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Dogecoin Price Forecast: Will Recent Trends Lead to Recovery or Further Decline?


发布: 2024/07/01 04:46 阅读: 266




Dogecoin Price Forecast: Recent Trends and Market Sentiment


The current Dogecoin price stands at $0.12, reflecting a significant 23.74% decline over the past month.

目前狗狗币价格为 0.12 美元,较过去一个月大幅下跌 23.74%。

Market sentiment is influenced by the balance between buyers (bidders) and sellers (askers) in the Exchange On-Chain Market Depth.


Major holders are adjusting their Dogecoin positions, potentially affecting its future price trajectory. Data indicates that holders controlling approximately 0.1% of the total Dogecoin supply have been selling. This has raised concerns about downward pressure on the price.

主要持有者正在调整他们的狗狗币头寸,这可能会影响其未来的价格轨迹。数据显示,控制着狗狗币总供应量约 0.1% 的持有者已经在抛售。这引发了人们对价格下行压力的担忧。

However, other metrics suggest accumulation efforts. The netflow of Dogecoin among large holders has declined recently, indicating reduced selling activity from this influential group.


Analysts predict that further declines to around $0.10 are possible if selling pressure persists.

分析师预测,如果抛售压力持续存在,价格可能进一步下跌至 0.10 美元左右。

The Mean Coin Age (MCA) of Dogecoin, which measures the average age of coins held in wallets, has declined since late June. This suggests that older coins are being stored long-term, potentially stabilizing supply.

狗狗币的平均币龄(MCA)用于衡量钱包中持有的币的平均年龄,自 6 月下旬以来一直在下降。这表明较旧的硬币正在长期储存,有可能稳定供应。

The Exchange On-Chain Market Depth shows a higher bid-to-ask ratio, indicating stronger buying interest. If this trend continues, Dogecoin could rebound towards $0.15 in the near future.

交易所链上市场深度显示出价比较高,表明购买兴趣较强。如果这种趋势持续下去,狗狗币可能会在不久的将来反弹至 0.15 美元。

However, the market outlook remains uncertain, as it is heavily influenced by the behavior of large holders and overall market sentiment. Traders may be positioned to take advantage of price dips, buying Dogecoin at discounted levels, which could also impact short-term price movements.



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