several times he emphasized publicly that X does not plan to launch its own cryptocurrency.

加密货币社区中的许多人仍然希望埃隆·马斯克能够将他最喜欢的加密货币狗狗币作为 X/Twitter 上的支付方式。不过,马斯克尚未对此发表任何声明。然而,他多次公开强调X并不打算推出自己的加密货币。

In a podcast published on Thursday, Musk reaffirmed his Dogecoin support, stating that he has not sold any of his DOGE.


Last year, Musk added several improvements to the X app to expand the tools that can be used by content makers – long posts and live video streams. Besides, there are two options for monetizing their work. They can either offer their followers to subscribe for a small monthly fee that is automatically written off their cards or/and activate the Monetization feature, which will allow popular bloggers to get a share of advertising revenues earned by X.

去年,马斯克对 X 应用程序进行了几项改进,以扩展内容制作者可以使用的工具——长帖子和实时视频流。此外,还有两种选择可以将他们的工作货币化。他们可以向追随者提供每月少量订阅费用,该费用会自动从他们的卡中扣除或/并激活货币化功能,这将允许受欢迎的博主分享 X 赚取的广告收入。


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