首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2024 年狗狗币价格分析,专家对 DOGE 失去信心,支持该代币在 2024 年提供 100 倍回报

Dogecoin Price Analysis 2024, Experts Lose Confidence on DOGE, Back this Token to Give 100x Returns in 2024

2024 年狗狗币价格分析,专家对 DOGE 失去信心,支持该代币在 2024 年提供 100 倍回报

发布: 2023/12/20 12:23 阅读: 932



2024 年狗狗币价格分析,专家对 DOGE 失去信心,支持该代币在 2024 年提供 100 倍回报

Dogecoin’s recent nosedive is setting the stage for a thrilling comeback led by Retik Finance. Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride as we unravel the drama of falls, rises, and the dawn of a crypto revolution!

狗狗币最近的暴跌为 Retik Finance 带领的激动人心的卷土重来奠定了基础。当我们揭开加密货币革命的跌落、崛起和黎明的戏剧性时,请准备好坐过山车吧!

Miners’ Bearish Activity On DogeCoin


Beyond the surface-level analysis of price charts, a deeper examination of Dogecoin’s on-chain data reveals a significant shift in miners’ trading behaviour. While Dogecoin’s price climbed the gainer’s charts, miners engaged in a bearish trend by offloading their reserves over the past three weeks.According to data from IntoTheBlock, the aggregate reserves held by Dogecoin miners were at 4.64 billion DOGE as of November 21. However, this figure has dwindled to 4.4 billion as of December 13. The depletion of 240 million DOGE (equivalent to approximately $25 million) by Dogecoin miners indicates a strategic move to capitalize on the price rally and cash out at the peak.

除了价格图表的表面分析之外,对狗狗币链上数据的更深入检查揭示了矿工交易行为的重大转变。尽管狗狗币的价格攀升,但过去三周以来,矿工们纷纷抛售储备金,陷入看跌趋势。根据 IntoTheBlock 的数据,截至 11 月 21 日,狗狗币矿工持有的总储备量为 46.4 亿 DOGE。截至 12 月 13 日,这一数字已减少至 44 亿。狗狗币矿工消耗了 2.4 亿 DOGE(约合 2500 万美元),表明他们采取了利用价格上涨并在高峰期兑现的战略举措。

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Impact of Miners’ Selling Trend


A sustained selling trend among miners can exert downward pressure on a cryptocurrency’s price for two primary reasons.


Dilution of Market Supply


When miners flood the market with newly mined coins, it increases the overall supply.


Without a corresponding rise in demand, the surplus supply tends to lead to a decline in price.


Influence on Stakeholders


Observing miners’ substantial sell-off may prompt other ecosystem participants to adopt a cautious trading stance.The perception of miners selling can create a ripple effect, influencing market sentiment negatively.


The aftermath of Dogecoin miners liquidating $25 million worth of DOGE in the last three weeks has materialised in a downturn in its price. As of December 13, DOGE reached a 10-day low of $0.089. Although it is currently trading at $0.09396, there are lingering indications that DOGE might undergo further decline.

狗狗币矿工在过去三周内清算了价值 2500 万美元的狗狗币,其后果是狗狗币价格下跌。截至 12 月 13 日,DOGE 触及 0.089 美元的 10 天低点。尽管目前的交易价格为 0.09396 美元,但仍有迹象表明 DOGE 可能会进一步下跌。

Experts Lose Confidence in DOGE

专家对 DOGE 失去信心

The recent bearish activity among Dogecoin miners has contributed to a loss of confidence among industry experts. The cryptocurrency market, known for its volatility, is susceptible to sudden shifts in sentiment based on fundamental factors.


Dogecoin’s Uncertain Future


With the memecoin pioneer facing challenges such as bearish miner behaviour, doubts about its future trajectory have surfaced. While Dogecoin has enjoyed a unique position in the crypto space, characterized by a fervent community and celebrity endorsements, its long-term sustainability is now in question.


Investors Seek Alternatives: Retik Finance Emerges

投资者寻求替代方案:Retik Finance 出现

In the face of uncertainty surrounding Dogecoin, investors are turning to alternative assets that offer the potential for substantial returns. One such token gaining attention is Retik Finance, backed by a strategic and innovative approach to bridging the gap between fiat and crypto worlds.

