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Dogecoin Millionaire Wallets Remain Steady Despite Inflationary Nature


发布: 2023/12/21 16:16 阅读: 630



Dogecoin (DOGE), the largest memecoin and the 9th largest altcoin, has seen its price increase by nearly 30 percent since the start of the year. Despite this limited increase in price compared to many altcoins and its inflationary nature, the number of millionaire DOGE investors with balances over one million dollars has remained unchanged, even increasing.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 是最大的模因币和第九大山寨币,自今年年初以来,其价格上涨了近 30%。尽管与许多山寨币相比价格涨幅有限,而且具有通货膨胀性质,但余额超过 100 万美元的百万富翁 DOGE 投资​​者的数量保持不变,甚至有所增加。

Current Status of Millionaire Level Dogecoin Wallet Addresses


Recent on-chain data shows that the number of total wallet addresses holding Dogecoin at the millionaire level has remained nearly unchanged since December 2022, recorded at 716. As of December 20, 2023, the number of wallet addresses holding over one million dollars in DOGE has increased by only 2 wallets to 718, nearly unchanged from December 2022.

近期链上数据显示,自 2022 年 12 月以来,持有狗狗币的百万富翁级别钱包地址数量几乎保持不变,为 716 个。截至 2023 年 12 月 20 日,持有狗狗币超过 100 万美元的钱包地址数量仅增加了 2 个钱包,达到 718 个,与 2022 年 12 月相比几乎没有变化。

Currently, 611 wallet addresses hold over one million dollars in DOGE. Interestingly, according to data from BitInfoCharts.com, there are 107 wallet addresses with balances exceeding 10 million dollars. The number of wallet addresses in this category has increased by 79 compared to last year. Moreover, the data shows that the number of wallet addresses with balances over one million dollars increased by approximately 100 following the recent price surge of Dogecoin last month.

目前,有 611 个钱包地址持有超过 100 万美元的 DOGE。有趣的是,根据BitInfoCharts.com的数据,余额超过1000万美元的钱包地址有107个。该类别的钱包地址数量较去年增加了79个。此外,数据显示,继上个月狗狗币价格飙升后,余额超过100万美元的钱包地址数量增加了约100个。

The number of wallet addresses holding one million dollars or more in DOGE remaining nearly unchanged can be directly attributed to Dogecoin’s inflationary nature; this situation stands out as one that continuously erodes the wealth of existing wallet addresses due to the constant influx of new DOGE into circulation, making it increasingly difficult to surpass the one million dollar threshold.

持有 100 万美元或以上 DOGE 的钱包地址数量几乎保持不变,这可以直接归因于狗狗币的通货膨胀性质;由于新的 DOGE 不断涌入流通,这种情况不断侵蚀现有钱包地址的财富,使得突破 100 万美元的门槛变得越来越困难。

However, it is important to note that the current figures could potentially be misleading due to the fundamental feature of cryptocurrencies, which is the freedom for an individual investor to control multiple wallet addresses.


DOGE Price Analysis


At the time of writing this article, DOGE is trading at $0.09, down 2.34% in the last 24 hours. This contributes to the negative momentum observed over a 7-day period, which corresponds to a cumulative drop of 11.59% and a loss of 2.03% in value, contrary to the gains recorded over a 30-day period.

在撰写本文时,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.09 美元,在过去 24 小时内下跌了 2.34%。这导致了 7 天期间观察到的负面势头,相当于累计下跌 11.59%,价值损失 2.03%,与 30 天期间记录的收益相反。

The memecoin is currently trading above its 200-day simple moving average, indicating a positive trend. Additionally, the price has characterized 18 of the last 30 days with increases, corresponding to 60% of the trading sessions being positive during this period. Although DOGE has performed better than 63% of the top 100 cryptocurrencies last year, it is currently priced 88% below its all-time high (ATH).

Memecoin 目前的交易价格高于 200 天简单移动平均线,表明趋势良好。此外,过去 30 天中有 18 天价格出现上涨,相当于在此期间 60% 的交易时段为正值。尽管 DOGE 去年的表现优于前 100 名加密货币中的 63%,但目前其价格比历史最高点 (ATH) 低 88%。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoin-millionaire-wallets-remain-steady-despite-inflationary-nature/



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