首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币真的要去月球了:预计 100% DOGE 价格会爆炸

Dogecoin Is Literally Going To The Moon: 100% DOGE Price Blast Expected

狗狗币真的要去月球了:预计 100% DOGE 价格会爆炸

发布: 2023/11/17 18:01 阅读: 993

原文作者:Scott Matherson


‘Dogecoin to the moon’ is a saying that anyone in the crypto community is familiar with. This is usually said figuratively in relation to the DOGE price actually surging. But Dogecoin is now actually headed to the moon – literally – after the official account confirmed the first DOGE space mission.

“狗狗币登月”是加密社区中任何人都熟悉的一句话。这通常是相对于 DOGE 价格实际飙升而言的。但在官方账号确认了第一个 DOGE 太空任务后,狗狗币现在实际上正前往月球——字面上的意思。

Strap In: Dogecoin Is Headed To The Moon


On Thursday, November 16, the official Dogecoin account on X (formerly Twitter, confirmed that a mission that will be taking the meme coin to the moon has now been confirmed. The mission is being orchestrated by Astrobotic Technology, a robotics company headquartered in Pennsylvania.

11 月 16 日星期四,X(以前称为 Twitter)上的狗狗币官方账户确认,将把狗狗币带到月球的任务现已确认。该任务由总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的机器人公司 Astrobotic Technology 精心策划。

The details of the mission included in the post include the fact that a physical Dogecoin is being included in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket which is set to take off on December 24, 2023. The DHL Moonbox is a memento box that carries different keepsakes to take to the moon.

帖子中包含的任务细节包括,实体狗狗币将通过 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭装载到 DHL Moonbox 中,该火箭定于 2023 年 12 月 24 日起飞。DHL Moonbox 是一个纪念品盒,里面装有不同的狗狗币。带去月球的纪念品。

According to data from Astrobotic Technology, the DHL Moonbox headed to the moon in December has been filled with items from all around the world, including the United States, Germany, Canada, etc. Upon the completion of the mission, DOGE will be the first cryptocurrency to be sent to the moon, marking an important milestone for the meme coin.

据Astrobotic Technology的数据显示,12月前往月球的DHL Moonbox已经装满了来自世界各地的物品,包括美国、德国、加拿大等。任务完成后,DOGE将是第一个加密货币将被发送到月球,这标志着模因币的一个重要里程碑。

DOGE price surges as news spreads | Source: DOGEUSD On Tradingview.com

随着消息传出,DOGE 价格飙升 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD

DOGE Price Ready To Double

DOGE 价格即将翻倍

The Dogecoin price is already in a position where it is expected to surge. But the confirmation of the Dogecoin on the moon mission has added fuel to the fire. Following the announcement, the DOGE price jumped above $0.83 for the first time in four years.

狗狗币的价格已经处于预期飙升的位置。但狗狗币登月任务的确认更是火上浇油。消息公布后,DOGE 价格四年来首次跃升至 0.83 美元以上。

Crypto analyst Crypto Kaleo earlier shared an analysis of the Dogecoin price that puts it above $0.15. According to Kaleo, DOGE is expected to move very fast and will hit $0.09 to $0.1 first, before continuing on to the $0.15 target.

加密货币分析师 Crypto Kaleo 早些时候分享了对狗狗币价格的分析,该分析显示其价格高于 0.15 美元。据 Kaleo 称,DOGE 预计将快速上涨,将首先触及 0.09 至 0.1 美元,然后继续达到 0.15 美元的目标。

Kaleo bases his analysis on the DOGE/BTC chart where he says; “I’m just looking for a touch of HTF resistance on the BTC pair around 550 sats.” This is apparently the confirmation of the rally that the crypto analyst thinks could possibly push the price to $0.2.

Kaleo 的分析基于 DOGE/BTC 图表,他说: “我只是在 550 sat 左右寻找 BTC 对的 HTF 阻力位。”这显然证实了加密货币分析师认为可能将价格推至 0.2 美元的反弹。

Dogeocoin’s daily volume is already up more than 50% in the last day alone, suggesting a higher level of interest from investors. Once sellers’ fatigue kicks in and demand rises, DOGE could clear the $0.09 level before the end of the day.

狗狗币的日交易量仅在最后一天就增长了 50% 以上,这表明投资者的兴趣更高。一旦卖家开始疲倦且需求上升,DOGE 可能会在当天收盘前突破 0.09 美元的水平。

At the time of this writing, the DOGE price is sitting at $0.0804, with 7.86% gains in the last day. It is the 9th-largest cryptocurrency in the market with a market cap of $11.4 billion.

截至撰写本文时,DOGE 价格为 0.0804 美元,最后一天上涨 7.86%。它是市场上第九大加密货币,市值为 114 亿美元。


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