面对狗狗币的不确定性,投资者正在转向提供可观回报潜力的另类资产。 Retik Finance 是其中一个受到关注的代币,它以战略和创新方法为后盾,旨在弥合法定货币和加密货币世界之间的差距。

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Retik Finance: A Beacon of Innovation

Retik Finance:创新的灯塔

Retik Finance stands out as a beacon of innovation in the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. Rather than eliminating fiat currency, Retik Finance seeks to build an interface that bridges the gap between traditional finance and the crypto realm.

Retik Finance 成为去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域的创新灯塔。 Retik Finance 并没有消除法定货币,而是寻求建立一个弥合传统金融和加密领域之间差距的界面。

Three Key Categories of Bridging Agenda


Payment Functions for Commercial Applications


  • SwiftPay: Initiating auto RETIK transfers and authorizing payees.
  • SwiftPay:启动自动 RETIK 转账并授权收款人。

  • Multilevel Accounts: Coordinating multiple authorities in organizational structures.
  • 多级账户:协调组织结构中的多个权限。

Support Functions for Commercial Applications


  • Efficient operational support for ongoing system adjustments.
  • 为正在进行的系统调整提供高效的运营支持。

Performance Issues with Cryptocurrency


  • Addressing liquidity, cross-chain payments, volatility, and transparency.
  • 解决流动性、跨链支付、波动性和透明度问题。

  • They are leveraging the misunderstood compromises of cryptocurrency’s non-custodial processes as opportunities with well-designed implementations.
  • 他们利用加密货币非托管流程中被误解的妥协作为精心设计的实施机会。

Real-World Crypto Adoption


Retik Finance goes beyond the virtual realm by pioneering the real-life integration of cryptocurrency. By offering a comprehensive DeFi solution, including DeFi Debit Cards, Smart Crypto Payment Gateway, AI-powered P2P Lending, and a Multi-Chain Non-Custodial Highly Secured DeFi Wallet, Retik Finance aims to redefine global transactions.Priced at $0.040 as of writing, RETIK has its sights set on delivering a remarkable 100X gain in 2024. Fueled by its distinctive capabilities and real-world applications, RETIK emerges as a promising contender in the cryptocurrency landscape.

Retik Finance 开创了加密货币与现实生活融合的先河,超越了虚拟领域。通过提供全面的 DeFi 解决方案,包括 DeFi 借记卡、智能加密支付网关、人工智能驱动的 P2P 借贷和多链非托管高度安全的 DeFi 钱包,Retik Finance 旨在重新定义全球交易。截至撰写本文时定价为 0.040 美元RETIK 的目标是在 2024 年实现 100 倍的惊人增长。在其独特的功能和实际应用的推动下,RETIK 成为加密货币领域的一个有前途的竞争者。



As Dogecoin faces uncertainties and experts lose confidence, investors are actively seeking alternatives with promising potential. Retik Finance emerges as a compelling option, backed by innovative solutions and a commitment to inclusivity.

由于狗狗币面临不确定性,专家失去信心,投资者正在积极寻找具有前景的替代品。在创新解决方案和对包容性的承诺的支持下,Retik Finance 成为一个引人注目的选择。

In the ever-evolving crypto landscape, adaptability and forward-thinking strategies are crucial. Retik Finance’s unique approach and focus on bridging the gap between the fiat and crypto worlds position it as a standout contender in the quest for sustainable and groundbreaking decentralized finance. As the crypto community navigates the challenges and opportunities ahead, the choices made today may shape the entire industry’s future.

在不断发展的加密货币领域,适应性和前瞻性策略至关重要。 Retik Finance 独特的方法和对弥合法定货币和加密货币世界之间差距的关注使其成为寻求可持续和突破性去中心化金融的杰出竞争者。随着加密货币社区应对未来的挑战和机遇,今天做出的选择可能会塑造整个行业的未来。

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Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):

请访问以下链接,了解有关 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的更多信息:


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